

Kollur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kollur
Block Code : 756
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Guntur District

Nearest Village to Kollur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ananthavaram 590412 Kollur 1030 Hectares 2806 522301
2 Chilumuru 590413 Kollur 475 Hectares 3174 522301
3 Ipur 590414 Kollur 915 Hectares 4034 522301
4 Gajullanka 590415 Kollur 881 Hectares 3735 522324
5 Pedalanka 590416 Kollur 760 Hectares 4246 522324
6 Kollur 590417 Kollur 1856 Hectares 16079 522324
7 Boddulurupadu 590418 Kollur 110 Hectares 1034 522324
8 Ravikampadu 590419 Kollur 1490 Hectares 4462 522324
9 Gurivindapalle 590420 Kollur 128 Hectares -
10 Chinapulivarru 590421 Kollur 494 Hectares 1881 522324
11 Donepudi 590422 Kollur 854 Hectares 4033 522324
12 Potharlanka 590423 Kollur 1821 Hectares 9839 522324

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