
Gamliang Village

Gamliang is belongs to Anjaw, district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Gamliang
Village code : 266806
Block Name : Hayuliang (0096)
Area : 0
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Anjaw
State : Arunachal Pradesh
District Head Quarter : Hawai
District Head Quarter distance : 70 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : DUMDUMA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 227 Kms
Population : 38
Households : 8
Male : 18
Female : 20
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 792102
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : Maize
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Gamliang location

Near by villages of Gamliang

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Dingliang 266662 - 17
2 Mologam 266663 - 5
3 Takaliang 266664 - 14
4 Chillang 266665 - 12
5 Paya 266666 - 28
6 Chirang 266667 - 109
7 Mompani 266668 - 24
8 Amliang 266669 - 336
9 Chunga 266670 - 20
10 Tafraliang 266671 - 164
11 Khupa Township 266672 - 375
12 Khupa village(khupaliang) 266673 - 330
13 Matiliang 266674 - 20
14 Adomla 266675 - 48
15 Manyugam 266676 - 16
16 Chameliang 266677 - 113
17 Pachailiang 266678 - 13
18 Swami Camp 266679 - 212
19 Hayugam 266680 - 29
20 Champhai 266681 - 24
21 Khugam 266682 - 16
22 Tuboka 266683 - 25
23 Barafu 266684 - 80
24 Paluliang 266685 - 22
25 Tikromla 266686 - 23
26 Chamemla 266687 - 46
27 Kalamdi 266688 - 77
28 Kamba 266689 - 49
29 Kongra(Metung) 266690 - 28
30 Tummla 266691 - 49
31 Talang 266692 - 10
32 Blom 266693 - 16
33 Kasaigam 266694 - 38
34 Khrolang(Sagamla) 266696 - 22
35 Mele 266697 - 19
36 Thamptong 266699 - 23
37 Mahikong 266700 - 21
38 Maha 266702 - 12
39 Chingraliang 266703 - 41
40 Kabragam 266704 - 24
41 Huilam 266705 - 3
42 Lamaliang 266707 - 40
43 Rahagam 266708 - 70
44 Kibom 266709 - 11
45 Dalai Bridge Camp 266710 - 31
46 Hayuliang 266712 - 1834
47 Chiphugam 266713 - 23
48 Hoiliang 266714 - 122
49 Machinla 266715 - 102
50 Zapaliang 266716 - 15
51 Naraliang 266717 - 107
52 Karangliang 266718 - 77
53 Chigri 266719 - 37
54 Nenuliang 266720 - 54
55 Matong 266721 - 17
56 Klumliang 266722 - 16
57 Supnung 266723 - 177
58 Malemla 266724 - 48
59 Air Field Ziro Point 266725 - 280
60 Dav Bridge Point 266726 - 105
61 Tololiang 266727 - 53
62 Yatong - I 266730 - 78
63 Kanning 266731 - 62
64 Suplang 266732 - 39
65 Misitong 266733 - 23
66 Plotong 266734 - 33
67 Tehuliang 266735 - 161
68 Cheretong 266736 - 36
69 Yatong - II 266737 - 31
70 Plongri 266738 - 32
71 Plongnung 266739 - 46
72 Holongong 266740 - 57
73 Pangung 266741 - 95
74 Palang 266742 - 28
75 Gab 266743 - 144
76 Long Jam 266744 - 11
77 Chowailing 266745 - 71
78 Eliang 266746 - 10
79 Pirah 266747 - 27
80 Dhanbari 266748 - 18
81 Towa 266749 - 55
82 Kundong 266750 - 40
83 Khuiliang 266751 - 97
84 Krosam 266752 - 52
85 Chikruliang 266753 - 48
86 Chiliang 266754 - 78
87 Zong 266755 - 36
88 Towan Gong 266756 - 41
89 Qunboo 266757 - 46
90 Chutong 266758 - 16
91 Krobma 266759 - 73
92 Ekailiang 266760 - 69
93 Kambing 266761 - 54
94 Manchal 266762 - 108
95 Griliang 266763 - 4
96 Katong 266764 - 17
97 Griliang II 266765 - 17
98 Phanglonglat 266766 - 138
99 Khrewe 266767 - 8
100 Thung 266768 - 22
101 Khambliglat 266769 - 161
102 Kanji 266770 - 49
103 Chambab Khamukh 266771 - 123
104 Chamukh 266772 - 37
105 Loiliang 266773 - 121
106 Sungung 266774 - 73
107 Manjuglat 266775 - 28
108 Hutong 266776 - 71
109 Manjuliang 266777 - 138
110 Quibang 266778 - 139
111 Random 266779 - 60
112 Hayum 266780 - 96
113 Hamatong 266781 - 55
114 Siet 266782 - 21
115 Khetong 266783 - 23
116 Pitong 266784 - 37
117 Mangung 266785 - 92
118 Kanthuliang(16 KM GREF Camp) 266786 - 11
119 Manchal H.Q. 266787 - 15
120 Glotong 266788 - 69
121 Chirang 266789 - 58
122 Nilang 266790 - 101
123 Challang 266791 - 59
124 Pallang 266792 - 56
125 Britgong 266793 - 101
