
Godabhanga Village

Godabhanga is belongs to Mayurbhanj, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Godabhanga
Village code : 391330
Block Name : Thakurmunda (0071)
Area : 357
Gram Panchayat : Satkosia (13)
District : Mayurbhanj
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Baripada
District Head Quarter distance : 130 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : KARANJIA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 67 Kms
Population : 826
Households : 178
Male : 403
Female : 423
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 757038
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 113.84 Hectares

Google map of Godabhanga location

Near by villages of Godabhanga

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Khadidamak 388969 Saleibeda 140 Hectares 158
2 Rugudisahi 388970 Saleibeda 121 Hectares 284
3 Ranibhol 388971 Saleibeda 210 Hectares 419
4 Edelbeda 388972 Saleibeda 386 Hectares 655
5 Nuagaon 388973 Hatigoda - 3
6 Debasthali 388974 Hatigoda - 5
7 Meghasani 388975 Hatigoda - 4
8 Upper Barahakamuda 388976 Hatigoda - 80
9 Bahaghar 388978 Hatigoda - 41
10 Saleibeda 388979 Saleibeda 367 Hectares 929
11 Kasibeda 388980 Saleibeda 180 Hectares 256
12 Kucheikudar 388984 Khandabandh 358 Hectares 540
13 Jamuposi 388989 Saleibeda 234 Hectares 437
14 Dangapani 388990 Saleibeda 197 Hectares 286
15 Badmahuldiha 388991 Saleibeda 248 Hectares 497
16 Khaparkhai 388992 Saleibeda 323 Hectares 554
17 Asankudar 388993 Hatigoda 211 Hectares 654
18 Kandadhanu 388994 Hatigoda - 7
19 Ranibhol 388995 Hatigoda 275 Hectares 548
20 Dhirol 388996 Hatigoda 66 Hectares 287
21 Sanmohuldiha 388997 Hatigoda 148 Hectares 326
22 Jamudiha 388998 Hatigoda 110 Hectares 141
23 Kadapani 388999 Hatigoda 177 Hectares 286
24 Kaliajiani 389000 Hatigoda 287 Hectares 445
25 Purunapani 389001 Khandabandh 521 Hectares 852
26 Nuapada 389002 Khandabandh 261 Hectares 336
27 Badaposi 389003 Khandabandh 192 Hectares 418
28 Oriam 389004 Padiabeda 172 Hectares 260
29 Khasakudar 389005 Padiabeda 174 Hectares 449
30 Padiabeda 389006 Padiabeda 515 Hectares 1174
31 Nisaposi 389007 Padiabeda 133 Hectares 487
32 Khandbandh 389008 Khandabandh 210 Hectares 382
33 Raipada 389009 Khandabandh 133 Hectares 444
34 Kasibania 389010 Khandabandh 62 Hectares 16
35 Kelarposi 389011 Khandabandh 278 Hectares 645
36 Bhairanibeda 389012 Khandabandh 208 Hectares 276
37 Chainbainsi 389013 Hatigoda 207 Hectares 465
38 Akhapolan 389014 Hatigoda 172 Hectares 893
39 hatigoda 389015 Hatigoda 594 Hectares 1194
40 Ghodabindha 389016 Hatigoda 393 Hectares 516
41 Jamunalia 389017 Thakurmunda 213 Hectares 652
42 Nipania 389018 Thakurmunda 158 Hectares 295
43 Kaliaposi 389019 Talapada 106 Hectares 286
44 Mukundiapada 389020 Talapada 158 Hectares 570
45 Khadipal 389021 Talapada 155 Hectares 661
46 Lokanathpur 389022 Talapada 61 Hectares 192
47 Tikarpada 389023 Khandabandh 208 Hectares 948
48 Gourigoda 389024 Khandabandh 148 Hectares 200
49 Kalasira 389025 Padiabeda 168 Hectares 185
50 Sanandharilkhaman 389026 Padiabeda 185 Hectares 330
51 Boring 389027 Padiabeda 560 Hectares 970
52 Ambabeda 389028 Padiabeda 172 Hectares 472
53 Sanarugudibeda 389029 Padiabeda 91 Hectares 86
54 Dangasila 389030 Padiabeda 49 Hectares 194
55 Baliposi 389031 Khandabandh 120 Hectares 984
56 Bholpada 389032 Khandabandh 77 Hectares 86
57 Patiapada 389033 Talapada 212 Hectares 229
58 Talapada 389034 Talapada 302 Hectares 1518
59 Andharikhaman 389035 Talapada 101 Hectares 26
60 Bandhagan 389036 Talapada 127 Hectares 114
61 Khejuria 389037 Thakurmunda 115 Hectares 9
62 Chamakpur 389038 Thakurmunda 215 Hectares 598
63 Basantpur 389039 Thakurmunda 138 Hectares 163
64 Guhaldihi 389040 Thakurmunda 63 Hectares 242
65 Suninda 389041 Digdhar 166 Hectares 633
66 Digdhar 389042 Digdhar 355 Hectares 1867
67 Nihangandi 389043 Digdhar 77 Hectares 814
68 Thakurmunda 389044 Thakurmunda 198 Hectares 3223
69 Rugudibeda 389045 Thakurmunda 117 Hectares 1797
70 Panasa diha 389046 Thakurmunda 86 Hectares 257
71 Baunsadiha 389047 Bharandia 426 Hectares 1611
72 Chakulia 389048 Talapada 267 Hectares 680
