

Mayalur is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mayalur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Uyyalawada
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Mayalur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Harivaram 594602 2241 Hectares 2634 518155
2 R.Papampalle 594603 641 Hectares 1565 518543
3 Padigepad 594604 635 Hectares 434 518155
4 Suddamalla 594605 496 Hectares 635 518155
5 Narsepalle 594606 494 Hectares 974 518155
6 S.Kothapalle 594607 397 Hectares 342 518155
7 Allur 594608 1381 Hectares 2239 518155
8 Thudumuladinne 594609 964 Hectares 1360 518155
9 Govindapalle 594610 244 Hectares 468 518155
10 Mayalur 594611 1794 Hectares 1393 518155
11 Rupamagudi 594612 915 Hectares 1193 518155
12 Uyyalawada 594613 1395 Hectares 4199 518155
13 Injedu 594614 1358 Hectares 1433 518155
14 Kondupalle 594615 364 Hectares 1313 518155
15 Sarvaipalle 594616 591 Hectares 1114 518155
16 Pedda Emmanur 594617 1842 Hectares 1764 518155
17 Bodemmanur 594618 1554 Hectares 2088 518155
18 Kakarawada 594619 1360 Hectares 1294 518155
19 Reddivari Jambuladinne 594620 650 Hectares 1714 518155
20 Vengampalle 594621 940 Hectares -

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