
Sushabhata Village

Sushabhata is belongs to Kandhamal, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Sushabhata
Village code : 417092
Block Name : Tumudibandha (0224)
Area : 77
Gram Panchayat : Guma (08)
District : Kandhamal
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Phulbani
District Head Quarter distance : 145 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : G. UDAYAGIRI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 93 Kms
Population : 182
Households : 40
Male : 98
Female : 84
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 762107
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PULSES
Forest Area : 46.71 Hectares

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Near by villages of Sushabhata

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Bandika 416896 Mundigada 40 Hectares 62
2 Khamanpada 416897 Mundigada 213 Hectares 370
3 Pideli 416898 Mundigada 94 Hectares 160
4 Shrigudi 416899 Mundigada 72 Hectares 77
5 Kandami 416900 Mundigada 97 Hectares 117
6 Mandalpadar 416901 Mundigada 118 Hectares 245
7 Jaruti 416902 Mundigada 28 Hectares 13
8 Gochaka 416903 Mundigada 78 Hectares 138
9 Dhungiapankal 416904 Mundigada 64 Hectares 134
10 Rugudipali 416905 Mundigada 42 Hectares 52
11 Budhakundali 416906 Mundigada 146 Hectares 124
12 Sindhipankal 416907 Mundigada 67 Hectares 181
13 Kapibira 416919 Kurtamgarh 52 Hectares 79
14 Madaspaju 416920 Mundigada 159 Hectares 216
15 Tutuluba 416921 Mundigada 153 Hectares 374
16 Dagirigan 416922 Mundigada 171 Hectares 294
17 Sitapadi 416935 Tumudibandh 47 Hectares 47
18 Batabadi 416936 Mundigada 100 Hectares 178
19 Ghotakapadar 416937 Mundigada 180 Hectares 149
20 Atabadi 416938 Mundigada 59 Hectares 149
21 Sashergan 416939 Mundigada 127 Hectares 289
22 Ladaragan 416940 Mundigada 93 Hectares 137
23 Mundigada 416941 Mundigada 482 Hectares 1711
24 Madapankal 416942 Mundigada 52 Hectares 47
25 Dadanga 416943 Tumudibandh 174 Hectares 169
26 Jalesepeta 416944 Tumudibandh 162 Hectares 162
27 Badabandha 416945 Tumudibandh 31 Hectares 106
28 Badamila 416946 Sirla 147 Hectares 127
29 Jagudi 416948 Sirla 265 Hectares 214
30 Tekalamila 416949 Sirla 453 Hectares 355
31 Bandaguda 416950 Sirla 230 Hectares 150
32 Kialaguda 416951 Sirla 59 Hectares 141
33 Budakumba 416952 Tumudibandh 40 Hectares 350
34 Taipada 416954 Sirla 304 Hectares 399
35 Sirla 416955 Sirla 415 Hectares 440
36 Birimila 416956 Sirla 86 Hectares 284
37 Manapur 416957 Tumudibandh 26 Hectares 207
38 Saradhapur 416958 Tumudibandh 94 Hectares 138
39 Nuamunda 416959 Tumudibandh 137 Hectares 451
40 Matrugan 416960 Mundigada 155 Hectares 399
41 Gachergan 416961 Mundigada 105 Hectares 146
42 Ghumuragan 416962 Mundigada 77 Hectares 42
43 Tarlangi 416963 Mundigada 163 Hectares 219
44 Tumudibandha 416964 Tumudibandh 884 Hectares 4928
45 Benarabahal 416965 Tumudibandh 212 Hectares 598
46 Kalisapadar 416966 Tumudibandh 123 Hectares 216
47 Bhaliapani 416967 Tumudibandh 92 Hectares 244
48 Kakalanga 416968 Tumudibandh 65 Hectares 73
49 Pidamaha 416970 Sirla 320 Hectares 1032
50 Balama 416973 Tumudibandh 35 Hectares 45
51 Palam 416974 Tumudibandh 34 Hectares 120
52 Kadama 416975 Tumudibandh 90 Hectares 61
53 Saperi 416976 Guma 34 Hectares 156
54 Mundigarh DPF 416987 Mundigada 1904.04 Hectares 71
55 Tumudibandh VDPF 416988 Tumudibandh 369.96 Hectares 215
56 Tarlangi 416989 Lankagada 163 Hectares 144
57 Shiba 416990 Lankagada 93 Hectares 81
58 Arjunapura 416991 Lankagada 66 Hectares 56
59 Barengili 416992 Lankagada 227 Hectares 324
60 Jarnna 416993 Lankagada 64 Hectares 128
61 Maskaguda 416995 Lankagada 58 Hectares 85
62 Sindhibandha 416996 Lankagada 101 Hectares 81
63 Barabana 416997 Lankagada 123 Hectares 174
64 Mogan 416998 Lankagada 50 Hectares 42
65 Marddighati 416999 Lankagada 55 Hectares 87
66 Nuagan 417000 Lankagada 56 Hectares 134
67 Gochhaguda 417001 Lankagada 145 Hectares 204
68 Guma 417002 Lankagada 134 Hectares 98
69 Minakeri 417003 Lankagada 46 Hectares 35
70 Lankagada 417004 Lankagada 392 Hectares 829
71 Hatimunda 417005 Lankagada 154 Hectares 176
72 Bamuni 417006 Lankagada 99 Hectares 74
73 Sinangi 417007 Lankagada 54 Hectares 123
74 Kendulipata 417008 Lankagada 24 Hectares 41
75 Karkudi 417009 Lankagada 76 Hectares 90
76 Goili 417010 Lankagada 27 Hectares 51
77 Sikiripada 417012 Lankagada 44 Hectares 21
78 Lundurubanga 417013 Lankagada 48 Hectares 29
79 Udegiri 417014 Lankagada 77 Hectares 100
80 Siriki 417016 Lankagada 52 Hectares 99
81 Bhandarangi 417017 Lankagada 243 Hectares 337
82 Sindhiripada 417018 Lankagada 72 Hectares 83
