

Nallacheruvu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nallacheruvu
Block Code : 1026
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Nallacheruvu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Panthulacheruvu 595467 Nallacheruvu 776 Hectares 1206 515551
2 Allugundu 595468 Nallacheruvu 1269 Hectares 1930 515551
3 Jogannapeta 595469 Nallacheruvu 2376 Hectares 4432 515551
4 S.Mulakalapalle 595470 Nallacheruvu 469 Hectares 1275 515551
5 Maddimadugu 595471 Nallacheruvu 701 Hectares 661 515551
6 Tavalamarri 595472 Nallacheruvu 1090 Hectares 1439 515551
7 Ubicherla 595473 Nallacheruvu 1348 Hectares 2506 515551
8 Kadiripulakunta 595474 Nallacheruvu 885 Hectares 2347 515551
9 Nallacheruvu 595475 Nallacheruvu 1945 Hectares 8023 515551
10 Talamarlavandla Palle 595476 Nallacheruvu 2361 Hectares 3755 515551
11 Oravoy 595477 Nallacheruvu 2244 Hectares 3462 515551

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