

Hindupur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Hindupur
Block Code : 1031
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Hindupur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Manesamudram 595554 Hindupur 505 Hectares 1533 515212
2 Maluguru 595555 Hindupur 2420 Hectares 5942 515212
3 Chalivendala 595556 Hindupur 2273 Hectares 5231 515331
4 Sreekanthapuram (R) 595557 Hindupur 1949 Hectares 5232 515211
5 Bevina Halli 595558 Hindupur 1570 Hectares 2188 515211
6 Nakkalapalle 595559 Hindupur 267 Hectares 706 515211
7 Kirikera 595560 Hindupur 1395 Hectares 11184 515221
8 Kotipi 595561 Hindupur 1412 Hectares 4157 515221
9 Devarapalle 595562 Hindupur 315 Hectares 552 515221
10 Santhebidanur 595563 Hindupur 729 Hectares 3588 515221
11 Thungepalle 595564 Hindupur 66 Hectares 468 515221
12 Chowlur 595565 Hindupur 1109 Hectares 6038 515211
13 Thumukunta 595566 Hindupur 609 Hectares 2417 515221
14 Gollapuram 595567 Hindupur 1249 Hectares 2625 515221

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