

Kesamudram block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kesamudram
Block Code : 392
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Kesamudram

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Korukondapalle 578568 Kesamudram 671 Hectares 2379 506112
2 Intikanne 578569 Kesamudram 974 Hectares 2951 506112
3 Katrapalle 578570 Kesamudram 1143 Hectares 2211 506112
4 Arpanapalle 578571 Kesamudram 432 Hectares 1774 506112
5 Upparapalle 578572 Kesamudram 488 Hectares 3210 506112
6 Kesamudram 578573 Kesamudram 1679 Hectares 12904 506112
7 Mahamoodpatnam 578574 Kesamudram 1300 Hectares 5330 506112
8 Inugurthy 578575 Kesamudram 3801 Hectares 8915 506112
9 Komatipalle 578576 Kesamudram 1085 Hectares 4142 506112
10 Kalwala 578577 Kesamudram 1439 Hectares 4337 506112
11 Dhadnnasari 578578 Kesamudram 1701 Hectares 3825 506112
12 Penugonda 578579 Kesamudram 2034 Hectares 5130 506101
13 Beriwada 578580 Kesamudram 806 Hectares 2569 506112
14 Rangapuram 578581 Kesamudram 398 Hectares 1398 506112
15 Tallapoosapalle 578582 Kesamudram 1507 Hectares 3458 506101
16 Annaram 578583 Kesamudram 586 Hectares 1508 506101

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