Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is belongs to Nagaon, district in the state of Assam.
Village | Details | |
Name | : | Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. |
Village code | : | 285443 |
Block Name | : | Lumding (0062) |
Area | : | 107.2 |
Gram Panchayat | : | KHAGARIJAN () |
District | : | Nagaon |
State | : | Assam |
District Head Quarter | : | NAGAON |
District Head Quarter distance | : | 92 Kms |
Nearest Statutory Town | : | Lanka (MB) |
Nearest Statutory Town Distance | : | 27 Kms |
Population | : | 897 |
Households | : | 175 |
Male | : | 447 |
Female | : | 450 |
Govt Primary School | : | 1 |
Private Primary School | : | NA |
Primary Health Centre | : | NA |
Pincode | : | 782446 |
Power Supply | : | |
Post Office | : | NA |
Telephone (Landlines) | : | NA |
Mobile Phone Coverage | : | |
Public Bus Service | : | NA |
Railway Station | : | NA |
Sea/River/Ferry service | : | NA |
National Highway | : | NA |
ATM | : | NA |
Commercial Bank | : | NA |
Asha | : | Available |
Agricultural Commodities | : | RICE |
Forest Area | : | NA |
# | Village | Code | Panchayat Name | Area | Population |
1 | Barbaha (Borboha) | 285310 | DAKHIN KANSURA | 320.87 Hectares | 908 |
2 | Kandura | 285311 | DAKHIN KANDARU | 356.19 Hectares | 461 |
3 | Dakhin Kandura | 285312 | DAKHIN KANDURA | 359.89 Hectares | 1322 |
4 | Pub Kandura | 285313 | DAKHIN KANDURA | 349.49 Hectares | 490 |
5 | Village No.4 Block No.1(Village No.4Block No.1 N.C | 285314 | KAKI NO. 1 | 364.33 Hectares | 337 |
6 | Village No.3 Block No.1(Village No.3Block No.1N.C) | 285315 | KAKI | 462.37 Hectares | 921 |
7 | Maj Dimuru No.1 | 285317 | PURANA KAKI | 122.19 Hectares | 154 |
8 | Maj Dimuru No.2 | 285318 | PURANA KAKI | 158.92 Hectares | 448 |
9 | Kachari Gaon | 285319 | PURANA KAKI | 164.03 Hectares | 55 |
10 | Kachari Gaon No.1 | 285320 | PURANA KAKI | 17.6 Hectares | 359 |
11 | Lalung Gaon | 285321 | PURANA KAKI | 106.32 Hectares | 402 |
12 | Lalung Gaon No.1 | 285322 | PURANA KAKI G.P. | 6.43 Hectares | 143 |
13 | Lalung Gaon No.2 | 285323 | PURANA KAKI | 10.3 Hectares | 55 |
14 | Village No.1 Block No.1(Village No.1Block No.1N.C) | 285324 | KAKI | 316.71 Hectares | 1631 |
15 | Khring Khring | 285325 | AZARBARI | 343.74 Hectares | 3202 |
16 | Bura Gaon | 285326 | DAKHIN KANDARU | 271.74 Hectares | 2876 |
17 | Ban Banganati | 285327 | AJARBARI | 167.14 Hectares | 1113 |
18 | Bar Pukhuri | 285328 | AZARBARI | 168.03 Hectares | 1670 |
19 | Ajar Bari | 285329 | AJARBARI | 383.53 Hectares | 4126 |
20 | Ram Nagar No.1 | 285330 | RANI PUKHURI | 182.11 Hectares | 1717 |
21 | Ram Nagar No.2 | 285331 | PACHIM UDALI | 211.05 Hectares | 3101 |
22 | Jay Sagar | 285332 | RANI PUKHURI | 195.75 Hectares | 2393 |
