

Puttaparthi block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Puttaparthi
Block Code : 1024
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Puttaparthi

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kappala Banda 595441 Puttaparthi 1686 Hectares 2216 515133
2 Jagarajupalle 595442 Puttaparthi 856 Hectares 2539 515133
3 Kotlapalle 595443 Puttaparthi 2246 Hectares 3595 515510
4 Nidimamidi 595444 Puttaparthi 2929 Hectares 3894 515510
5 Pedapalle 595445 Puttaparthi 1696 Hectares 6584 515231
6 Beedupalle 595446 Puttaparthi 919 Hectares 2672 515134
7 Brahmanapalle 595447 Puttaparthi 798 Hectares 2540 515134
8 Puttaparthi 595448 Puttaparthi 4547 Hectares 15088 515134
9 Vengalammacheruvu 595449 Puttaparthi 4183 Hectares 5660 515134
10 Satarlapalle 595450 Puttaparthi 510 Hectares 474 515144
11 Amagondapalem 595451 Puttaparthi 6908 Hectares 3256 515144

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