73 Gahandiha 389049 Talapada 560 Hectares 1489
74 Majuraposi 389050 Talapada 225 Hectares 88
75 Daunikila 389051 Talapada 187 Hectares 445
76 Nuagan 389052 Padiabeda 401 Hectares 551
77 Simdiha 389053 Padiabeda 483 Hectares 1048
78 Nischintapur 389054 Bharandia 212 Hectares 299
79 Nundiha 389055 Bharandia 184 Hectares 113
80 Laxmiposi 389056 Talapada 218 Hectares 329
81 Bharandia 389057 Bharandia 621 Hectares 1821
82 Miriginendi 389058 Bharandia 209 Hectares 426
83 Banki 389059 Bharandia 56 Hectares 138
84 Banki Samil Gambharia 389060 Bharandia 169 Hectares 306
85 Raidiha 389061 Bharandia 99 Hectares 153
86 Danuabaliposi 389062 Bharandia 65 Hectares 194
87 Betajhari 389064 Thakurmunda 57 Hectares 244
88 Khuntaposi 389065 Digdhar 130 Hectares 649
89 Bentakarpada 389066 Digdhar 70 Hectares 420
90 Badbil 389067 Digdhar 126 Hectares 168
91 Gobarjoda 389068 Digdhar 122 Hectares 161
92 Jadidar 389069 Digdhar 51 Hectares 43
93 Handifuta 389070 Digdhar 369 Hectares 1256
94 Kham Diha 389071 Thakurmunda 464 Hectares 1313
95 Dirba 389072 Bharandia 263 Hectares 462
96 Taramara 389073 Digdhar 923 Hectares 1972
97 Baghamunda 389074 Digdhar 116 Hectares 214
98 Guliajodi 389075 Digdhar 70 Hectares 145
99 Baliabeda 389076 Digdhar 161 Hectares 202
100 Mituani 391276 Keshadiha 775 Hectares 2435
101 Badbaliposi 391277 Keshadiha 343 Hectares 760
102 Chirupada 391278 Keshadiha 510 Hectares 888
103 Mandal Jhari 391279 Keshadiha 257 Hectares 633
104 Kesdiha 391280 Keshadiha 1184 Hectares 2666
105 Purunapani 391281 Keshadiha 372 Hectares 802
106 Jangal Block Samil Sudarsanpur 391282 Champajhar 895 Hectares 538
107 Asanbani 391283 Champajhar 137 Hectares 356
108 Kirikichipal 391284 Champajhar 180 Hectares 683
109 Mankadabeda 391285 Champajhar 229 Hectares 640
110 Champajhar 391286 Champajhar 220 Hectares 830
111 Jamukhanjari 391287 Champajhar 207 Hectares 455
112 Bhadubeda 391288 Jarak 196 Hectares 586
113 Giribeda 391289 Champajhar 146 Hectares 510
114 Nuagaon 391290 Champajhar 172 Hectares 463
115 Diliganj 391291 Champajhar 336 Hectares 583
116 Bhejidiha 391292 Champajhar 333 Hectares 605
117 Dangadiha 391293 Champajhar 402 Hectares 1159
118 Patarpada 391294 Champajhar 121 Hectares 606
119 Kokanda 391295 Champajhar 221 Hectares 396
120 Jodipada 391296 Champajhar 193 Hectares 584
121 Mulapal 391297 Jarak 306 Hectares 710
122 Sanbaliposi 391298 Champajhar 89 Hectares 110
123 Khandapal 391299 Champajhar 43 Hectares 120
124 Nuapada 391300 Jarak 261 Hectares 513
125 Kucheidiha 391301 Jarak 217 Hectares 405
126 Dakeipal 391302 Jarak 570 Hectares 1075
127 Jamunalia 391303 Mahuldiha 543 Hectares 940
128 Jarak 391304 Jarak 765 Hectares 1289
129 Kathuanuagaon 391305 Jarak 164 Hectares 656
130 Dubapal 391306 Jarak 122 Hectares 427
131 Banamunda 391307 Jarak 109 Hectares 175
132 Panaposi 391308 Jarak 236 Hectares 603
133 Ghantiadara 391309 Jarak 357 Hectares 853
134 Khudsila 391310 Jarak 309 Hectares 551
135 Goudia bahali 391311 Mahuldiha 536 Hectares 975
136 Mahuldiha 391312 Mahuldiha 511 Hectares 1877
137 Khumthan 391313 Mahuldiha 191 Hectares 440
138 Ghulghulia 391314 Satkosia 932 Hectares 2120
139 Jamunanda 391315 Satkosia 537 Hectares 1405
140 Baghadafa 391316 Bhaliadal 663 Hectares 1152
141 Bhaliadal 391317 Bhaliadal 745 Hectares 1154
142 Jharjhari 391318 Bhaliadal - 205
143 Asurkhal 391319 Bhaliadal - 616
144 Jambani 391320 Bhaliadal - 570
145 Baula 391321 Bhaliadal - 299
146 Satkosiaamal Nama Hill Block 391322 Satkosia 294 Hectares 240
147 Satkosia 391323 Satkosia 632 Hectares 1658
148 Satkosia Forest cluster 391324 Satkosia - 373
149 Duara Suni 391325 Satkosia 1058 Hectares 602
150 Kundei 391326 Salachua - 536
151 Satabedi 391327 Salachua 165 Hectares 193
152 Balidiha 391328 Salachua 117 Hectares 846
153 Chaulajhari 391329 Salachua - 373
154 Kanjiapal 391331 Satkosia 79 Hectares 164
155 Dhatikidiha 391332 Salachua 343 Hectares 1275
156 Karadapal 391333 Salachua 81 Hectares 476
157 Salachua 391334 Salachua 380 Hectares 571
158 Baghamara 391335 Salachua 134 Hectares 299
159 Nada 391336 Salachua 230 Hectares 919
160 Baunsa Pani 391337 Salachua 319 Hectares 1035

