Regonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Regonda |
Block Code | : | 366 |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Ponagandla | 578055 | Regonda | 416 Hectares | 2163 | 506348 |
2 | Madathapalle | 578056 | Regonda | 1760 Hectares | 2882 | 506348 |
3 | Kodavatancha | 578057 | Regonda | 1277 Hectares | 2910 | 506348 |
4 | Bhagirthipet | 578058 | Regonda | 1724 Hectares | 5650 | 506345 |
5 | Ramannaguda | 578059 | Regonda | 1591 Hectares | 2294 | 506348 |
6 | Tirumalagiri | 578060 | Regonda | 2739 Hectares | 3234 | 506348 |
7 | Regonda | 578061 | Regonda | 1438 Hectares | 6485 | 506348 |
8 | Lingala | 578062 | Regonda | 730 Hectares | 2946 | 506348 |
9 | Repaka | 578063 | Regonda | 1376 Hectares | 3516 | 506348 |
10 | Kanaparthy | 578064 | Regonda | 1321 Hectares | 4142 | 506348 |
11 | Dammannapet | 578065 | Regonda | 1323 Hectares | 3745 | 506164 |
12 | Chennapur | 578066 | Regonda | 991 Hectares | 1455 | 506164 |
13 | Chinnakodepaka | 578067 | Regonda | 2850 Hectares | 5809 | 506164 |
14 | Jaggaiahpet | 578068 | Regonda | 992 Hectares | 2617 | 506348 |
15 | Sultanpur | 578069 | Regonda | 664 Hectares | 2418 | 506348 |
16 | Jamshedbaigpet | 578070 | Regonda | 243 Hectares | 143 | 506348 |
17 | Kothapallegori | 578071 | Regonda | 1634 Hectares | 6240 | 506348 |
18 | Konaraopet | 578072 | Regonda | 419 Hectares | 953 | 506348 |
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