
Bali Village

Bali is belongs to Kendujhar (Keonjhar), district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Bali
Village code : 386466
Block Name : Telkoi (0051)
Area : 358
Gram Panchayat : Kaliahata (21)
District : Kendujhar (Keonjhar)
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Kendujhar
District Head Quarter distance : 130 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : KENDUJHAR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 53 Kms
Population : 549
Households : 128
Male : 274
Female : 275
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 758076
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 58.34 Hectares

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Near by villages of Bali

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Dullavpur 386383 Khuntapada 184 Hectares 432
2 Baleswar 386384 Akul 404 Hectares 661
3 Golagadia 386385 Bhimkanda 373 Hectares 614
4 Koilisuta 386386 Bhimkanda 363 Hectares 303
5 Godhihudi 386387 Bhimkanda 325 Hectares 329
6 Dimirimunda 386388 Bhimkanda 183 Hectares 553
7 Bhimakand 386389 Bhimkanda 729 Hectares 1547
8 Kalima 386390 Sirigida 811 Hectares 826
9 Akula 386391 Akul 609 Hectares 1677
10 Banabiharipur 386392 Akul 274 Hectares 553
11 Khajuria 386393 Akul 138 Hectares 394
12 Ahigola 386394 Padanga 128 Hectares 174
13 Tenteinali 386396 Padanga 224 Hectares 320
14 Samakoi 386405 Padanga 166 Hectares 214
15 Odhana 386406 Padanga 63 Hectares 95
16 Ranki 386407 Padanga 54 Hectares 114
17 Lipinda 386408 Padanga 201 Hectares 353
18 Budhaamba 386409 Padanga 130 Hectares 80
19 Bandhanjhari 386410 Akul 150 Hectares 196
20 Malanda 386411 Akul 218 Hectares 430
21 Purastampur 386412 Sirigida 346 Hectares 271
22 Kundheihata 386413 Sirigida 268 Hectares 561
23 Sirigida 386414 Sirigida 561 Hectares 1736
24 Bimala 386415 Bimala 544 Hectares 842
25 Namakani 386416 Bimala 654 Hectares 885
26 Gopinathpur 386417 Sirigida 181 Hectares 363
27 Kantalasuan 386418 Karamangi 140 Hectares 567
28 Podanga 386419 Padanga 449 Hectares 1233
29 Krushnapur 386420 Karamangi 1207 Hectares 1229
30 Sankalei 386421 Padanga 134 Hectares 212
31 Banda 386422 Karamangi 46 Hectares 96
32 Balijodi 386423 Purujoda 346 Hectares 580
33 Alluni 386424 Karamangi - 341
34 Karamangi 386425 Karamangi 312 Hectares 376
35 Tangiri 386426 Bimala 378 Hectares 399
36 Kodabil 386427 Bimala 110 Hectares 264
37 Jharbeda 386428 Bimala 514 Hectares 575
38 Balabhadrapur 386429 Bimala 209 Hectares 255
39 Kulanga 386430 Bimala 211 Hectares 494
40 Ranibeda 386431 Raisuan 1139 Hectares 1352
41 Sunduria 386432 Karamangi 468 Hectares 1088
42 Padiapasi 386433 Karamangi 347 Hectares 691
43 Patakhali 386434 Balabhadrapur 644 Hectares 837
44 Purujoda 386435 Purujoda 654 Hectares 973
45 Kankadajodi 386436 Balabhadrapur 20 Hectares 4
46 Brahmanikansa 386437 Purujoda 151 Hectares 153
47 Karangapal 386438 Purujoda 358 Hectares 460
48 Ramachandrapur 386439 Kaliahata 91 Hectares 223
49 Tempelei 386440 Kaliahata 126 Hectares 151
50 Patakelipur 386441 Kaliahata 331 Hectares 293
51 Sarupat 386442 Kaliahata 169 Hectares 260
52 Khandabandha 386443 Kaliahata 164 Hectares 144
53 Kateni 386444 Kaliahata 264 Hectares 339
54 Tigiria 386445 Kaliahata 107 Hectares 342
55 Badabil 386446 Kaliahata 67 Hectares 51
56 Godikansa 386447 Purujoda 175 Hectares 570
57 Benamunda 386450 Purujoda 956 Hectares 1723
58 Balabhadrapur 386451 Balabhadrapur 241 Hectares 430
59 Raisuan 386452 Raisuan 529 Hectares 1000
60 Birabarpur 386453 Raisuan 151 Hectares 198
61 Nuagaon 386454 Raisuan 254 Hectares 238
62 Balangisahi 386455 Bimala 433 Hectares 110
63 Samakuda 386456 Raisuan 761 Hectares 728
64 Merda 386457 Raisuan 866 Hectares 1296
65 Katenipasi 386458 Balabhadrapur 264 Hectares 806
66 Ajayapur 386459 Balabhadrapur 190 Hectares 307
67 Gabagoda 386460 Balabhadrapur 251 Hectares 340
68 Biripal 386461 Balabhadrapur 322 Hectares 321
69 Mundasahi 386462 Kaliahata 99 Hectares 37
70 Rekuti 386463 Kaliahata 206 Hectares 266
71 Nuagaon 386464 Balabhadrapur 894 Hectares 1228
72 Kaliahata 386465 Kaliahata 431 Hectares 1277
73 Badiamunda 386467 Kaliahata 34 Hectares 5
74 Laxminarayanpur 386468 Kaliahata 404 Hectares 511
75 Galada 386469 Kaliahata 287 Hectares 582
76 Saroda 386470 Kaliahata 237 Hectares 206
77 Keranga 386471 Kaliahata 78 Hectares 249

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Bali.

Q2: What is the village code for Bali?

A2: The village code for Bali is 386466.

Q3: In which block is Bali located?

A3: Bali is located in the Telkoi block.

Q4: What is the total area of Bali?

A4: The total area of Bali is 358 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Bali belong to?

A5: Bali belongs to the Kaliahata Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Bali located?

A6: Bali is located in the Kendujhar (Keonjhar) district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Bali from the district headquarter?

A7: Bali is 130 kilometers away from the Kendujhar district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Bali?

A8: The nearest statutory town is KENDUJHAR which is 53 kilometers away from Bali.

Q9: What is the population of Bali?

A9: The population of Bali is 549 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Bali?

A10: There are 193 households in Bali.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Bali?

A11: There are 274 males and 275 females in Bali.

Q12: Are there any schools in Bali?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Bali. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Bali?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Bali.

Q14: What is the pin code of Bali?

A14: The pin code of Bali is 758076.

Q15: Does Bali have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Bali.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Bali?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Bali.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Bali?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Bali.

Q18: Is Bali connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Bali.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Bali?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Bali.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Bali?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Bali.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Bali?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Bali is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Bali?

A22: There are 58.34 Hectares of forest area in Bali.

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