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Godabhanga.

Q2: What is the village code for Godabhanga?

A2: The village code for Godabhanga is 391330.

Q3: In which block is Godabhanga located?

A3: Godabhanga is located in the Thakurmunda block.

Q4: What is the total area of Godabhanga?

A4: The total area of Godabhanga is 357 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Godabhanga belong to?

A5: Godabhanga belongs to the Satkosia Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Godabhanga located?

A6: Godabhanga is located in the Mayurbhanj district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Godabhanga from the district headquarter?

A7: Godabhanga is 130 kilometers away from the Baripada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Godabhanga?

A8: The nearest statutory town is KARANJIA which is 67 kilometers away from Godabhanga.

Q9: What is the population of Godabhanga?

A9: The population of Godabhanga is 826 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Godabhanga?

A10: There are 193 households in Godabhanga.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Godabhanga?

A11: There are 403 males and 423 females in Godabhanga.

Q12: Are there any schools in Godabhanga?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Godabhanga. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Godabhanga?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Godabhanga.

Q14: What is the pin code of Godabhanga?

A14: The pin code of Godabhanga is 757038.

Q15: Does Godabhanga have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Godabhanga.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Godabhanga?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Godabhanga.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Godabhanga?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Godabhanga.

Q18: Is Godabhanga connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Godabhanga.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Godabhanga?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Godabhanga.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Godabhanga?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Godabhanga.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Godabhanga?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Godabhanga is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Godabhanga?

A22: There are 113.84 Hectares of forest area in Godabhanga.

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