23 | Village No.2 Block No.1 | 285333 | KAKI | 417.59 Hectares | 1477 |
24 | Village No.5 Block No.1 | 285334 | KAKI NO. 1 G.P. | 337.88 Hectares | 1051 |
25 | Village No.6 Block No.1 | 285335 | NO. 1 KAKI G.P. | 377.72 Hectares | 2186 |
26 | Lachit Pathar | 285337 | RANI PUKHURI | 210 Hectares | 2727 |
27 | Rani Pukhuri | 285338 | RANI PUKHURI | 590.75 Hectares | 3956 |
28 | Dakhin Udali (Dakhine) | 285339 | PACHIM UDALI | 192.1 Hectares | 2473 |
29 | Udali Gaon | 285340 | UDALI G.P. | 382.26 Hectares | 3851 |
30 | Pipal Pukhuri No.1 (Pipal Pukhuri) | 285342 | RANI PUKHURI G.P. | 349 Hectares | 2314 |
31 | Barjoha Gaon | 285343 | PACHIM UDALI G.P. | 275.76 Hectares | 3216 |
32 | Sing Gaon | 285344 | UDALI GAON | 449.47 Hectares | 3798 |
33 | Barjarani (Borjoroni) | 285345 | UDALI G.P. | 350.11 Hectares | 3378 |
34 | Maz Udali | 285346 | LANKAJAN | 284.18 Hectares | 2309 |
35 | Bordoloni Pathar (Bordoli Pathar) | 285347 | LANKAJAN | 268.1 Hectares | 2644 |
36 | Bamun Gaon | 285348 | BAMUN GAON G. P. | 749.83 Hectares | 6690 |
37 | Pipal Pukhuri No.2 (Pipal Pukhuri) | 285349 | BAMUN GAON | 653.16 Hectares | 3646 |
38 | Tiniali Bazar | 285350 | BAMUN GAON | 88.12 Hectares | 1744 |
39 | Lankajan | 285351 | LANKAJAN | 161.45 Hectares | 271 |
40 | Jutang Basti | 285352 | LANKAJAN | 292.36 Hectares | 4315 |
41 | Dakhin Jaroni | 285354 | UDALI G.P. | 202.92 Hectares | 1045 |
42 | Joroni Gaon | 285355 | UDDALI | 260.85 Hectares | 2125 |
43 | Pub Udali | 285356 | LANKAJAN | 431.62 Hectares | 3236 |
44 | Sankar Basti | 285357 | BHALUKMARI | 367.52 Hectares | 1826 |
45 | Pam Gaon | 285358 | BHALUKMARI G.P. | 313.7 Hectares | 2408 |
46 | Jura Pukhuri | 285359 | BHALUKMARI | 209.83 Hectares | 1581 |
47 | Ita Gaon | 285360 | BHALUKMARI | 376.54 Hectares | 1224 |
48 | Am Pukhuri | 285361 | BHALUKMARI | 171.62 Hectares | 1110 |
49 | Lakhi Pur | 285362 | BHALUKMARI | 158.14 Hectares | 1237 |
50 | Pub Bhaluk Mari (Pub Balukmari) | 285363 | BHALUKMARI | 446 Hectares | 2643 |
51 | Uttar Baluhander | 285364 | BHALUKMARI | 54.58 Hectares | 357 |
52 | Pachim Bhaluk Mari (Pachim Baluk Mari) | 285365 | BHALUKMARI | 177.9 Hectares | 1027 |
53 | Uttar Laskar Pathar | 285368 | LASKAR PATHAR | 223.86 Hectares | 1597 |
54 | Dakhin Laskar Pathar (Dakshin Laskar Pathar) | 285369 | LASKAR PATHAR | 682.74 Hectares | 6053 |
55 | Tentuli | 285370 | BALUHANDAR | 62.77 Hectares | 664 |
56 | Panchali No.1 (Panchali) | 285371 | BALUHANDAR | 77.37 Hectares | 389 |
57 | Dablong Gaon (Deblong Gaon) | 285372 | LASKAR PATHAR | 488.34 Hectares | 7332 |
58 | Pachim Dablong (Pachim Deblong) | 285373 | LASKAR PATHAR | 154.42 Hectares | 2333 |
59 | Panchali No.2 | 285374 | LASKAR PATHAR | 126.88 Hectares | 1876 |
