

Gandlapenta block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gandlapenta
Block Code : 1009
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Gandlapenta

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Godduvelagala 595238 Gandlapenta 2090 Hectares 1839 515521
2 Kamathampalle 595239 Gandlapenta 249 Hectares 686 515521
3 Maddivarigondi 595240 Gandlapenta 320 Hectares 640 515521
4 Thummalabylu 595241 Gandlapenta 792 Hectares 980 515521
5 Gandlapenta 595242 Gandlapenta 3780 Hectares 9611 515521
6 Jeenulakunta 595243 Gandlapenta 529 Hectares 882 515521
7 Veparala 595244 Gandlapenta 732 Hectares 1580 515521
8 Kurumamidi 595245 Gandlapenta 820 Hectares 1813 515521
9 Chamalagondi 595246 Gandlapenta 1316 Hectares 1969 515521
10 Somayajulapalle 595247 Gandlapenta 1117 Hectares 2272 515521
11 Maduguvanigondi 595248 Gandlapenta 554 Hectares -
12 Chamachenubylu 595249 Gandlapenta 493 Hectares 674 515521
13 Malameedapalle 595250 Gandlapenta 2180 Hectares 3237 515521

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