
Togurkota Village

Togurkota is belongs to Malkangiri, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Togurkota
Village code : 431184
Block Name : Kalimela (0314)
Area : 295
Gram Panchayat : Manyamkonda (12)
District : Malkangiri
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Malkangiri
District Head Quarter distance : 67 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : MALKANGIRI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 115 Kms
Population : 276
Households : 64
Male : 136
Female : 140
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 764047
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 61.35 Hectares

Google map of Togurkota location

Near by villages of Togurkota

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Banamalipur 430332 Bedali 42 Hectares 107
2 Sadashivpur (R.F.) 430954 Nilakamberu - 850
3 Pakhanaguda 430955 Sikhpalli - 219
4 Damaguda 430958 Semilibancha - 109
5 Musiguda 430959 Semilibancha - 105
6 Bandingiguda 430960 Semilibancha - 127
7 Silakata (R.F.) 430964 Bapanpalli - 98
8 Teliguda 430980 Venktapalam 283 Hectares 327
9 Sangel 430982 Undrukonda 107 Hectares 1160
10 Enchimetla 430983 Undrukonda 480 Hectares 817
11 Undurganda 430984 Undrukonda 625 Hectares 1310
12 Padganpalli 430985 Undrukonda 1022 Hectares 1404
13 Maranpalli 430986 Koimetla 1460 Hectares 2563
14 Koimetla 430987 Koimetla 712 Hectares 834
15 Kowasiguda 430988 Koimetla 370 Hectares 1405
16 Kalimela 430989 Kalimela 1967 Hectares 8602
17 Bhenkatapalli 430990 Venktapalam 709 Hectares 977
18 Panimetla 430991 Venktapalam 605 Hectares 758
19 Ambaguda 430992 Kalimela 644 Hectares 813
20 Kotaguda 430993 Podia 652 Hectares 297
21 Mangipalli 430994 Venktapalam 1124 Hectares 2299
22 Koyaguda 430995 Venktapalam 484 Hectares 165
23 Kangurkonda 430996 Kongurukonda 165 Hectares 789
24 Potakhal 430997 Gompakonda 564 Hectares 1170
25 Eraganda 430998 Gompakonda 327 Hectares 1593
26 Gagarmetla 430999 Gompakonda 96 Hectares 689
27 Gampakonda 431000 Gompakonda 234 Hectares 1956
28 Salamarikonda 431001 Kongurukonda 245 Hectares 2253
29 Patakonda 431002 Kongurukonda 96 Hectares 556
30 Bapanpalli 431003 Bejangiwada 111 Hectares 733
31 Arnamala 431004 Bejangiwada 139 Hectares 628
32 Kurukundi 431005 Bejangiwada 72 Hectares 373
33 Badaliguda 431006 Bejangiwada 152 Hectares 379
34 Bejangiwada 431007 Bejangiwada 490 Hectares 3776
35 Kadamguda 431008 Bejangiwada - 16
36 Mariguda 431011 Bejangiwada - 95
37 Sitapali 431012 Bejangiwada - 48
38 Panchalpada 431013 Bejangiwada - 18
39 Sindhiguda 431016 Chintalwada 99 Hectares 706
40 Kosalkunda 431017 Chintalwada 135 Hectares 701
41 Pitakonda 431018 Chintalwada 93 Hectares 499
42 Karkatpalli 431019 Chintalwada 224 Hectares 919
43 Chintalwada 431020 Chintalwada 90 Hectares 696
44 Tekagura 431032 Bodigeta 809 Hectares 735
45 Kanheiguda 431033 Gompakonda - 163
46 Kurubu 431034 Bodigeta 419 Hectares 256
47 Marigata 431035 Bodigeta 325 Hectares 187
48 Badigata 431036 Bodigeta 459 Hectares 711
49 Kutmanpali 431037 Bodigeta 580 Hectares 1415
50 Singabaram 431038 Talarai 246 Hectares 187
51 Rajulukonda 431039 Talarai - 240
52 Sudhakunta 431040 Talarai 708 Hectares 487
53 Sailuru 431041 Manyamkonda 26 Hectares 176
54 Badasailur 431042 Manyamkonda 26 Hectares 104
55 Ramachandrapur 431044 Manyamkonda - 30
56 Gunthabeda 431045 Manyamkonda - 161
57 Dayaltungi 431046 Talarai - 50
58 Ambapadar 431047 Talarai - 144
59 Kamalapadar 431048 Talarai - 110
60 Badapadar 431049 Talarai 138 Hectares 70
61 Doraguda -G 431066 Gompakonda 555.92 Hectares 599
62 Pegadapalli 431067 Materu 1544 Hectares 602
63 Batanawada 431068 Materu 874 Hectares 451
64 Materu 431069 Materu 1733 Hectares 1301
65 Kunjharguda 431070 Materu - 397
66 Itaguda 431071 Bapanpalli 327 Hectares 60
67 Parsanpalli 431072 Materu 1576 Hectares 891
68 Cheruguda 431073 Niliguda 964 Hectares 645
69 Niliguda 431074 Niliguda 945 Hectares 813
70 Nunurguda 431075 Niliguda - 126
71 Durumaguda 431076 Niliguda - 153
72 Ramaguda 431077 Podia - 173
73 Uskalbag 431078 Niliguda 1076 Hectares 576
74 Nandiwada 431079 Niliguda 820 Hectares 555
75 Daranpalli 431080 Niliguda 733 Hectares 550
76 Iralgonda 431081 Niliguda 1025 Hectares 777
77 Deoguda 431082 Niliguda - 40
78 Erbanpalli 431084 Materu 2472 Hectares 1484
79 Silakota 431085 Bapanpalli 746 Hectares 536
80 Rodanpalli 431087 Bapanpalli 493 Hectares 378
81 Pangata 431088 Podia 413 Hectares 415
82 Venchanpalli 431089 Podia 626 Hectares 371
83 Podia 431090 Podia 2802 Hectares 5570
84 Kunchanpalli 431091 Podia 1216 Hectares 1320
85 Kaladapalli 431092 Kaldapalli 562 Hectares 460
86 Kolaganda 431093 Kaldapalli 1532 Hectares 1478
87 Udaygiri 431094 Kaldapalli 878.4 Hectares 1275
88 Kapanpalli 431095 Semilibancha 708 Hectares 621
89 M.P.V.-56 431096 Girkanpalli 172 Hectares 1030
90 Supulur 431097 Kaldapalli 931 Hectares 1526
91 Bapanpali 431098 Bapanpalli 1500 Hectares 1433
92 Polur 431099 Bapanpalli 217 Hectares 164
93 Gotanpali 431100 Bapanpalli 908 Hectares 1384
94 Kotaguda 431102 Podia 104 Hectares 244
95 Kurti 431103 Kaldapalli 1642 Hectares 1862
96 Wallampali 431104 Semilibancha 2305 Hectares 2087
97 Murubanpali 431106 Girkanpalli 532 Hectares 1905
98 Girikanpali 431107 Girkanpalli 1456 Hectares 1555
99 Tigal 431108 Tigal 2573 Hectares 5203
100 Jabanpalli 431109 Talarai 545 Hectares 861
101 Pedawara 431110 Talarai 703 Hectares 596
102 Telarai 431111 Talarai 1294 Hectares 2206
103 Jakalgandi 431112 Talarai 733 Hectares 1386
104 Idigunda 431113 Talarai 326 Hectares 116
105 Nalagunti 431114 Nalagunthi 1242 Hectares 3242
106 Rajanguda 431115 Nalagunthi - 140
107 Putumpali 431120 Semilibancha 566 Hectares 807
108 Semilibencha 431121 Semilibancha 1203 Hectares 1992
109 Gorakhapali 431122 Semilibancha 1437 Hectares 965
110 Biliguda 431125 Maharajapalli 199 Hectares 1164
111 Kunanpali 431128 Bhubanpali 1432 Hectares 2571
112 Doganda 431129 Manyamkonda 325 Hectares 176
113 Oramgura 431130 Talarai - 257
114 Billigura 431131 Manyamkonda - 864
115 Idikonda 431132 Nalagunthi - 449
116 Mangipalli 431133 Manyamkonda - 108
117 Kandalgura 431134 Talarai - 99
118 Pendikonda 431151 Manyamkonda 127 Hectares 1070
119 Singrajkota 431153 Manyamkonda 163 Hectares 155
120 Potteru 431154 Manyamkonda 1007 Hectares 1800
121 Manyamkonda 431155 Manyamkonda 880 Hectares 641
122 Kadamaliguda 431158 Maharajapalli - 67
123 Kusumput 431181 Malavaran - 164
124 Penkurai 431183 Manyamkonda 129 Hectares 99
125 Poluru 431186 Manyamkonda 759 Hectares 470

