
Maj Dimuru No.2 Village

Maj Dimuru No.2 is belongs to Nagaon, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Maj Dimuru No.2
Village code : 285318
Block Name : Udali (0061)
Area : 158.92
Gram Panchayat : PURANA KAKI ()
District : Nagaon
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : NAGAON
District Head Quarter distance : 86 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Lanka (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 20 Kms
Population : 448
Households : 67
Male : 238
Female : 210
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 782446
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : RICE
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Maj Dimuru No.2 location

Near by villages of Maj Dimuru No.2

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Barbaha (Borboha) 285310 DAKHIN KANSURA 320.87 Hectares 908
2 Kandura 285311 DAKHIN KANDARU 356.19 Hectares 461
3 Dakhin Kandura 285312 DAKHIN KANDURA 359.89 Hectares 1322
4 Pub Kandura 285313 DAKHIN KANDURA 349.49 Hectares 490
5 Village No.4 Block No.1(Village No.4Block No.1 N.C 285314 KAKI NO. 1 364.33 Hectares 337
6 Village No.3 Block No.1(Village No.3Block No.1N.C) 285315 KAKI 462.37 Hectares 921
7 Maj Dimuru No.1 285317 PURANA KAKI 122.19 Hectares 154
8 Kachari Gaon 285319 PURANA KAKI 164.03 Hectares 55
9 Kachari Gaon No.1 285320 PURANA KAKI 17.6 Hectares 359
10 Lalung Gaon 285321 PURANA KAKI 106.32 Hectares 402
11 Lalung Gaon No.1 285322 PURANA KAKI G.P. 6.43 Hectares 143
12 Lalung Gaon No.2 285323 PURANA KAKI 10.3 Hectares 55
13 Village No.1 Block No.1(Village No.1Block No.1N.C) 285324 KAKI 316.71 Hectares 1631
14 Khring Khring 285325 AZARBARI 343.74 Hectares 3202
15 Bura Gaon 285326 DAKHIN KANDARU 271.74 Hectares 2876
16 Ban Banganati 285327 AJARBARI 167.14 Hectares 1113
17 Bar Pukhuri 285328 AZARBARI 168.03 Hectares 1670
18 Ajar Bari 285329 AJARBARI 383.53 Hectares 4126
19 Ram Nagar No.1 285330 RANI PUKHURI 182.11 Hectares 1717
20 Ram Nagar No.2 285331 PACHIM UDALI 211.05 Hectares 3101
21 Jay Sagar 285332 RANI PUKHURI 195.75 Hectares 2393
22 Village No.2 Block No.1 285333 KAKI 417.59 Hectares 1477
23 Village No.5 Block No.1 285334 KAKI NO. 1 G.P. 337.88 Hectares 1051
24 Village No.6 Block No.1 285335 NO. 1 KAKI G.P. 377.72 Hectares 2186
25 Lachit Pathar 285337 RANI PUKHURI 210 Hectares 2727
26 Rani Pukhuri 285338 RANI PUKHURI 590.75 Hectares 3956
27 Dakhin Udali (Dakhine) 285339 PACHIM UDALI 192.1 Hectares 2473
28 Udali Gaon 285340 UDALI G.P. 382.26 Hectares 3851
29 Pipal Pukhuri No.1 (Pipal Pukhuri) 285342 RANI PUKHURI G.P. 349 Hectares 2314
30 Barjoha Gaon 285343 PACHIM UDALI G.P. 275.76 Hectares 3216
31 Sing Gaon 285344 UDALI GAON 449.47 Hectares 3798
32 Barjarani (Borjoroni) 285345 UDALI G.P. 350.11 Hectares 3378
33 Maz Udali 285346 LANKAJAN 284.18 Hectares 2309
34 Bordoloni Pathar (Bordoli Pathar) 285347 LANKAJAN 268.1 Hectares 2644
35 Bamun Gaon 285348 BAMUN GAON G. P. 749.83 Hectares 6690
36 Pipal Pukhuri No.2 (Pipal Pukhuri) 285349 BAMUN GAON 653.16 Hectares 3646
37 Tiniali Bazar 285350 BAMUN GAON 88.12 Hectares 1744
38 Lankajan 285351 LANKAJAN 161.45 Hectares 271
39 Jutang Basti 285352 LANKAJAN 292.36 Hectares 4315
40 Dakhin Jaroni 285354 UDALI G.P. 202.92 Hectares 1045
41 Joroni Gaon 285355 UDDALI 260.85 Hectares 2125
42 Pub Udali 285356 LANKAJAN 431.62 Hectares 3236
43 Sankar Basti 285357 BHALUKMARI 367.52 Hectares 1826
44 Pam Gaon 285358 BHALUKMARI G.P. 313.7 Hectares 2408
45 Jura Pukhuri 285359 BHALUKMARI 209.83 Hectares 1581
46 Ita Gaon 285360 BHALUKMARI 376.54 Hectares 1224
47 Am Pukhuri 285361 BHALUKMARI 171.62 Hectares 1110
48 Lakhi Pur 285362 BHALUKMARI 158.14 Hectares 1237
49 Pub Bhaluk Mari (Pub Balukmari) 285363 BHALUKMARI 446 Hectares 2643
50 Uttar Baluhander 285364 BHALUKMARI 54.58 Hectares 357
51 Pachim Bhaluk Mari (Pachim Baluk Mari) 285365 BHALUKMARI 177.9 Hectares 1027
52 Uttar Laskar Pathar 285368 LASKAR PATHAR 223.86 Hectares 1597
53 Dakhin Laskar Pathar (Dakshin Laskar Pathar) 285369 LASKAR PATHAR 682.74 Hectares 6053
54 Tentuli 285370 BALUHANDAR 62.77 Hectares 664
55 Panchali No.1 (Panchali) 285371 BALUHANDAR 77.37 Hectares 389
56 Dablong Gaon (Deblong Gaon) 285372 LASKAR PATHAR 488.34 Hectares 7332
57 Pachim Dablong (Pachim Deblong) 285373 LASKAR PATHAR 154.42 Hectares 2333
58 Panchali No.2 285374 LASKAR PATHAR 126.88 Hectares 1876
59 Khong Khong Basti (Khang Khang Basti) 285375 PHARMAPER 189.13 Hectares 1231
60 Kapili Par (Kapli Par) 285376 FARMAR PAR 394.61 Hectares 3365
61 Forma Par (Formapur) 285377 FARMAPAR 301.85 Hectares 2728
62 Akantu 285378 FARMAPAR 195.21 Hectares 1417
63 Taisubali 285379 FARMA PAR 482.28 Hectares 2485
64 Manduli 285380 BORDOLONG 376.07 Hectares 2375
