
515865 Cities/Village/Locality

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# Village Code Area Population Panchayat Block District State
1 Hulikal 594657 1694 2120 HULIKAL D.Hirehal Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
2 Muradi 594658 3588 6145 MURADI & MURADI HANUMAPURAM D.Hirehal Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
3 Chadam 594661 825 3417 CHADAM & C.GOLLALADODDI Rayadurg Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
4 Gramadatla 594663 2642 4528 GRAMADATLA & T.VEERAPURAM Rayadurg Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
5 D.Kondapuram 594664 1574 2804 D.KONDAPURAM Rayadurg Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
6 Hulikera 594675 4171 5926 HULIKERA & GOPULAPURAM Kanekal Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
7 Galagala 594917 1628 4169 GALAGALA Gummagatta Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
8 Gollapalle 594918 3509 7642 GOLLAPALLE, KAVALIPALAIAMDODD & SIRIGEDODDI, Gummagatta Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
9 Veerapuram 594919 2250 2013 VEERAPURAM Gummagatta Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
10 Kalugodu 594923 2344 6781 KALUGODU Gummagatta Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
11 Pulakunta 594924 1650 3299 PULAKUNTA Gummagatta Anantapur Andhra Pradesh
12 Rangasamudram 594925 1277 2047 RANGASAMUDRAM Gummagatta Anantapur Andhra Pradesh

About Pincode 515865

Pincode 515865 covers various villages and localities in the [Anantapur] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.