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Togurkota.

Q2: What is the village code for Togurkota?

A2: The village code for Togurkota is 431184.

Q3: In which block is Togurkota located?

A3: Togurkota is located in the Kalimela block.

Q4: What is the total area of Togurkota?

A4: The total area of Togurkota is 295 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Togurkota belong to?

A5: Togurkota belongs to the Manyamkonda Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Togurkota located?

A6: Togurkota is located in the Malkangiri district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Togurkota from the district headquarter?

A7: Togurkota is 67 kilometers away from the Malkangiri district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Togurkota?

A8: The nearest statutory town is MALKANGIRI which is 115 kilometers away from Togurkota.

Q9: What is the population of Togurkota?

A9: The population of Togurkota is 276 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Togurkota?

A10: There are 193 households in Togurkota.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Togurkota?

A11: There are 136 males and 140 females in Togurkota.

Q12: Are there any schools in Togurkota?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Togurkota. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Togurkota?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Togurkota.

Q14: What is the pin code of Togurkota?

A14: The pin code of Togurkota is 764047.

Q15: Does Togurkota have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Togurkota.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Togurkota?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Togurkota.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Togurkota?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Togurkota.

Q18: Is Togurkota connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Togurkota.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Togurkota?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Togurkota.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Togurkota?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Togurkota.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Togurkota?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Togurkota is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Togurkota?

A22: There are 61.35 Hectares of forest area in Togurkota.

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