

Potharam is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Potharam
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Dubbak
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Potharam Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Akaram 572950 2050 Hectares 4529 502108
2 Gambheerpur 572951 1246 Hectares 3035 502108
3 Potharam 572952 474 Hectares 1185 502108
4 Arepalle 572953 168 Hectares 705 502108
5 Cheekode 572954 2329 Hectares 5426 502108
6 Dubbak 572955 2497 Hectares 12349 502108
7 Mallaipalle 572956 399 Hectares 525 502108
8 Rajakkapet 572957 425 Hectares 2085 502108
9 Yellapur 572958 423 Hectares 227 502125
10 Chillapur 572959 964 Hectares 2928 502108
11 Dumpalpalle 572960 2496 Hectares 3839 502108
12 Chervapur 572961 212 Hectares 1095 502108
13 Lachapet 572962 176 Hectares 2847 502108
14 Ramakkapet 572963 438 Hectares 3439 502108
15 Boppapur 572964 590 Hectares 832 502178
16 Shivrampur 572965 75 Hectares -
17 Engurthi 572966 692 Hectares 1887 502108
18 Pothareddipet 572967 1865 Hectares 6211 502102
19 Chittapur 572968 646 Hectares 2047 502108
20 Chowdarpalle 572969 417 Hectares 733 502108
21 Dharmajipet 572970 988 Hectares 3917 502108
22 Habshipur 572971 997 Hectares 2266 502108
23 Pedda Gundavelly 572972 1930 Hectares 4063 502103
24 Hasan Mirapur 572973 321 Hectares 726 502103
25 Appanpalle 572974 517 Hectares 1630 502114
26 Thimmapur 572975 1066 Hectares 3321 502107

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