
Balijan N.C. Village

Balijan N.C. is belongs to Lakhimpur, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Balijan N.C.
Village code : 288184
Block Name : Telahi (0083)
Area : 200
Gram Panchayat : PUB TELAHI ()
District : Lakhimpur
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : NORTH LAKHIMPUR
District Head Quarter distance : 27 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : North Lakhimpur (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 27 Kms
Population : 744
Households : 111
Male : 385
Female : 359
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 787052
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Balijan N.C. location

Near by villages of Balijan N.C.

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Ranga Pathar 287876 RANGANADI 237.29 Hectares 1146
2 Bargayan Gendheli 287879 RANGANADI 45.42 Hectares 471
3 Kadamial 288135 KAMALABARIA 110 Hectares 247
4 Kundumiri 288136 KAMALABARIA 49.44 Hectares 191
5 Kumarkata 288137 KAMALABARIA 287 Hectares 2875
6 Lechai 288138 KAMALABARIA 270 Hectares 732
7 Gualbari N.C. 288173 PUB TELAHI 13.39 Hectares 794
8 Karah Chapari 288179 PUB TELAHI 126 Hectares 1110
9 Gamchuk 288180 PUB TELAHI 292 Hectares 1287
10 Singimari N.C 288181 PUB TELAHI 145 Hectares 458
11 Asserakata Miri N.C. 288182 PUB TELAHI 210 Hectares 1412
12 Jengrai N.C. 288183 PUB TELAHI 140 Hectares 513
13 Borkhimukh N.C. 288185 PUB TELAHI 85 Hectares 244
14 Majarchapari N.C. 288186 PUB TELAHI 100 Hectares 561
15 Rajabherasantipur 288187 PUB TELAHI 70 Hectares 271
16 Morton Chapori 288188 PUB TELAHI 130 Hectares 817
17 Rajaborah 288189 PUB TELAHI 50 Hectares 420
18 Na-Dhela N.C. 288190 PUB TELAHI 100 Hectares 308
19 Purani Dhela 288191 PUB TELAHI 110 Hectares 406
20 Dafalakata N.C. 288192 PUB TELAHI 190 Hectares 1677
21 Ghuligaon N.C. 288193 PUB TELAHI 100 Hectares 712
22 Dhala Miri N.C. 288194 PUB TELAHI 80 Hectares 312
23 Ghagarmukh N.C. 288196 PUB TELAHI 100 Hectares 662
24 No.1 Sumdirimukh Khaga 288203 MADHYA TELAHI 282.43 Hectares 88
25 Khagajugalpur 288204 MADHYA TELAHI 191.35 Hectares 527
26 No.2 Sumdirimukh Khaga 288205 MADHYA TELAHI 82.96 Hectares 46
27 Khaga Kanakpur 288206 MADHYA TELAHI 264.14 Hectares 1154
28 Solmari 288208 UTTAR TELAHI 72.34 Hectares 485
29 Phukanarhat 288217 UTTAR TELAHI 178.3 Hectares 1193
30 Dihingia Gossain Khat 288219 UTTAR TELAHI 197.51 Hectares 2038
31 Bantow 288220 UTTAR TELAHI 142.21 Hectares 469
32 No.2 Singaramari 288221 UTTAR TELAHI 78.45 Hectares 203
33 Dhenudhoria 288224 PANI GAON 78.54 Hectares 490
34 Khar Kati 288225 PASCHIM TELAHI 366.62 Hectares 1467
35 Nao Bhanga 288226 PASCHIM TELEHI 38.42 Hectares 181
36 Dhenudharia Kathani 288227 PANI GAON 325.06 Hectares 1008
37 Bakal 288231 PANI GAON 325.06 Hectares 890
38 Haluajan 288232 MADHYA TELAHI 222.64 Hectares 543
39 Maghuachapari 288233 MADHYA TELAHI 164.5 Hectares 473
40 Kutuhaguri 288234 MADHYA TELAHI 169.34 Hectares 461
41 Dulia Mout 288242 PANI GAON 303.51 Hectares 1380
42 Jorkhat 288243 PASCHIM TELAHI 126.22 Hectares 561
43 No.1 Balijan 288244 PASCHIM TELAHI 45.26 Hectares 193
44 Ajaraguri Gossainkhat 288245 PASCHIM TELAHI 151.87 Hectares 362
45 Ajaraguri 288246 PASCHIM TELAHI 207.02 Hectares 1643
46 Bamun Gaon 288247 PASCHIM TELAHI 90.47 Hectares 548
47 Telia Mora 288248 PASCHIM TELAHI 177.68 Hectares 546
48 Dola Bhanga 288249 PASCHIM TELAHI 155.7 Hectares 256
49 No.2 Balijan 288250 PASCHIM TELAHI 35.26 Hectares 231
50 No.2 Jorkhat 288251 PASCHIM TELAHI 72.93 Hectares 424
51 No.1 Amtola 288252 PASCHIM TELAHI 190.54 Hectares 1089
52 Amtola P.G.R 288253 PASCHIM TELAHI 558.5 Hectares 2061
53 No.2 Amtola 288254 PASCHIM TELAHI 232.14 Hectares 619
54 Dowar Gaon 288255 PASCHIM TELAHI 223.47 Hectares 198
55 Solmari 288256 PACHIM TELAHI 241.86 Hectares 472
56 Kanhi Duwar N.C. 288263 LOHIT KHABALU 90 Hectares 196
57 Gormur P.G.R 288271 LOHIT KHABALU 100 Hectares 84
58 Dambukial N.C. 288273 LOHIT KHABALU 400 Hectares 1505
59 Hastinapur 288275 LOHIT KHABALU 75 Hectares 316
60 Loliti Morang 288276 LOHIT KHABALU 50 Hectares 169
61 Loliti Morang N.C. 288277 LOHIT KHABALU 40 Hectares 72
62 Dah Gharia N.C. 288278 LOHIT KHABALU 100 Hectares 452
63 Jariguri Pakania 288284 PASCHIM TELAHI 350 Hectares 1469

