

Rompicherla block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Rompicherla
Block Code : 734
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Guntur District

Nearest Village to Rompicherla

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Arepalli Agraharam 590131 Rompicherla 1178 Hectares 2342 522617
2 Dasaripalem 590132 Rompicherla 1572 Hectares 5722 522617
3 Santhagudipadu 590133 Rompicherla 1850 Hectares 5216 522617
4 Vipparla 590134 Rompicherla 4008 Hectares 12551 522617
5 Machavaram 590135 Rompicherla 2145 Hectares 4752 522617
6 Nallagarlapadu 590136 Rompicherla 468 Hectares 1905 522617
7 Annavaram 590137 Rompicherla 2798 Hectares 4880 522601
8 Rompicherla 590138 Rompicherla 2811 Hectares 10131 522617
9 Gogulapadu 590139 Rompicherla 1728 Hectares 3806 522603
10 Alavala 590140 Rompicherla 966 Hectares 2478 522617
11 Thurumella 590141 Rompicherla 1897 Hectares 4222 522617
12 Annavarappadu 590142 Rompicherla 340 Hectares 748 522617
13 Vipparlapalle Agraharam 590143 Rompicherla 515 Hectares 1988 522617
14 Muthanapalli 590144 Rompicherla 842 Hectares 1319 522617
15 Ganugachintha 595696 Rompicherla 2232 Hectares 2908 517192
16 Motumallela 595697 Rompicherla 2188 Hectares 2975 517292
17 Peddamallela 595698 Rompicherla 3215 Hectares 4478 517192
18 Rompicherla 595699 Rompicherla 1745 Hectares 8679 517192
19 Bandakindapalle 595700 Rompicherla 605 Hectares 1242 517192
20 Peddagottigallu 595701 Rompicherla 842 Hectares 1253 517192
21 Bommaiahgari Palle 595702 Rompicherla 1819 Hectares 4800 517192

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