
Loharapali Village

Loharapali is belongs to Nuapada, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Loharapali
Village code : 422256
Block Name : Sinapali (0258)
Area : 51
Gram Panchayat : Sing jhar (14)
District : Nuapada
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Nuapada
District Head Quarter distance : 108 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : KHARIAR ROAD
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 39 Kms
Population : 74
Households : 17
Male : 39
Female : 35
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 766108
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 5.82 Hectares

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Near by villages of Loharapali

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Latkanpada 421804 Kurumpuri 291 Hectares 521
2 Kanetghatmal 422148 Ghatmal 635 Hectares 830
3 Jogabhata 422149 Ghatmal 380 Hectares 605
4 Armala 422150 Gorla 268 Hectares 383
5 Govindpur 422151 Timanpur 361 Hectares 1029
6 Hirapur 422152 Timanpur 279 Hectares 1160
7 Maheswar 422153 Gorla 276 Hectares 634
8 Dhungiamunda 422154 Gorla 131 Hectares 188
9 Mandiarucha 422155 Timanpur 277 Hectares 616
10 Ranimunda 422156 Timanpur 1105 Hectares 1898
11 Baigapada 422157 Nilji 259 Hectares 695
12 Ranidunguri 422158 Nilji 106 Hectares 333
13 Timanpur 422159 Timanpur 305 Hectares 1041
14 Rebadi 422160 Nilji 322 Hectares 318
15 Karlakhamar 422161 Nilji 301 Hectares 626
16 Khapurimal 422162 Gorla 284 Hectares 884
17 Gorla 422163 Gorla 571 Hectares 1493
18 Malpada 422164 Gorla 307 Hectares 1146
19 Kusumkhunta 422165 Gorla 182 Hectares 477
20 Bijalpur 422166 Gorla 129 Hectares 308
21 Dumerbahal 422167 Ghatmal 586 Hectares 207
22 Karadungari 422168 Nangalbod 68 Hectares 137
23 Jamabahali 422169 Ghatmal 173 Hectares 179
24 Chitarama 422170 Ghatmal 204 Hectares 207
25 Sindursil 422171 Ghatmal 156 Hectares 302
26 Talakot 422172 Ghatmal 240 Hectares 949
27 Bhatapani 422173 Nangalbod 405 Hectares 713
28 Nangalbod 422174 Nangalbod 284 Hectares 992
29 Tankamal 422175 Nangalbod 320 Hectares 242
30 Dauda 422176 Nangalbod 219 Hectares 212
31 Bhuliabhata 422177 Nangalbod 342 Hectares 374
32 Fulchi 422178 Nangalbod 288 Hectares 381
33 Kathibadi 422179 Khairpadar 291 Hectares 175
34 Sardhapur 422180 Khairpadar 208 Hectares 561
35 Khirbhadi 422181 Khairpadar 474 Hectares 923
36 Darlipada 422182 Kendumunda 612 Hectares 618
37 Kharsel 422183 Nilji 533 Hectares 1115
38 Kaintapadar 422184 Khairpadar 271 Hectares 886
39 Ghuchaguda 422185 Koranbahali 524 Hectares 2176
40 Nilji 422186 Nilji 614 Hectares 2543
41 Gadaramal 422187 Nilji 211 Hectares 1311
42 Khalna 422188 Godal 299 Hectares 608
43 Palsapara 422189 Godal 181 Hectares 1432
44 Chatiaguda 422190 Chatiaguda 607 Hectares 2122
45 Sagunbhadi 422191 Chatiaguda 231 Hectares 1258
46 Jugenpadar 422192 Sinapali 149 Hectares 1192
47 Sinapali 422193 Sinapali 297 Hectares 5322
48 Kapsi 422194 Sinapali 650 Hectares 1578
49 Sardhapur 422195 Ghantiguda 249 Hectares 819
50 Ghotuguda 422196 Ghantiguda 294 Hectares 1285
51 Chalna 422197 Hatibandha 424 Hectares 1459
52 Nandagaon 422198 Ghantiguda 274 Hectares 517
53 Hatibandha 422207 Hatibandha 1082 Hectares 4075
54 Gidhamal 422208 Hatibandha 265 Hectares 507
55 Charpali 422213 Hatibandha 577 Hectares 1077
56 Dhungiamunda 422214 Hatibandha 348 Hectares 669
57 Litiguda 422215 Litiguda 528 Hectares 1819
58 Chancharabhata 422216 Bharuamunda 312 Hectares 794
59 Barpadar 422217 Bharuamunda 252 Hectares 540
60 Bharuamunda 422218 Bharuamunda 197 Hectares 776
61 Govindapur 422219 Bharuamunda 330 Hectares 350
62 Karlapani 422220 Ghantiguda 297 Hectares 336
63 Mahagaon 422221 Godal 461 Hectares 1104
64 Kotamal 422222 Godal 377 Hectares 933
65 Singjhar 422223 Sing jhar 862 Hectares 2761
66 Godal 422224 Godal 301 Hectares 1604
67 Dangargaon 422225 Godal 94 Hectares 420
68 Kodobeda 422226 Sing jhar 249 Hectares 935
69 Pendraban 422227 Sing jhar 342 Hectares 723
70 Kuliadungri 422228 Koranbahali 251 Hectares 626
71 Karanbahali 422229 Koranbahali 210 Hectares 447
72 Dungriguda 422230 Koranbahali 154 Hectares 530
73 Dengamancha 422231 Koranbahali 85 Hectares 31
74 Chandel 422232 Koranbahali 117 Hectares 202
75 Dungrikhol 422233 Kendumunda 144 Hectares 129
76 Kendumunda 422234 Kendumunda 408 Hectares 1363
77 Haldimunda 422235 Khairpadar 208 Hectares 712
78 Kandolkona 422236 Kendumunda 254 Hectares 1096
79 Jampani 422237 Kendumunda 437 Hectares 670
80 Siallati 422238 Khairpadar 226 Hectares 124
81 Dangargaon 422239 Nangalbod 298 Hectares 271
82 Nuamalpada 422240 Nangalbod 867 Hectares 1340
83 Akhadabhata 422241 Nangalbod 209 Hectares 189
84 Darlipada 422242 Khairpadar 200 Hectares 759
85 Dhingiamunda (Dhungiamunda) 422243 Kendumunda 539 Hectares 1216
86 Gojiadungri 422244 Kendumunda 21 Hectares 64
87 Tileimal 422245 Jharbandha 321 Hectares 608
88 Badibahal 422246 Koranbahali 526 Hectares 480
89 Jharbandha 422247 Jharbandha 454 Hectares 1378
90 Mankarguda 422248 Koranbahali 150 Hectares 43
91 Nagajhar 422250 Jharbandha 188 Hectares 579
92 Kandamunda 422251 Jharbandha 512 Hectares 1022
93 Jhulenbar 422252 Jharbandha 127 Hectares 243
94 Malapada 422253 Jharbandha 373 Hectares 1107
95 Brahmaniguda 422254 Kusumjhore 556 Hectares 1421
96 Sonabarsa 422255 Sing jhar 262 Hectares 400
97 Kuliaribahal (Koliari Bahal) 422257 Sing jhar 163 Hectares 229
98 Brahmanpada 422258 Godal 543 Hectares 1349
99 Nuaguda 422259 Kusumjhore 240 Hectares 468
100 Kusumjore 422260 Kusumjhore 480 Hectares 887
101 Kaseipani 422261 Kusumjhore 319 Hectares 1334
102 Haldikhol 422262 Kusumjhore 251 Hectares 314
103 Sandhibahali 422263 Nuapara 133 Hectares 85
104 Patialpara 422264 Nuapara 248 Hectares 427
105 Gailapani 422265 Nuapara 195 Hectares 67
106 Nuapara 422266 Nuapara 636 Hectares 2115
107 Jarelpadar 422267 Bharuamunda 176 Hectares 449
108 Kokpadar 422268 Litiguda 291 Hectares 801
109 Gendulpani 422270 Ghatmal 380 Hectares 239

