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List of post offices
Pincode Area District State
194301 Pincode Barsoo Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194302 Pincode Karsha Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194401 Pincode Diskit Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR
194402 Pincode Saspol Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR
194403 Pincode Panikhar Kargil JAMMU & KASHMIR
194404 Pincode Nyoma Mud Leh JAMMU & KASHMIR
201001 Pincode Ashok Nagar (Ghaziabad) Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201002 Pincode Ingram Institute Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201003 Pincode Ator Nagla Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201004 Pincode Hindon Air Field Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201005 Pincode Bhopura Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201006 Pincode Chikamberpur Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201007 Pincode Mohan Nagar (Ghaziabad) Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201008 Pincode Bisara Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh
201009 Pincode Arya Nagar (Ghaziabad) Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201010 Pincode Bharat Nagar (Ghaziabad) Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201011 Pincode Chander Nagar Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201012 Pincode Kaushambi Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201013 Pincode Govindpuram Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
201014 Pincode Makanpur Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh