
515144 Cities/Village/Locality

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# Village Code Area Population Panchayat Block District State
1 Bukkapatnam 595283 2161 12196 BUKKAPATNAM Bukkapatnam Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
2 Kodapaganipalle 595285 817 1310 KODAPAGANIPALLE Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
3 Kesapuram 595286 877 1633 KESAPURAM Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
4 Kadiridevarapalle 595287 66 25 KESAPURAM Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
5 Mylasamudram 595288 410 1228 MYLASAMUDRAM Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
6 Kothapalle 595289 2290 483 NAREPALLE Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
7 Narepalle 595290 305 787 NAREPALLE Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
8 Kanisettipalle 595291 417 369 TIRUMALA DEVARAPALLE Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
9 Lingareddipalle 595292 180 655 LINGAREDDIPALLE Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
10 Vemuletipalle 595294 338 409 KODAPAGANIPALLE Kothacheruvu Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
11 Ganginepalle 595317 1720 2383 GANGINEPALLE Chennekothapalle Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
12 Satarlapalle 595450 510 474 DIGUVA CHERLOPALLE Puttaparthi Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
13 Amagondapalem 595451 6908 3256 AMAGONDAPALEM & DIGUVACHERLOPALLE Puttaparthi Anantapur Andhra Pradesh

About Pincode 515144

Pincode 515144 covers various villages and localities in the [Anantapur] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.