65 Khari Khana Bil 285381 BORDOLONG G.P. 243.22 Hectares 2255
66 Kharikhana Gaon 285382 BORDOLONG 116.61 Hectares 1764
67 Bordolong 285383 KHARIKHANA G.P. 402.71 Hectares 4731
68 Simlai Pathar 285384 FARMAPAR 212.83 Hectares 2360
69 Samboria 285385 LASKAR PATHAR 363.48 Hectares 5000
70 Nangal Bhanga 285386 LANKA BETA 29.49 Hectares 280
71 Panjabi Basti 285387 LANKA VETA 187.32 Hectares 1564
72 Pas Bandar 285388 LANKA BETA 296.46 Hectares 1501
73 Barman Pathar 285389 LANKA BETA 25.14 Hectares 200
74 Padum Pukhuri 285390 LANKA BETA 66.23 Hectares 275
75 Dhagaon 285391 PADUM PUKHURI 86.81 Hectares 572
76 Lalong Dubi 285392 PADUM PUKHURI 169.3 Hectares 151
77 Alisinga 285393 PADUM PUKHURI 240.5 Hectares 517
78 Krishna Nagar 285394 BORDOLONG 163.6 Hectares 2066
79 Natun Ali Singa 285395 PADUM PUKHURI 60.73 Hectares 220
80 Singjuri 285396 PADUM PUKHURI 235.37 Hectares 1272
81 Lanka Beta 285397 LANKA BETA 59.6 Hectares 79
82 Mosoka 285398 LANKA BETA 25.14 Hectares 827
83 Jamuguri 285399 PADUM PUKHURI 148.15 Hectares 765
84 Gosai Gaon Tangia Village Lankajan Old/New 285401 BAMUN GAON 180.3 Hectares 74
85 Long Mailong N.C. 285402 BAMUNGAON 101.17 Hectares 232
86 Mathara Bil (T.V.) 285403 BAMUNGAON 40.2 Hectares 124
87 Nakhuti Nonkey (N.C)(Naukhutimau Kegareagaon Basti 285404 KHAGRIJAN 67 Hectares 635
88 Shidhashoria 285405 KHAGARIJAN 107.2 Hectares 2434
89 Deka Basti 285406 SARKEY BASTI 93.8 Hectares 836
90 Ramsing Gaon No.1 285407 N. KHULI 78.37 Hectares 855
91 Ramsing Gaon No.2 285408 N. KHUTI 55.58 Hectares 765
92 Mouzadar Gaon No.1 285409 NAKHUTI G.P. 176.18 Hectares 2497
93 Mouzadar Gaon No.2 285410 N. KHUTI 143.18 Hectares 1160
94 Village No.4 Block No.3 285411 TAISUPER 286.4 Hectares 1305
95 Village No.3 Block No.3 285412 TAISUPER 350.15 Hectares 1637
96 Village No.6 Block No.3 285413 TAISUPER 198.1 Hectares 831
97 Village No.5 Block No.3 285414 TAISUPER 216.15 Hectares 2643
98 Village No.2 Block No.3 285415 TAISUPER 335.15 Hectares 907
99 Village No.1 Block No.3 285416 TAISUPER 289.83 Hectares 1014
100 Village No.3 Block No.2 285417 THESUPAR 192.26 Hectares 936
101 Village No.1 Block No.2 285418 THAISUPAR 189.25 Hectares 884
102 Village No.4 Block No.2 285419 THESUPAR 166.21 Hectares 492
103 Village No.2 Block No.2 285420 TISUIPAR 188.23 Hectares 2038
104 Teralongsu 2000 Bigha N.C. 285423 THAISUPAR 268 Hectares 2566
105 Teralongsu 3000 Bigha N.C. 285424 THAISUPAR 402 Hectares 1166
106 Dera Pathar No. 1 N.C. 285425 DERAPATHAR 360.82 Hectares 1940
107 Dera Pathar No.2 N.C. 285426 DERAPATHAR 334.47 Hectares 1618
108 Dera Pathar No.3 N.C. 285427 DERAPATHAR 398.85 Hectares 1677
109 Dera Pathar No.4 N.C. 285428 DERAPATHAR 246.13 Hectares 1223
110 Mouzadar Gaon No.3 285429 N. KHUTI 67.77 Hectares 728
111 Khagarijan No.1 285430 KHAGARIJAN 161.39 Hectares 1134
112 Khagarijan No.3 285431 KHAGARIJAN 103.64 Hectares 776
113 Khring Khring No.2 285432 N. KHUTI 120.2 Hectares 1017
114 Khagarijan No.2 285433 KHAGARIJAN 133.08 Hectares 1211
115 Deben Gaon No.1 285434 N. KHULI 98.29 Hectares 830
116 Deben Gaon No.2 285435 N. KHUTI 108.76 Hectares 1065
117 Sarthey Gaon No.2 285436 KHAGARIJAN 83.92 Hectares 829
118 Sarthey Gaon No.1 285437 KHAGARIJAN 53.1 Hectares 489
119 Sarthey Gaon No.3 285438 KHAGARIJAN 187.35 Hectares 1355
120 Sarthey Basti 285439 SARKEY BASTI 107.2 Hectares 505
121 Khring Khring No.1 285440 SARKEY BASTI 138.94 Hectares 3546
122 Khring Khring No.3 285441 KHAGRIJAN 220.74 Hectares 1775
123 Nakhuti P.R.F. 285442 SARKEY BASTI 107.2 Hectares 1675
124 Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. 285443 KHAGARIJAN 107.2 Hectares 897
125 Panijan 285444 KHAGARIJAN 87.1 Hectares 948
126 Pagla Basti 285445 KHAGARIJAN 80.4 Hectares 1024
127 Sarkey Bosti 285446 SARKEY BASTI 241.2 Hectares 8987
128 Lal Mati 285447 KHAGARIJAN 341.7 Hectares 5084
129 The Dong Hola Chakma Basti 285448 KHAGRIJAN 67 Hectares 501
130 F.T.V.No.2(Kakitangia No.2) 285484 TONGIA G.P. 270 Hectares 3497
131 Paddy Land (F.T.V.) 285487 THAISUPAR 254.6 Hectares 1962
132 Tapan Pur (Kaki Tapan Pur F.V.) 285488 PURANA KAKI 144.1 Hectares 609
133 Hemari Camp Area (F.V.) 285490 PURANA KAKI 174 Hectares 1270
134 Natun F.V. 285491 BAMUNGAON 80.4 Hectares 2135
135 Dimaru Pathar F.V. 285494 THAISUPAR 268 Hectares 7587
136 Bagisadubi 295515 318.26 Hectares 2126
137 Doyangmukh 295516 300 Hectares 2998
138 Radhanagar 295517 469.56 Hectares 1157
139 Deklem 295519 282.8 Hectares 1531
140 Lamsakham 295520 79 Hectares 1017
141 Mailoo Bl No.4 295523 106 Hectares 3700
142 Belbari 295525 674.18 Hectares 3153
143 Deklem 295538 282.86 Hectares 1953
144 Umphu Kuki 295668 150 Hectares 211
145 Langkircha 295670 150 Hectares 377