83 Ulaba 417019 Jhiripani 245 Hectares 278
84 Karlaghati 417020 Jhiripani 139 Hectares 93
85 Sikibaru 417021 Jhiripani 47 Hectares 62
86 Adabali 417022 Jhiripani 29 Hectares 11
87 Pingabaru 417023 Jhiripani 60 Hectares 53
88 Raikhol 417024 Jhiripani 31 Hectares 32
89 Karajandi 417025 Jhiripani 298 Hectares 277
90 Chajangi 417026 Jhiripani 284 Hectares 350
91 Landalu 417028 Jhiripani 9 Hectares 13
92 Batangapadar 417029 Jhiripani 33 Hectares 52
93 Gundabaru 417030 Jhiripani 24 Hectares 47
94 Duseri 417031 Jhiripani 7 Hectares 13
95 Kambadi 417032 Lankagada 86 Hectares 172
96 Artabali 417033 Lankagada 85 Hectares 59
97 Panjabali 417034 Lankagada 20 Hectares 43
98 Ramagiri 417035 Lankagada 120 Hectares 162
99 Katadaganda 417036 Lankagada 9 Hectares 26
100 Silingi 417037 Mundigada 32 Hectares 41
101 Selangi 417038 Mundigada 127 Hectares 19
102 Budingalu 417039 Lankagada 108 Hectares 154
103 Baukuti 417040 Lankagada 25 Hectares 18
104 Batipada 417041 Belghar 194 Hectares 212
105 Gurulimaska 417042 Belghar 146 Hectares 198
106 Targabali 417043 Belghar 50 Hectares 60
107 Surangabaru 417044 Jhiripani 129 Hectares 133
108 Jhiripani 417045 Jhiripani 365 Hectares 567
109 Kauguda 417046 Jhiripani 132 Hectares 182
110 Saradapur 417047 Jhiripani 90 Hectares 50
111 Bileisarada 417048 Jhiripani 201 Hectares 91
112 Sarachangada 417049 Jhiripani 144 Hectares 57
113 Suruda 417050 Jhiripani 50 Hectares 7
114 Mendhabaru 417051 Jhiripani 43 Hectares 31
115 Baraguda 417052 Jhiripani 152 Hectares 133
116 Baragan 417053 Jhiripani 33 Hectares 218
117 Lalkuti 417054 Jhiripani 62 Hectares 109
118 Batangapadar 417055 Jhiripani 22 Hectares 51
119 Sanjhiripani 417056 Jhiripani 127 Hectares 186
120 Adilipa 417057 Jhiripani 57 Hectares 41
121 Sikaki 417058 Jhiripani 105 Hectares 149
122 Deshughati 417059 Jhiripani 105 Hectares 122
123 Sadangi 417060 Belghar 25 Hectares 198
124 Sanatuakella 417061 Belghar 87 Hectares 46
125 Kumudi 417062 Belghar 99 Hectares 74
126 Malak 417063 Lankagada 70 Hectares 10
127 Pingadi 417064 Mundigada 33 Hectares 37
128 Pikusi 417065 Guma 167 Hectares 131
129 Usabali 417066 Guma 167 Hectares 145
130 Gudguda 417067 Tumudibandh 24 Hectares 23
131 Sanagochhaka 417068 Belghar 79 Hectares 51
132 Germel 417069 Belghar 373 Hectares 281
133 Sanakumudi 417070 Belghar 61 Hectares 44
134 Tuakela 417071 Belghar 167 Hectares 98
135 Rangaparu 417072 Belghar 405 Hectares 478
136 Mundati 417073 Jhiripani 23 Hectares 153
137 Jhalipada 417074 Belghar 101 Hectares 319
138 Kusumunda 417075 Belghar 31 Hectares 62
139 Burlubaru 417076 Belghar 154 Hectares 256
140 Belaghar 417077 Belghar 153 Hectares 1628
141 Deogada 417078 Belghar 25 Hectares 163
142 Gochhaka 417079 Guma 51 Hectares 84
143 Tidipadara 417080 Guma 88 Hectares 73
144 Kadapana 417081 Belghar 200 Hectares 107
145 Paikapada 417082 Belghar 25 Hectares 60
146 Jubenal 417083 Belghar 59 Hectares 19
147 Karanjikana 417084 Bilamal 86 Hectares 121
148 Bikapanga 417085 Bilamal 69 Hectares 108
149 Sakasata 417086 Bilamal 41 Hectares 90
150 Ambidikhol 417087 Bilamal 8 Hectares 31
151 Dhamanapanga 417088 Bilamal 70 Hectares 147
152 Bilamal 417089 Bilamal 298 Hectares 643
153 Khadapanga 417090 Bilamal 166 Hectares 310
154 Rajam 417091 Bilamal 141 Hectares 92
155 Gambhari 417093 Guma 16 Hectares 98
156 Dupi 417094 Guma 97 Hectares 268
157 Pakuru 417095 Guma 233 Hectares 165
158 Kalamguda 417096 Guma 43 Hectares 175
159 Guma 417097 Guma 476 Hectares 1181
160 Pedam 417098 Guma 65 Hectares 131
161 Nuamunda 417099 Tumudibandh 83 Hectares 197
162 Karanja 417100 Guma 57 Hectares 144
163 Randanga 417101 Guma 168 Hectares 131
164 Mahabali 417102 Guma 143 Hectares 132
165 Salapati 417103 Guma 76 Hectares 69
166 Pagarapadi 417104 Guma 46 Hectares 146
167 Kineri 417105 Bilamal 336 Hectares 111
168 Dhudusi 417106 Bilamal 274 Hectares 599
169 Saperabhatta 417107 Bilamal 81 Hectares 62
170 Karlangi 417109 Bilamal 15 Hectares 39
171 Gumpadar 417110 Lankagada 8 Hectares 49
172 Pasakadi 417111 Bilamal 32 Hectares 45
173 Silkuri 417112 Bilamal 69 Hectares 117
174 Dharnimaska 417113 Bilamal 59 Hectares 38
175 Goibali 417114 Bilamal 24 Hectares 82
176 Mundamaska 417115 Bilamal 84 Hectares 116
177 Dumamaska 417116 Bilamal 125 Hectares 109
178 Galebada 417117 Belghar 62 Hectares 15
179 Muskasaru 417118 Bilamal 35 Hectares 145
180 Golampanga 417119 Guma 66 Hectares 125
181 Bhandarshal 417121 Guma 35 Hectares 83
182 Kanibaru 417122 Guma 90 Hectares 183
183 Lidrangi 417123 Guma 44 Hectares 78
184 Bhaluguda 417124 Guma 128 Hectares 111

