

Peapally block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Peapally
Block Code : 961
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Kurnool District

Nearest Village to Peapally

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Peddapodilla 594456 Peapally 1872 Hectares 3956 518221
2 Shrotrium Rangapuram 594457 Peapally 339 Hectares 453 518221
3 Kalachetla 594458 Peapally 942 Hectares 2317 518221
4 Shrotrium Rayampeta 594459 Peapally 259 Hectares -
5 Shrotrium Nallaballe 594460 Peapally 826 Hectares 162 518221
6 Pothidoddi 594461 Peapally 1297 Hectares 2625 518221
7 Peapally 594462 Peapally 3724 Hectares 15200 518221
8 Vengalampalle 594463 Peapally 1215 Hectares 2402 518221
9 Mettupalle 594464 Peapally 2224 Hectares 4609 518521
10 Jaladurgam 594465 Peapally 2774 Hectares 8322 518220
11 Madhavaram 594466 Peapally 1509 Hectares 2825 518220
12 Munimadugu 594467 Peapally 1436 Hectares 2075 518221
13 Racherla 594468 Peapally 3563 Hectares 5012 518221
14 Nereducherla 594469 Peapally 1818 Hectares 1924 518220
15 Kommemarri 594470 Peapally 1713 Hectares 5785 518220
16 Chandrapalle 594471 Peapally 1393 Hectares 1913 518221
17 Gudipadu 594472 Peapally 3783 Hectares 5260 518221
18 Jakkasanikuntla 594473 Peapally 1491 Hectares 4767 518221
19 Burugula 594474 Peapally 2490 Hectares 4085 518220

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