
Mentakani Village

Mentakani is belongs to Sonepur, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Mentakani
Village code : 419175
Block Name : Ulunda (0237)
Area : 34
Gram Panchayat : Chadeipanka (02)
District : Sonepur
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Subarnapur
District Head Quarter distance : 25 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : SONAPUR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 25 Kms
Population : 34
Households : 8
Male : 15
Female : 19
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 767034
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Mentakani location

Near by villages of Mentakani

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Dhanbahalijungle 419116 Petrapali 38 Hectares 16
2 Dhanbahali 419117 Petrapali 33 Hectares 79
3 Kapasira 419118 Petrapali 257 Hectares 337
4 Beheramal 419119 Petrapali 138 Hectares 203
5 Kutapali 419120 Petrapali 186 Hectares 253
6 Beheramaljungle 419121 Petrapali 65 Hectares 120
7 Dejharan 419122 Petrapali 22 Hectares 47
8 Patrapalijungle 419123 Petrapali 27 Hectares 98
9 Patrapali 419125 Petrapali 201 Hectares 228
10 Budhijharanjungle 419126 Petrapali 23 Hectares 73
11 Budhijharan 419127 Petrapali 37 Hectares 94
12 Kamalkata 419128 Petrapali 9 Hectares 18
13 Keutipali 419129 Petrapali 5 Hectares 626
14 Hud 419130 Petrapali 139 Hectares 223
15 Mundomahul 419131 Petrapali 219 Hectares 611
16 Sindhol 419132 Sindhol 302 Hectares 1283
17 Shindhol Jungle 419133 Sindhol 94 Hectares 340
18 Lamtul Jungle 419134 Petrapali 45 Hectares 44
19 Lamtul 419135 Petrapali 35 Hectares 50
20 Kusumpal 419136 Petrapali 38 Hectares 22
21 Gindilamal 419137 Petrapali 94 Hectares 120
22 Dengurdar 419138 Petrapali 66 Hectares 46
23 Brahmanipali 419139 Jaunrabhaunra 204 Hectares 574
24 Dabapali 419140 Petrapali 68 Hectares 35
25 Kharapura 419142 Jaunrabhaunra 169 Hectares 253
26 Kharapurajungle 419143 Jaunrabhaunra 28 Hectares 57
27 Krushnapurjungle 419144 Jaunrabhaunra 44 Hectares 191
28 Sulia 419145 Jaunrabhaunra 179 Hectares 388
29 Suliajungle 419146 Jaunrabhaunra 38 Hectares 72
30 Guja 419147 Jaunrabhaunra 52 Hectares 134
31 Pardiapali 419149 Jaunrabhaunra 72 Hectares 59
32 Hatipahul 419150 Jaunrabhaunra 172 Hectares 292
33 Ganjachhapper 419151 Jaunrabhaunra 54 Hectares 178
34 Radhanagar 419152 Jaunrabhaunra 128 Hectares 195
35 Ganjachhapperjungle 419153 Jaunrabhaunra 226 Hectares 115
36 Jaunrabhounra 419154 Jaunrabhaunra 322 Hectares 718
37 Dakhinipalijungle 419155 Sindhol 106 Hectares 62
38 Dakhinipali 419156 Sindhol 281 Hectares 486
39 Matupali 419157 Sindhol 340 Hectares 703
40 Sahanidiha 419158 Sindhol 125 Hectares 141
41 Manpur 419159 Chadeipanka 75 Hectares 338
42 Chadeipankjungle 419160 Chadeipanka 26 Hectares 403
43 Chadeipank 419161 Chadeipanka 304 Hectares 2886
44 Badmal 419162 Chadeipanka 212 Hectares 314
45 Ainlachhat 419163 Chadeipanka 248 Hectares 743
46 Badmaljungle 419164 Chadeipanka 181 Hectares 73
47 Bagharmunda 419165 Jaunrabhaunra 73 Hectares 263
48 Daltangar 419166 Jaunrabhaunra 37 Hectares 38
49 Dipapali 419167 Chadeipanka 348 Hectares 426
50 Dhelei 419168 Jaunrabhaunra 232 Hectares 410
51 Meghanadjungle 419169 Khemaloi 121 Hectares 44
52 Meghanad 419171 Khemaloi 138 Hectares 220
53 Tentulikhol 419172 Khemaloi 192 Hectares 245
54 Hatimunda 419174 Chadeipanka 75 Hectares 148
55 Singhapali 419177 Chadeipanka 108 Hectares 28
56 Singhapalijungle 419178 Chadeipanka 36 Hectares 62
57 Kutmenda 419179 Chadeipanka 395 Hectares 846
58 Kutmendajungle 419180 Chadeipanka 26 Hectares 61
59 Patrapali 419181 Chadeipanka 72 Hectares 186
60 Kalipur 419182 Chadeipanka 46 Hectares 20
