

Regonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Regonda
Block Code : 366
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Regonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ponagandla 578055 Regonda 416 Hectares 2163 506348
2 Madathapalle 578056 Regonda 1760 Hectares 2882 506348
3 Kodavatancha 578057 Regonda 1277 Hectares 2910 506348
4 Bhagirthipet 578058 Regonda 1724 Hectares 5650 506345
5 Ramannaguda 578059 Regonda 1591 Hectares 2294 506348
6 Tirumalagiri 578060 Regonda 2739 Hectares 3234 506348
7 Regonda 578061 Regonda 1438 Hectares 6485 506348
8 Lingala 578062 Regonda 730 Hectares 2946 506348
9 Repaka 578063 Regonda 1376 Hectares 3516 506348
10 Kanaparthy 578064 Regonda 1321 Hectares 4142 506348
11 Dammannapet 578065 Regonda 1323 Hectares 3745 506164
12 Chennapur 578066 Regonda 991 Hectares 1455 506164
13 Chinnakodepaka 578067 Regonda 2850 Hectares 5809 506164
14 Jaggaiahpet 578068 Regonda 992 Hectares 2617 506348
15 Sultanpur 578069 Regonda 664 Hectares 2418 506348
16 Jamshedbaigpet 578070 Regonda 243 Hectares 143 506348
17 Kothapallegori 578071 Regonda 1634 Hectares 6240 506348
18 Konaraopet 578072 Regonda 419 Hectares 953 506348

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