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q2: What is the village code for Maj Dimuru No.2?

A2: The village code for Maj Dimuru No.2 is 285318.

Q3: In which block is Maj Dimuru No.2 located?

A3: Maj Dimuru No.2 is located in the Udali block.

Q4: What is the total area of Maj Dimuru No.2?

A4: The total area of Maj Dimuru No.2 is 158.92 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Maj Dimuru No.2 belong to?

A5: Maj Dimuru No.2 belongs to the PURANA KAKI Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Maj Dimuru No.2 located?

A6: Maj Dimuru No.2 is located in the Nagaon district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Maj Dimuru No.2 from the district headquarter?

A7: Maj Dimuru No.2 is 86 kilometers away from the NAGAON district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Maj Dimuru No.2?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Lanka (MB) which is 20 kilometers away from Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q9: What is the population of Maj Dimuru No.2?

A9: The population of Maj Dimuru No.2 is 448 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A10: There are 193 households in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A11: There are 238 males and 210 females in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q12: Are there any schools in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Maj Dimuru No.2. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q14: What is the pin code of Maj Dimuru No.2?

A14: The pin code of Maj Dimuru No.2 is 782446.

Q15: Does Maj Dimuru No.2 have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q18: Is Maj Dimuru No.2 connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Maj Dimuru No.2.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Maj Dimuru No.2 is RICE.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Maj Dimuru No.2?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Maj Dimuru No.2.

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