61 Mankadabahal 419183 Chadeipanka 212 Hectares 284
62 Jharabahali 419184 Chadeipanka 323 Hectares 717
63 Jharabahalijungle 419185 Chadeipanka 28 Hectares 83
64 Pandakital 419186 Chadeipanka 108 Hectares 137
65 Khemaloi 419187 Khemaloi 227 Hectares 681
66 Pipalkata 419188 Khemaloi 159 Hectares 517
67 Pipalkatajungle 419189 Khemaloi 39 Hectares 272
68 Nakdein 419190 Khemaloi 359 Hectares 647
69 Sindiriabahal 419191 Khemaloi 119 Hectares 696
70 Barpadar 419192 Ulunda 52 Hectares 35
71 Lastala 419193 Ulunda 325 Hectares 1322
72 Maulimal 419194 Khemaloi 180 Hectares 419
73 Gandabahal 419195 Ulunda 164 Hectares 1187
74 Puturupali 419196 Ulunda 54 Hectares 363
75 Ulunda 419197 Ulunda 317 Hectares 1694
76 Matikhai 419198 Ulunda 182 Hectares 893
77 Gailmura 419199 Ulunda 228 Hectares 658
78 Badali 419200 Ulunda 267 Hectares 710
79 Badmal 419201 Panchamahala 118 Hectares 187
80 Pipalkuda 419202 Panchamahala 151 Hectares 244
81 Didimal 419203 Panchamahala 100 Hectares 336
82 Kapasira 419204 Panchamahala 257 Hectares 540
83 Jagannathpali 419205 Panchamahala 81 Hectares 216
84 Lambakani 419206 Panchamahala 126 Hectares 518
85 Dhuldhula 419207 Panchamahala 123 Hectares 478
86 Jampali 419208 Ulunda 79 Hectares 188
87 Maraloi 419209 Ulunda 200 Hectares 705
88 Khaliapali 419210 Ulunda 76 Hectares 391
89 Kukia 419211 Panchamahala 251 Hectares 688
90 Panchamahala 419213 Panchamahala 264 Hectares 859
91 Barigaon 419214 Panchamahala 263 Hectares 435
92 Manamal 419215 Nimna 57 Hectares 27
93 Telenda 419217 Nimna 232 Hectares 801
94 Nimna 419218 Nimna 115 Hectares 1388
95 Dasarajpurpandafal 419219 Nimna 117 Hectares 457
96 Dasarajpurpandiafal 419220 Nimna 100 Hectares 409
97 Amurda 419221 Panchamahala 302 Hectares 1049
98 Gaurgaon 419223 Ulunda 449 Hectares 1235
99 Udepadar 419224 Ulunda 266 Hectares 1043
100 Pipalikani 419225 Bisipada 180 Hectares 293
101 Podamal 419229 Kotasa Malai 20 Hectares 13
102 Harinapali 419293 Kotasa Malai 456 Hectares 852
103 Krushnanagar 419294 Kotasa Malai 50 Hectares 77
104 Gargadabahal 419295 Kadodar 182 Hectares 246
105 Kulbasa 419296 Kadodar 98 Hectares 75
106 Sanankaria 419348 Jaloi 122 Hectares 438
107 Badankaria 419349 Jaloi 206 Hectares 386
108 Sarkaridadar 419350 Jaloi 30 Hectares 79
109 Anantapali 419351 Ulunda 80 Hectares 232
110 Daldaba 419352 Bisipada 532 Hectares 1058
111 Daldaba Jungle 419353 Bisipada 32 Hectares 20
112 Bidurpali 419354 Bisipada 81 Hectares 291
113 Naikapada 419355 Bisipada 267 Hectares 1023
114 Bisipara 419356 Bisipada 299 Hectares 894
115 Sansanpur 419357 Bisipada 80 Hectares 299
116 Gopalpur 419358 Bisipada 114 Hectares 218
117 Bhejimal 419361 Bisipada 5 Hectares 108
118 Gobindapali 419362 Bisipada 30 Hectares 201
119 Palash 419363 Bisipada 309 Hectares 1256
120 Bejpali 419364 Bisipada 71 Hectares 253
121 Badhila 419365 Bisipada 225 Hectares 442
122 Khajariapali 419366 Bisipada 35 Hectares 193
123 Nuagaon 419368 Bisipada 80 Hectares 193
124 Hikudi 419369 Mundoghat 158 Hectares 843
125 Jogi Gumpha 419370 Roxa 93 Hectares 9
126 Marichapur 419371 Bisipada 72 Hectares 449
127 Baghalpur 419372 Roxa 149 Hectares 567
128 Dudupali 419373 Roxa 64 Hectares 219
129 Raksa 419374 Roxa 409 Hectares 1224
130 Sauripali 419375 Mundoghat 86 Hectares 295
131 Sripura 419376 Roxa 91 Hectares 443
132 Bijepur 419377 Mundoghat 82 Hectares 292
133 Mundoghat 419378 Mundoghat 127 Hectares 441
134 Lankabahal 419379 Mundoghat 80 Hectares 401
135 Bhajabalpur 419380 Mundoghat 145 Hectares 657
136 Patrapali 419381 Mundoghat 101 Hectares 218
137 Lehedi 419382 Mundoghat 191 Hectares 442
138 Hingama 419383 Roxa 585 Hectares 2173
139 Gurpanga 419384 Roxa 77 Hectares 286
140 Khapuripur 419391 Roxa 53 Hectares 28

