

Somandepalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Somandepalle
Block Code : 1030
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Somandepalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Brahmasamudram 595534 Somandepalle 1291 Hectares 2095 515124
2 Mandli 595535 Somandepalle 2025 Hectares 2620 515122
3 Challapalle 595536 Somandepalle 1017 Hectares 2515 515122
4 Chennapuram 595537 Somandepalle 522 Hectares 453 515122
5 Magecheruvu 595538 Somandepalle 754 Hectares 2036 515122
6 Kothapalle 595539 Somandepalle 2244 Hectares 583 515122
7 Naginayanicheruvu 595540 Somandepalle 669 Hectares 928 515122
8 Bussaiahgaripalle 595541 Somandepalle 441 Hectares 403 515241
9 Velagamakulapalle 595542 Somandepalle 267 Hectares 602 515122
10 Gudipalle 595543 Somandepalle 1394 Hectares 854 515122
11 Tungodu 595544 Somandepalle 1545 Hectares 2379 515241
12 Pandiparthi 595545 Somandepalle 1486 Hectares 2078 515122
13 Brahmanapalle 595546 Somandepalle 166 Hectares 1252 515122
14 Edulabalapuram 595547 Somandepalle 592 Hectares 1068 515122
15 Julukunta 595548 Somandepalle 727 Hectares 1404 515122
16 Kethaganicheruvu 595549 Somandepalle 1173 Hectares 1698 515122
17 Nadimpalle 595550 Somandepalle 1637 Hectares 1621 515122
18 Chalakur 595551 Somandepalle 1754 Hectares 2627 515122
19 Velidadakala 595552 Somandepalle 707 Hectares 1480 515241

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