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List of post offices
Pincode Area District State
193301 Pincode Balhama Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193302 Pincode Batagund Kupwara JAMMU & KASHMIR
193303 Pincode Ashpora Kupwara JAMMU & KASHMIR
193401 Pincode Aripanthan Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193402 Pincode Babareshi Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193403 Pincode Gulmarg Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193404 Pincode Kunzer Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193411 Pincode Beerwah Budgam JAMMU & KASHMIR
193501 Pincode Amchikundal Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193502 Pincode Ajas Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
193503 Pincode Achoora Bandipur JAMMU & KASHMIR
193504 Pincode Asham Baramulla JAMMU & KASHMIR
194101 Pincode Bazgo Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR
194102 Pincode Bhimbat Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194103 Pincode Akchamal Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194104 Pincode Chuglamsar Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR
194105 Pincode Baroo Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194106 Pincode Alchi Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR
194109 Pincode Bodhkharboo Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194201 Pincode Chamray Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR