
Belda Village

Belda is belongs to Balasore, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Belda
Village code : 393731
Block Name : Soro (0096)
Area : 186
Gram Panchayat : Attapur (04)
District : Balasore
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Baleshwar
District Head Quarter distance : 46 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : SORO
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 15 Kms
Population : 1600
Households : 327
Male : 829
Female : 771
Govt Primary School : 2
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 756047
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Belda location

Near by villages of Belda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Balimundali 393332 Badapokhari 101 Hectares 770
2 Similipal 393333 Badapokhari 16 Hectares 159
3 Budakhunta 393334 Badapokhari 111 Hectares 917
4 Daripokhari 393335 Badapokhari 51 Hectares 373
5 Brajakishorepur 393336 Badapokhari 13 Hectares 10
6 Badhi 393337 Badapokhari 97 Hectares 953
7 Jayanarayanpur 393338 Badapokhari 14 Hectares 93
8 Niankhia 393339 Badapokhari 19 Hectares 132
9 Badapokhri 393340 Badapokhari 398 Hectares 2578
10 Jokagadia 393341 Badapokhari 34 Hectares 250
11 Nuagaon 393342 Badapokhari 15 Hectares 136
12 Rodanapur 393343 Badapokhari 33 Hectares 181
13 Ambagadia 393344 Badapokhari 18 Hectares 206
14 Aghasul 393345 Badapokhari 14 Hectares 212
15 Garudahata 393346 Aghirapada 72 Hectares 469
16 Laxmisula 393347 Aghirapada 80 Hectares 183
17 Kamarapala 393348 Aghirapada 243 Hectares 1847
18 Mangalpada 393434 Dagarpada 35 Hectares 367
19 Nizorash 393436 Dagarpada 66 Hectares 612
20 Balipur 393437 Achhutipur 49 Hectares 24
21 Munida 393438 Achhutipur 61 Hectares 244
22 Basindipur 393439 Achhutipur 23 Hectares 168
23 Naranpur 393440 Dagarpada 66 Hectares 385
24 Chakmadhusudanpur 393441 Dagarpada 5 Hectares 45
25 Madhusudanpur 393442 Dagarpada 3 Hectares 37
26 Dagarpada 393443 Dagarpada 163 Hectares 1293
27 Purastampur 393444 Dagarpada 12 Hectares 26
28 BadabahadalPur 393446 Dagarpada 217 Hectares 1003
29 Ogalpur 393448 Dagarpada 80 Hectares 369
30 Siripur 393449 Achhutipur 44 Hectares 222
31 Jalada 393450 Jalda 374 Hectares 2131
32 Dalanga-I 393451 Gagandhuli 245 Hectares 1438
33 Dalanga-II 393452 Gagandhuli 190 Hectares 1632
34 Harekrushnapur 393453 Gagandhuli 7 Hectares 165
35 Khairadihi 393454 Gagandhuli 63 Hectares 300
36 Panisiali 393455 Gagandhuli 83 Hectares 484
37 Malikapur 393456 Gagandhuli 73 Hectares 296
38 Tentuliapada 393457 Gagandhuli 64 Hectares 654
39 Turigaria 393458 Gagandhuli 19 Hectares 305
40 Pitagadia 393459 Gagandhuli 14 Hectares 67
41 Machhada 393460 Gagandhuli 139 Hectares 1109
42 Gagandhuli 393461 Gagandhuli 4 Hectares 117
43 Praharajapur 393462 Gagandhuli 106 Hectares 562
44 Baitanki 393463 Jalda 13 Hectares 32
45 Tuta 393464 Jalda 257 Hectares 1353
46 Deuli 393465 Achhutipur 52 Hectares 274
47 Ohada 393466 Achhutipur 161 Hectares 1276
48 Achhutipur 393467 Achhutipur 103 Hectares 443
49 Chakohad 393468 Achhutipur 21 Hectares 44
50 Mirjapur 393469 Achhutipur 43 Hectares 301
51 Nuasahi 393471 Achhutipur 24 Hectares 153
52 Chandagochhi 393472 Shyamsundarpur 58 Hectares 242
53 Chakradharapur 393473 Shyamsundarpur 39 Hectares 298
54 Kusundaspur 393474 Shyamsundarpur 129 Hectares 663
55 Sahidnagar 393476 Shyamsundarpur 30 Hectares 44
56 Sarakhia 393529 Nayakhandi 31 Hectares 130
57 Nandor 393546 Nandapur 278 Hectares 1504
58 Kalajhatia 393547 Mahatipur 26 Hectares 105
59 Shyamasundarpur 393551 Shyamsundarpur 93 Hectares 1304
60 Parbatipur 393552 Shyamsundarpur 79 Hectares 594
61 Randakhajuri 393553 Shyamsundarpur 68 Hectares 752
62 Mahinsamunda 393554 Shyamsundarpur 53 Hectares 332
63 Chakapada 393555 Shyamsundarpur 58 Hectares 599
64 Jhatia 393556 Shyamsundarpur 73 Hectares 492
65 Sadikpur 393557 Jalda 86 Hectares 494
66 Sampei 393558 Jalda 31 Hectares 622
67 Kanhupur 393559 Jalda 10 Hectares 96
68 Basindipur 393560 Makhanpur 23 Hectares 27
69 Bhatapada 393561 Makhanpur 101 Hectares 474
70 Gandua 393562 Gagandhuli 148 Hectares 464
71 Manoharpur 393563 Gagandhuli 46 Hectares 117
72 Krushnapur 393564 Jalda 21 Hectares 146
73 Raigadia 393565 Gagandhuli 51 Hectares 275
74 Janhiapada 393566 Gagandhuli 29 Hectares 195
75 Raipur 393567 Gagandhuli 30 Hectares 374
76 Rafayatpur 393568 Gagandhuli 121 Hectares 678
77 Durgapur 393569 Makhanpur 66 Hectares 330
78 Kasindipur 393570 Makhanpur 95 Hectares 256
79 Saundia 393571 Makhanpur 397 Hectares 1710
80 Katpur 393572 Makhanpur 23 Hectares 164
81 Anantabad 393573 Makhanpur 20 Hectares 70
82 Kurunta 393575 Kurunta 284 Hectares 1232
83 Barangia 393576 Kurunta 111 Hectares 925
84 Panchagachhia 393577 Kurunta 51 Hectares 119
85 Kaliha 393578 Kurunta 106 Hectares 422
86 Sitapur 393579 Kurunta 15 Hectares 57
87 Basudebpur 393580 Kurunta 49 Hectares 201
88 Gopinathpur 393581 Nandapur 37 Hectares 95
89 Brahmachari 393582 Nandapur 74 Hectares 339
90 Mathanuagan 393583 Nandapur 68 Hectares 303
91 Asuria 393584 Sardang 134 Hectares 544
92 Sunguda 393585 Nandapur 111 Hectares 373
93 Rudhungia 393674 Sardang 103 Hectares 357
94 Miripurkhaira 393675 Kurunta 174 Hectares 910
95 Raikula 393676 Kurunta 191 Hectares 1545
96 Raghunathapur 393677 Kurunta 35 Hectares 119
97 Makhanpur 393678 Makhanpur 59 Hectares 425
98 Dularpur 393679 Makhanpur 71 Hectares 144
99 Medinipur 393681 Makhanpur 63 Hectares 306
100 Anantapur 393682 Makhanpur 35 Hectares 265
101 Taranga 393683 Makhanpur 206 Hectares 1143
102 Bhaskarpur 393684 Makhanpur 67 Hectares 308
103 Khirapada 393685 Makhanpur 155 Hectares 1049
104 Khunta 393686 Manipur 497 Hectares 2599
105 Beheranpur 393687 Manipur 49 Hectares 288
106 Kanhupur 393688 Manipur 21 Hectares 349
107 Ruso-19 393720 Jadida 28 Hectares 368
108 Baghua 393725 Jadida 64 Hectares 461
109 Haridagadia 393726 Manipur 51 Hectares 257
110 Mudupur 393727 Manipur 18 Hectares 91
111 Manipur 393728 Manipur 312 Hectares 1410
112 Ranapur 393729 Manipur 81 Hectares 550
113 Chhatara 393730 Manipur 351 Hectares 1924
114 Haridapada 393732 Nadigan 24 Hectares 102
115 Krushnadaspur 393733 Madhusudanpur 89 Hectares 508
116 Guhaldihi 393750 Nadigan 80 Hectares 740
117 Bansikharji 393751 Madhusudanpur 50 Hectares 149
118 Bainchabanka 393752 Madhusudanpur 26 Hectares 137
119 Agiria 393753 Madhusudanpur 52 Hectares 263
120 Madhusudanpur 393755 Madhusudanpur 102 Hectares 891
121 Khajuridiha 393756 Madhusudanpur 105 Hectares 346
122 Naharpada 393757 Madhusudanpur 146 Hectares 686
123 Krushnacharanpur 393758 Madhusudanpur 91 Hectares 361
124 Budei 393759 Madhusudanpur 80 Hectares 332
125 Kuruniasasan 393760 Madhusudanpur 26 Hectares 132
126 Nuagansan 393763 Madhusudanpur 15 Hectares 98
127 Dagara 393764 Madhusudanpur 26 Hectares 180
128 Kurunia 393765 Madhusudanpur 214 Hectares 1140
129 Banaparia 393767 Sabira 59 Hectares 196
130 Bhatapada 393768 Sabira 12 Hectares 191
131 Dandapalasa 393769 Sabira 218 Hectares 1131
132 Purunapalasa 393771 Madhusudanpur 25 Hectares 12

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Belda.

Q2: What is the village code for Belda?

A2: The village code for Belda is 393731.

Q3: In which block is Belda located?

A3: Belda is located in the Soro block.

Q4: What is the total area of Belda?

A4: The total area of Belda is 186 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Belda belong to?

A5: Belda belongs to the Attapur Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Belda located?

A6: Belda is located in the Balasore district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Belda from the district headquarter?

A7: Belda is 46 kilometers away from the Baleshwar district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Belda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is SORO which is 15 kilometers away from Belda.

Q9: What is the population of Belda?

A9: The population of Belda is 1600 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Belda?

A10: There are 193 households in Belda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Belda?

A11: There are 829 males and 771 females in Belda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Belda?

A12: Yes, there is 2 government primary school in Belda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Belda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Belda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Belda?

A14: The pin code of Belda is 756047.

Q15: Does Belda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Belda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Belda?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Belda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Belda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Belda.

Q18: Is Belda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Belda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Belda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Belda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Belda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Belda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Belda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Belda is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Belda?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Belda.

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