

Dharpalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Dharpalle
Block Code : 74
District : Nizamabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nizamabad District

Nearest Village to Dharpalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mailaram 571240 Dharpalle 580 Hectares 1842 503175
2 Challagarga 571241 Dharpalle 526 Hectares 1268 503165
3 Dubbak 571242 Dharpalle 2196 Hectares 5563 503165
4 Dammannapet 571243 Dharpalle 195 Hectares 2355 503165
5 Kesaram 571244 Dharpalle 666 Hectares 725 503164
6 Ramadugu 571245 Dharpalle 1879 Hectares 4404 503165
7 Konepalle 571246 Dharpalle 327 Hectares -
8 Lolam 571247 Dharpalle 2972 Hectares 6634 503164
9 Govindpalle 571248 Dharpalle 322 Hectares 1652 503165
10 Dharpalle 571249 Dharpalle 3965 Hectares 11132 503165
11 Gouraram 571250 Dharpalle 1652 Hectares 1906 503164
12 Vengalpad 571251 Dharpalle 226 Hectares 950 503164
13 Nallavalle 571252 Dharpalle 2159 Hectares 4684 503164
14 Sirnapalle 571253 Dharpalle 3083 Hectares 3806 503164
15 Donkal 571254 Dharpalle 1620 Hectares 1033 503164

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