

Putlur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Putlur
Block Code : 993
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Putlur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Arakativemula 595018 Putlur 764 Hectares 2034 515414
2 Surepalli 595019 Putlur 1453 Hectares 1711 515414
3 Chintakunta 595020 Putlur 431 Hectares 863 515414
4 Kandikapula 595021 Putlur 1054 Hectares 615 515414
5 Putlur 595022 Putlur 4062 Hectares 5848 515414
6 Gandlapadu 595023 Putlur 841 Hectares 572 515414
7 Sanagalaguduru 595024 Putlur 4864 Hectares 4285 515414
8 Komatikuntla 595025 Putlur 1311 Hectares 1829 515414
9 Cherlopalli 595026 Putlur 3598 Hectares 3334 515414
10 Kadavakallu 595027 Putlur 2103 Hectares 4040 515414
11 Dosaledu 595028 Putlur 1005 Hectares 1683 515414
12 Madugupalle 595029 Putlur 924 Hectares 2296 515414
13 Ellutla 595030 Putlur 2538 Hectares 2372 515414
14 Kummanamala 595031 Putlur 3587 Hectares 2494 515414
15 Chalavemula 595032 Putlur 1665 Hectares 1247 515414
16 Chinnamallepalle 595033 Putlur 420 Hectares 44 515414
17 Chintalapalle 595034 Putlur 1299 Hectares 1635 515414

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