

Repalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Repalle
Block Code : 764
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Guntur District

Nearest Village to Repalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Parisapadu 590497 Repalle 113 Hectares -
2 Karumuru 590498 Repalle 361 Hectares 2713 522265
3 Bethapudi 590499 Repalle 900 Hectares 6883 522265
4 Peteru 590500 Repalle 859 Hectares 8547 522265
5 Penumudi 590501 Repalle 553 Hectares 3534 522265
6 Chatragadda 590502 Repalle 449 Hectares 1893 522265
7 Kamarajugadda 590503 Repalle 693 Hectares 1985 522265
8 Nalluru 590504 Repalle 780 Hectares 1862 522265
9 Aravapalle 590505 Repalle 437 Hectares 1900 522265
10 Uppudi 590506 Repalle 764 Hectares 2982 522265
11 Isukapalle (R) 590507 Repalle 1051 Hectares 2143 522265
12 Singupalem 590508 Repalle 1529 Hectares 3656 522264
13 Visweswaram 590509 Repalle 317 Hectares 794 522264
14 Chodayapalem 590510 Repalle 1774 Hectares 5387 522264
15 Kaithepalle 590511 Repalle 931 Hectares 2520 522264
16 Potumeraka 590512 Repalle 2592 Hectares 5126 522264
17 Gangadipalem 590513 Repalle 4059 Hectares 9198 522264

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