

Kothacheruvu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kothacheruvu
Block Code : 1013
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Kothacheruvu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kodapaganipalle 595285 Kothacheruvu 817 Hectares 1310 515144
2 Kesapuram 595286 Kothacheruvu 877 Hectares 1633 515144
3 Kadiridevarapalle 595287 Kothacheruvu 66 Hectares 25 515144
4 Mylasamudram 595288 Kothacheruvu 410 Hectares 1228 515144
5 Kothapalle 595289 Kothacheruvu 2290 Hectares 483 515144
6 Narepalle 595290 Kothacheruvu 305 Hectares 787 515144
7 Kanisettipalle 595291 Kothacheruvu 417 Hectares 369 515144
8 Lingareddipalle 595292 Kothacheruvu 180 Hectares 655 515144
9 Tirumaladevarapalle 595293 Kothacheruvu 493 Hectares 793 515133
10 Vemuletipalle 595294 Kothacheruvu 338 Hectares 409 515144
11 Talamarla 595295 Kothacheruvu 4511 Hectares 5210 515133
12 Vangampalle 595296 Kothacheruvu 152 Hectares 254 515133
13 Iragampalle 595297 Kothacheruvu 243 Hectares 640 515133
14 Kothacheruvu 595298 Kothacheruvu 1728 Hectares 14564 515133
15 Thippa Batlapalle 595299 Kothacheruvu 241 Hectares 247 515133
16 K.Locharla 595300 Kothacheruvu 1277 Hectares 2388 515133
17 Marakuntapalle 595301 Kothacheruvu 1059 Hectares 1013 515133
18 Pothulakunta 595302 Kothacheruvu 1005 Hectares 1033 515133
19 Virupapuram 595303 Kothacheruvu 148 Hectares 95 515133
20 Bandlapalle 595304 Kothacheruvu 2261 Hectares 3895 515110
21 Pakeerupalle 595305 Kothacheruvu 147 Hectares -
22 Byrapuram 595306 Kothacheruvu 1388 Hectares 2015 515110
23 Kadirepalle 595307 Kothacheruvu 342 Hectares -

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