60 | Khong Khong Basti (Khang Khang Basti) | 285375 | PHARMAPER | 189.13 Hectares | 1231 |
61 | Kapili Par (Kapli Par) | 285376 | FARMAR PAR | 394.61 Hectares | 3365 |
62 | Forma Par (Formapur) | 285377 | FARMAPAR | 301.85 Hectares | 2728 |
63 | Akantu | 285378 | FARMAPAR | 195.21 Hectares | 1417 |
64 | Taisubali | 285379 | FARMA PAR | 482.28 Hectares | 2485 |
65 | Manduli | 285380 | BORDOLONG | 376.07 Hectares | 2375 |
66 | Khari Khana Bil | 285381 | BORDOLONG G.P. | 243.22 Hectares | 2255 |
67 | Kharikhana Gaon | 285382 | BORDOLONG | 116.61 Hectares | 1764 |
68 | Bordolong | 285383 | KHARIKHANA G.P. | 402.71 Hectares | 4731 |
69 | Simlai Pathar | 285384 | FARMAPAR | 212.83 Hectares | 2360 |
70 | Samboria | 285385 | LASKAR PATHAR | 363.48 Hectares | 5000 |
71 | Nangal Bhanga | 285386 | LANKA BETA | 29.49 Hectares | 280 |
72 | Panjabi Basti | 285387 | LANKA VETA | 187.32 Hectares | 1564 |
73 | Pas Bandar | 285388 | LANKA BETA | 296.46 Hectares | 1501 |
74 | Barman Pathar | 285389 | LANKA BETA | 25.14 Hectares | 200 |
75 | Padum Pukhuri | 285390 | LANKA BETA | 66.23 Hectares | 275 |
76 | Dhagaon | 285391 | PADUM PUKHURI | 86.81 Hectares | 572 |
77 | Lalong Dubi | 285392 | PADUM PUKHURI | 169.3 Hectares | 151 |
78 | Alisinga | 285393 | PADUM PUKHURI | 240.5 Hectares | 517 |
79 | Krishna Nagar | 285394 | BORDOLONG | 163.6 Hectares | 2066 |
80 | Natun Ali Singa | 285395 | PADUM PUKHURI | 60.73 Hectares | 220 |
81 | Singjuri | 285396 | PADUM PUKHURI | 235.37 Hectares | 1272 |
82 | Lanka Beta | 285397 | LANKA BETA | 59.6 Hectares | 79 |
83 | Mosoka | 285398 | LANKA BETA | 25.14 Hectares | 827 |
84 | Jamuguri | 285399 | PADUM PUKHURI | 148.15 Hectares | 765 |
85 | Gosai Gaon Tangia Village Lankajan Old/New | 285401 | BAMUN GAON | 180.3 Hectares | 74 |
86 | Long Mailong N.C. | 285402 | BAMUNGAON | 101.17 Hectares | 232 |
87 | Mathara Bil (T.V.) | 285403 | BAMUNGAON | 40.2 Hectares | 124 |
88 | Nakhuti Nonkey (N.C)(Naukhutimau Kegareagaon Basti | 285404 | KHAGRIJAN | 67 Hectares | 635 |
89 | Shidhashoria | 285405 | KHAGARIJAN | 107.2 Hectares | 2434 |
90 | Deka Basti | 285406 | SARKEY BASTI | 93.8 Hectares | 836 |
91 | Ramsing Gaon No.1 | 285407 | N. KHULI | 78.37 Hectares | 855 |
92 | Ramsing Gaon No.2 | 285408 | N. KHUTI | 55.58 Hectares | 765 |
93 | Mouzadar Gaon No.1 | 285409 | NAKHUTI G.P. | 176.18 Hectares | 2497 |
94 | Mouzadar Gaon No.2 | 285410 | N. KHUTI | 143.18 Hectares | 1160 |
95 | Village No.4 Block No.3 | 285411 | TAISUPER | 286.4 Hectares | 1305 |
96 | Village No.3 Block No.3 | 285412 | TAISUPER | 350.15 Hectares | 1637 |
97 | Village No.6 Block No.3 | 285413 | TAISUPER | 198.1 Hectares | 831 |
98 | Village No.5 Block No.3 | 285414 | TAISUPER | 216.15 Hectares | 2643 |
99 | Village No.2 Block No.3 | 285415 | TAISUPER | 335.15 Hectares | 907 |
