

Chilamathur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Chilamathur
Block Code : 1033
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Chilamathur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Tekulodu 595578 Chilamathur 885 Hectares 2250 515341
2 Demakethepalle 595579 Chilamathur 1666 Hectares 4602 515331
3 Yagnisettipalle 595580 Chilamathur 611 Hectares 703 515331
4 Hussainpuram 595581 Chilamathur 538 Hectares 1081 515351
5 Chilamathur 595582 Chilamathur 4178 Hectares 15449 515341
6 Kodur 595583 Chilamathur 4082 Hectares 8813 515601
7 Settipalle 595584 Chilamathur 1447 Hectares 2990 515231
8 Chagaluru 595585 Chilamathur 2418 Hectares 4262 515601
9 Kambaladinne 595586 Chilamathur 160 Hectares -
10 Kanugamakulapalle 595587 Chilamathur 181 Hectares 82 515601
11 Gandladinne 595588 Chilamathur 104 Hectares -
12 Subbaraopet 595589 Chilamathur 238 Hectares 200 515601
13 Muddireddipalle 595590 Chilamathur 156 Hectares 589 515601
14 Yerrasingepalle 595591 Chilamathur 191 Hectares -
15 Somaghatta 595592 Chilamathur 1753 Hectares 2963 515601
16 Veerapuram 595593 Chilamathur 786 Hectares 1910 515341
17 Chowdireddipalle 595594 Chilamathur 118 Hectares -
18 Morasalapalle 595595 Chilamathur 1503 Hectares 2773 515601
19 Naremuddapalle 595596 Chilamathur 74 Hectares -
20 Marrimakulapalle 595597 Chilamathur 53 Hectares -
21 Kodikonda 595598 Chilamathur 813 Hectares 2789 515601

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