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Sushabhata.

Q2: What is the village code for Sushabhata?

A2: The village code for Sushabhata is 417092.

Q3: In which block is Sushabhata located?

A3: Sushabhata is located in the Tumudibandha block.

Q4: What is the total area of Sushabhata?

A4: The total area of Sushabhata is 77 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Sushabhata belong to?

A5: Sushabhata belongs to the Guma Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Sushabhata located?

A6: Sushabhata is located in the Kandhamal district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Sushabhata from the district headquarter?

A7: Sushabhata is 145 kilometers away from the Phulbani district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Sushabhata?

A8: The nearest statutory town is G. UDAYAGIRI which is 93 kilometers away from Sushabhata.

Q9: What is the population of Sushabhata?

A9: The population of Sushabhata is 182 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Sushabhata?

A10: There are 193 households in Sushabhata.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Sushabhata?

A11: There are 98 males and 84 females in Sushabhata.

Q12: Are there any schools in Sushabhata?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Sushabhata. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Sushabhata?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Sushabhata.

Q14: What is the pin code of Sushabhata?

A14: The pin code of Sushabhata is 762107.

Q15: Does Sushabhata have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Sushabhata.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Sushabhata?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Sushabhata.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Sushabhata?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Sushabhata.

Q18: Is Sushabhata connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Sushabhata.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Sushabhata?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Sushabhata.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Sushabhata?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Sushabhata.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Sushabhata?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Sushabhata is PULSES.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Sushabhata?

A22: There are 46.71 Hectares of forest area in Sushabhata.

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