

Gorantla block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gorantla
Block Code : 1029
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Gorantla

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Boyalapalle 595513 Gorantla 279 Hectares -
2 Mandalapalle 595514 Gorantla 3101 Hectares 7207 515231
3 Jowkuledudinne 595515 Gorantla 91 Hectares 37 515231
4 Gangampalle 595516 Gorantla 1811 Hectares 3207 515231
5 Vanavolu 595517 Gorantla 3186 Hectares 6872 515231
6 Kammavaripalle 595518 Gorantla 1238 Hectares 2807 515231
7 Gorantla 595519 Gorantla 1238 Hectares 24586 515231
8 Buganipalle 595520 Gorantla 196 Hectares 504 515231
9 Mallapalle 595521 Gorantla 2756 Hectares 3040 515231
10 Ragimakulapalle 595522 Gorantla 148 Hectares 216 515241
11 Katepalle 595523 Gorantla 229 Hectares 277 515241
12 Obulapuram 595524 Gorantla 74 Hectares -
13 Palasamudram 595525 Gorantla 1438 Hectares 3404 515241
14 Devulacheruvu 595526 Gorantla 251 Hectares 238 515241
15 Vadigepalle 595527 Gorantla 1756 Hectares 2795 515231
16 Budili 595528 Gorantla 4989 Hectares 9015 515237
17 Puleru 595529 Gorantla 1452 Hectares 3472 515231
18 Maredipalle 595530 Gorantla 2489 Hectares 495 515231
19 Bayanakuntapalle 595531 Gorantla 166 Hectares -
20 Jakkasamudram 595532 Gorantla 324 Hectares 712 515231
21 Gowrivaripalle 595533 Gorantla 4242 Hectares 8387 515231

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