126 Grantong 266794 - 18
127 Kaniliang 266795 - 19
128 Ritlang 266796 - 22
129 Brailiang 266797 - 94
130 Kasanglat 266798 - 125
131 Phillang 266799 - 21
132 Keletong 266800 - 9
133 Talebam 266801 - 8
134 Mepumna 266802 - 15
135 Chiprogam 266803 - 34
136 Doiliang 266804 - 69
137 Tambre 266805 - 8
138 Danglat 266807 - 32
139 Rittiliang 266808 - 71
140 Langum 266809 - 55
141 Twiling 266810 - 63
142 Prayumna 266811 - 16
143 Kanguliang 266812 - 83
144 Braptong 266813 - 31
145 Dillang 266814 - 65
146 Tapang 266815 - 130
147 Room 266816 - 26
148 Bringkong 266817 - 45
149 Goiliang H.Q. 266819 - 140
150 Khalega 266820 - 26
151 Khalega, Metengliang 266821 - 53
152 Kalamna 266822 - 21
153 Tablaiko 266823 - 23
154 Kaey Maro 266824 - 16
155 Abohagam 266825 - 44
156 Aphumna 266826 - 85
157 Tarampa 266827 - 47
158 Taflagam 266828 - 148
159 Upper Taflagaon 266829 - 53
160 Mailiang 266830 - 81
161 Chipra 266831 - 35
162 Tamkadu 266832 - 32
163 Chakka 266834 - 137
164 Tegamna 266836 - 77
165 Chaglagam H.Q. 266837 - 192
166 Metengliang 266838 - 197
167 Bomna 266839 - 93
168 Kromna 266840 - 139
169 Chipuiliang 266841 - 57
170 Taimna 266842 - 56
171 Khowegko 266843 - 31
172 Pailiang 266844 - 72
173 Tabretong 266845 - 58
174 Tadumna 266846 - 31
175 Payaparap 266847 - 30
176 Doringko 266848 - 38
177 Roiliang 266849 - 133
178 Gomin 266850 - 60
179 Tarafliang 266851 - 11
180 Rikong 266852 - 18
181 Payagam 266854 - 55
182 Hamaliang 266855 - 44
183 Tassipumna 266856 - 45
184 Ka angbro 266857 - 15
185 Tolai 266858 - 36
186 Hamangko 266859 - 3
187 Hamake 266860 - 38
188 Chipru 266861 - 142
189 Tilang 266862 - 34
190 Chinagam 266863 - 6
191 Hawaka 266864 - 28
192 Baligam 266865 - 21
193 Mithumna 266866 - 102
194 Mithulangkap 266867 - 15
195 Kaho 266868 - 65
196 Musai 266869 - 262
197 Misai labour Camp 266870 - 232
198 Kundan 266871 - 24
199 Krowti 266873 - 27
200 Krowti Labour Camp 266874 - 29
201 Yakung 266875 - 64
202 Kibithoo H.Q. 266876 - 723
203 Dhanbari 266878 - 25
204 Hot Spring 266879 - 4
205 Dong 266880 - 15
206 Supkung 266881 - 23
207 Tinai 266882 - 57
208 Walong 266883 - 79
209 Warti 266885 - 84
210 Sarti 266886 - 63
211 Halla 266887 - 89
212 Kalin 266888 - 44
213 Khampti Pani 266890 - 86
214 Gai 266891 - 29
215 Khrawit 266892 - 22
216 Gorompani L/Camp 266894 - 4
217 Sethi 266897 - 49
218 Sarti L/camp 266898 - 23
219 Yashong L/Camp 266899 - 18
220 Walong H.Q. 266901 - 392
221 Walong BRTF Camp 266902 - 109
222 Tilam 266903 - 15
223 Lautul 266905 - 86
224 Tapang 266906 - 73
225 Navil 266907 - 81
226 Thalla 266908 - 21
227 Yealiang 266909 - 17
228 Tamblu 266910 - 172
229 Kalai 266911 - 142
230 Kritong 266912 - 58
231 Ruti 266913 - 72
232 Kandai 266914 - 63
233 Chowagong 266915 - 30
234 Marbo 266916 - 37
235 Longling 266917 - 166
236 Surgong 266918 - 95
237 Chunyu 266919 - 77
238 Perho 266920 - 19
239 Blong 266921 - 112
240 Wahal 266922 - 131
241 Charnai 266923 - 138
242 Wamliang 266924 - 131
243 Kamdi 266925 - 58
244 Watong 266926 - 289
245 Chengung 266927 - 172
246 Walla 266928 - 206
247 Ngi 266929 - 160
248 Tulung Kunung 266930 - 78
249 Kamlat 266931 - 92
250 Lapkrong 266932 - 9
251 Mla 266933 - 24
252 Nukung 266934 - 107
253 Surung 266935 - 29
254 Halaikrong 266936 - 148
255 Krosam 266937 Nukung - 11
256 Lamkung 266938 Nukung - 15
257 Pranlung 266939 Nukung - 38
258 Pranju 266940 Mechong - 6
259 Flu Lang 266941 Longling - 65
260 Kheyong 266942 Shirong - 22
261 Sanglang 266943 Shiring - 82
262 Shirong 266944 Shirong - 38
263 Bhaw 266945 Shirong - 77
264 Matkrong 266947 - 20
265 Mongkhong 266948 - 32
266 Chendun 266949 - 38
267 Mechong 266950 - 45
268 Sung 266951 - 25
269 Samdul 266952 - 51
270 Lautum Camp 266953 - 103
271 Kherang Camp 266954 - 107
272 48th K.M. Camp 266958 - 29
273 7th K.M. Camp 266959 - 46
274 9th K.M. Camp 266960 - 2
275 12th K.M. Camp 266961 - 46
276 Chenguinty 266965 - 16
277 Pranju L/Camp 266966 - 20

