Pithapuram block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Pithapuram |
Block Code | : | 581 |
District | : | East Godavari |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | B. Kothuru | 587452 | Pithapuram | 406 Hectares | 1832 | 533431 |
2 | Jagapathirajapuram | 587453 | Pithapuram | 139 Hectares | 433 | 533450 |
3 | Veldurthi | 587454 | Pithapuram | 801 Hectares | 3285 | 533445 |
4 | Pro. Donthamuru | 587455 | Pithapuram | 1313 Hectares | 2976 | 533445 |
5 | Pro. Rayavaram | 587456 | Pithapuram | 751 Hectares | 4248 | 533445 |
6 | Bhogapuram | 587457 | Pithapuram | 1017 Hectares | 7050 | 533445 |
7 | Raparthi | 587458 | Pithapuram | 769 Hectares | 3566 | 533445 |
8 | Jamulapalle | 587459 | Pithapuram | 190 Hectares | 1510 | 533450 |
9 | Gokivada | 587460 | Pithapuram | 296 Hectares | 2009 | 533450 |
10 | Mangiturthi | 587461 | Pithapuram | 301 Hectares | 2737 | 533450 |
11 | Virava | 587462 | Pithapuram | 378 Hectares | 4192 | 533450 |
12 | Kolanka | 587463 | Pithapuram | 687 Hectares | 4657 | 533450 |
13 | Veeraraghavapuram | 587464 | Pithapuram | 277 Hectares | - | |
14 | Illindrada | 587465 | Pithapuram | 114 Hectares | - | |
15 | Madhavapuram | 587466 | Pithapuram | 396 Hectares | 2452 | 533450 |
16 | Agraharam (R) | 587467 | Pithapuram | 490 Hectares | 2711 | 533450 |
17 | Viravada | 587468 | Pithapuram | 669 Hectares | 7170 | 533450 |
18 | Mallam | 587469 | Pithapuram | 556 Hectares | 4975 | 533433 |
19 | Fakruddinpalem | 587470 | Pithapuram | 240 Hectares | 1854 | 533450 |
20 | Jalluru | 587471 | Pithapuram | 330 Hectares | 2760 | 533433 |
21 | Govindarajupalem | 587472 | Pithapuram | 132 Hectares | 442 | 533433 |
22 | Somavaram | 587473 | Pithapuram | 251 Hectares | - | |
23 | Kandarada | 587474 | Pithapuram | 238 Hectares | 3894 | 533450 |
24 | Chitrada | 587475 | Pithapuram | 379 Hectares | 7992 | 533450 |
25 | Navakandravada | 587476 | Pithapuram | 123 Hectares | 1678 | 533450 |
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