

Bheemgal block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Bheemgal
Block Code : 60
District : Nizamabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nizamabad District

Nearest Village to Bheemgal

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Changal 570843 Bheemgal 1615 Hectares 3756 503307
2 Pedda Bheemgal 570844 Bheemgal 1852 Hectares 5665 503307
3 Babapur 570845 Bheemgal 54 Hectares 3332 503307
4 Jagriyal 570846 Bheemgal 706 Hectares 1711 503307
5 Kupkal 570847 Bheemgal 1218 Hectares 954 503307
6 Mendhora 570848 Bheemgal 1086 Hectares 3295 503307
7 Babanagar 570849 Bheemgal 539 Hectares 1220 503307
8 Puranipet 570850 Bheemgal 395 Hectares 2442 503307
9 Bheemgal 570851 Bheemgal 1557 Hectares 15446 503307
10 Lingapurchouth 570852 Bheemgal 254 Hectares 901 503307
11 Bejjora 570853 Bheemgal 781 Hectares 2255 503307
12 Sikandrapur 570854 Bheemgal 900 Hectares 2378 503307
13 Gongappul 570855 Bheemgal 1024 Hectares 2977 503307
14 Salampur 570856 Bheemgal 287 Hectares 43 503307
15 Muchkur 570857 Bheemgal 1140 Hectares 4771 503307
16 Pipri 570858 Bheemgal 1491 Hectares 1834 503307
17 Bachanpalle 570859 Bheemgal 298 Hectares 1366 503307
18 Pallikonda 570860 Bheemgal 1810 Hectares 2876 503307
19 Devan Palle 570861 Bheemgal 1178 Hectares 806 503307
20 Karepalle 570862 Bheemgal 1489 Hectares 1080 503307
21 Rahathnagar 570863 Bheemgal 326 Hectares 1439 503307
22 Gangarai 570864 Bheemgal 304 Hectares 220 503307
23 Thallapalle 570865 Bheemgal 1414 Hectares 530 503307
24 Devakkapet 570866 Bheemgal 546 Hectares 1369 503307

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