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Balijan N.C..

Q2: What is the village code for Balijan N.C.?

A2: The village code for Balijan N.C. is 288184.

Q3: In which block is Balijan N.C. located?

A3: Balijan N.C. is located in the Telahi block.

Q4: What is the total area of Balijan N.C.?

A4: The total area of Balijan N.C. is 200 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Balijan N.C. belong to?

A5: Balijan N.C. belongs to the PUB TELAHI Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Balijan N.C. located?

A6: Balijan N.C. is located in the Lakhimpur district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Balijan N.C. from the district headquarter?

A7: Balijan N.C. is 27 kilometers away from the NORTH LAKHIMPUR district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Balijan N.C.?

A8: The nearest statutory town is North Lakhimpur (MB) which is 27 kilometers away from Balijan N.C..

Q9: What is the population of Balijan N.C.?

A9: The population of Balijan N.C. is 744 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Balijan N.C.?

A10: There are 193 households in Balijan N.C..

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Balijan N.C.?

A11: There are 385 males and 359 females in Balijan N.C..

Q12: Are there any schools in Balijan N.C.?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Balijan N.C.. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Balijan N.C.?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Balijan N.C..

Q14: What is the pin code of Balijan N.C.?

A14: The pin code of Balijan N.C. is 787052.

Q15: Does Balijan N.C. have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Balijan N.C..

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Balijan N.C.?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Balijan N.C..

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Balijan N.C.?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Balijan N.C..

Q18: Is Balijan N.C. connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Balijan N.C..

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Balijan N.C.?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Balijan N.C..

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Balijan N.C.?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Balijan N.C..

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Balijan N.C.?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Balijan N.C. is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Balijan N.C.?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Balijan N.C..

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