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Mentakani.

Q2: What is the village code for Mentakani?

A2: The village code for Mentakani is 419175.

Q3: In which block is Mentakani located?

A3: Mentakani is located in the Ulunda block.

Q4: What is the total area of Mentakani?

A4: The total area of Mentakani is 34 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Mentakani belong to?

A5: Mentakani belongs to the Chadeipanka Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Mentakani located?

A6: Mentakani is located in the Sonepur district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Mentakani from the district headquarter?

A7: Mentakani is 25 kilometers away from the Subarnapur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Mentakani?

A8: The nearest statutory town is SONAPUR which is 25 kilometers away from Mentakani.

Q9: What is the population of Mentakani?

A9: The population of Mentakani is 34 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Mentakani?

A10: There are 193 households in Mentakani.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Mentakani?

A11: There are 15 males and 19 females in Mentakani.

Q12: Are there any schools in Mentakani?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Mentakani. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Mentakani?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Mentakani.

Q14: What is the pin code of Mentakani?

A14: The pin code of Mentakani is 767034.

Q15: Does Mentakani have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Mentakani.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Mentakani?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Mentakani.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Mentakani?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Mentakani.

Q18: Is Mentakani connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Mentakani.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Mentakani?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Mentakani.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Mentakani?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Mentakani.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Mentakani?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Mentakani is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Mentakani?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Mentakani.

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