

Kothurusyrigam is belongs to Srikakulam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothurusyrigam
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Gara
District : Srikakulam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kothurusyrigam Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Buravalli 581503 304 Hectares 1629 532405
2 Ambalavalasa 581504 322 Hectares 915 532405
3 Salihundam 581505 826 Hectares 4816 532405
4 Gara 581506 527 Hectares 4040 532405
5 Vomaravalli 581507 1211 Hectares 3974 532406
6 Calingapatnam 581508 651 Hectares 6459 532406
7 Thonangi 581509 755 Hectares 5548 532406
8 Korni 581510 295 Hectares 1726 532405
9 Jalluvalasa 581511 69 Hectares 582 532405
10 Thulugu 581512 518 Hectares 2172 532405
11 Nizamabad 581513 261 Hectares 1439 532405
12 Fakeertakya 581514 41 Hectares 13 532405
13 Sativada 581515 331 Hectares 1958 532405
14 Raghavapuram 581516 43 Hectares 470 532405
15 Seetharamapuram 581517 56 Hectares -
16 Kothurusyrigam 581518 320 Hectares 1489 532405
17 Ampolu 581519 2326 Hectares 9770 532404
18 Ramachandra Puram 581520 351 Hectares 3283 532404
19 Vadada 581521 1000 Hectares 3715 532401
20 Gonti 581522 224 Hectares 777 532404
21 Deepavali 581523 143 Hectares 1181 532404
22 Srikurmam 581524 3687 Hectares 16973 532404
23 Jafrabad 581525 380 Hectares 1071 532404
24 Korlam 581526 490 Hectares 2421 532405
25 Vatsavalasa 581527 718 Hectares 3196 532404

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