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Loharapali.

Q2: What is the village code for Loharapali?

A2: The village code for Loharapali is 422256.

Q3: In which block is Loharapali located?

A3: Loharapali is located in the Sinapali block.

Q4: What is the total area of Loharapali?

A4: The total area of Loharapali is 51 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Loharapali belong to?

A5: Loharapali belongs to the Sing jhar Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Loharapali located?

A6: Loharapali is located in the Nuapada district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Loharapali from the district headquarter?

A7: Loharapali is 108 kilometers away from the Nuapada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Loharapali?

A8: The nearest statutory town is KHARIAR ROAD which is 39 kilometers away from Loharapali.

Q9: What is the population of Loharapali?

A9: The population of Loharapali is 74 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Loharapali?

A10: There are 193 households in Loharapali.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Loharapali?

A11: There are 39 males and 35 females in Loharapali.

Q12: Are there any schools in Loharapali?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Loharapali. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Loharapali?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Loharapali.

Q14: What is the pin code of Loharapali?

A14: The pin code of Loharapali is 766108.

Q15: Does Loharapali have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Loharapali.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Loharapali?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Loharapali.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Loharapali?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Loharapali.

Q18: Is Loharapali connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Loharapali.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Loharapali?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Loharapali.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Loharapali?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Loharapali.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Loharapali?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Loharapali is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Loharapali?

A22: There are 5.82 Hectares of forest area in Loharapali.

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