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Gamliang.

Q2: What is the village code for Gamliang?

A2: The village code for Gamliang is 266806.

Q3: In which block is Gamliang located?

A3: Gamliang is located in the Hayuliang block.

Q4: What is the total area of Gamliang?

A4: The total area of Gamliang is 0 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Gamliang belong to?

A5: Gamliang belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Gamliang located?

A6: Gamliang is located in the Anjaw district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Gamliang from the district headquarter?

A7: Gamliang is 70 kilometers away from the Hawai district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Gamliang?

A8: The nearest statutory town is DUMDUMA which is 227 kilometers away from Gamliang.

Q9: What is the population of Gamliang?

A9: The population of Gamliang is 38 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Gamliang?

A10: There are 193 households in Gamliang.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Gamliang?

A11: There are 18 males and 20 females in Gamliang.

Q12: Are there any schools in Gamliang?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Gamliang. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Gamliang?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Gamliang.

Q14: What is the pin code of Gamliang?

A14: The pin code of Gamliang is 792102.

Q15: Does Gamliang have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Gamliang.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Gamliang?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Gamliang.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Gamliang?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Gamliang.

Q18: Is Gamliang connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Gamliang.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Gamliang?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Gamliang.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Gamliang?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Gamliang.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Gamliang?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Gamliang is Maize.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Gamliang?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Gamliang.

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