100 | Village No.1 Block No.3 | 285416 | TAISUPER | 289.83 Hectares | 1014 |
101 | Village No.3 Block No.2 | 285417 | THESUPAR | 192.26 Hectares | 936 |
102 | Village No.1 Block No.2 | 285418 | THAISUPAR | 189.25 Hectares | 884 |
103 | Village No.4 Block No.2 | 285419 | THESUPAR | 166.21 Hectares | 492 |
104 | Village No.2 Block No.2 | 285420 | TISUIPAR | 188.23 Hectares | 2038 |
105 | Teralongsu 2000 Bigha N.C. | 285423 | THAISUPAR | 268 Hectares | 2566 |
106 | Teralongsu 3000 Bigha N.C. | 285424 | THAISUPAR | 402 Hectares | 1166 |
107 | Dera Pathar No. 1 N.C. | 285425 | DERAPATHAR | 360.82 Hectares | 1940 |
108 | Dera Pathar No.2 N.C. | 285426 | DERAPATHAR | 334.47 Hectares | 1618 |
109 | Dera Pathar No.3 N.C. | 285427 | DERAPATHAR | 398.85 Hectares | 1677 |
110 | Dera Pathar No.4 N.C. | 285428 | DERAPATHAR | 246.13 Hectares | 1223 |
111 | Mouzadar Gaon No.3 | 285429 | N. KHUTI | 67.77 Hectares | 728 |
112 | Khagarijan No.1 | 285430 | KHAGARIJAN | 161.39 Hectares | 1134 |
113 | Khagarijan No.3 | 285431 | KHAGARIJAN | 103.64 Hectares | 776 |
114 | Khring Khring No.2 | 285432 | N. KHUTI | 120.2 Hectares | 1017 |
115 | Khagarijan No.2 | 285433 | KHAGARIJAN | 133.08 Hectares | 1211 |
116 | Deben Gaon No.1 | 285434 | N. KHULI | 98.29 Hectares | 830 |
117 | Deben Gaon No.2 | 285435 | N. KHUTI | 108.76 Hectares | 1065 |
118 | Sarthey Gaon No.2 | 285436 | KHAGARIJAN | 83.92 Hectares | 829 |
119 | Sarthey Gaon No.1 | 285437 | KHAGARIJAN | 53.1 Hectares | 489 |
120 | Sarthey Gaon No.3 | 285438 | KHAGARIJAN | 187.35 Hectares | 1355 |
121 | Sarthey Basti | 285439 | SARKEY BASTI | 107.2 Hectares | 505 |
122 | Khring Khring No.1 | 285440 | SARKEY BASTI | 138.94 Hectares | 3546 |
123 | Khring Khring No.3 | 285441 | KHAGRIJAN | 220.74 Hectares | 1775 |
124 | Nakhuti P.R.F. | 285442 | SARKEY BASTI | 107.2 Hectares | 1675 |
125 | Panijan | 285444 | KHAGARIJAN | 87.1 Hectares | 948 |
126 | Pagla Basti | 285445 | KHAGARIJAN | 80.4 Hectares | 1024 |
127 | Sarkey Bosti | 285446 | SARKEY BASTI | 241.2 Hectares | 8987 |
128 | Lal Mati | 285447 | KHAGARIJAN | 341.7 Hectares | 5084 |
129 | The Dong Hola Chakma Basti | 285448 | KHAGRIJAN | 67 Hectares | 501 |
130 | F.T.V.No.2(Kakitangia No.2) | 285484 | TONGIA G.P. | 270 Hectares | 3497 |
131 | Paddy Land (F.T.V.) | 285487 | THAISUPAR | 254.6 Hectares | 1962 |
132 | Tapan Pur (Kaki Tapan Pur F.V.) | 285488 | PURANA KAKI | 144.1 Hectares | 609 |
133 | Hemari Camp Area (F.V.) | 285490 | PURANA KAKI | 174 Hectares | 1270 |
134 | Natun F.V. | 285491 | BAMUNGAON | 80.4 Hectares | 2135 |
135 | Dimaru Pathar F.V. | 285494 | THAISUPAR | 268 Hectares | 7587 |
136 | Bagisadubi | 295515 | 318.26 Hectares | 2126 | |
137 | Doyangmukh | 295516 | 300 Hectares | 2998 | |
138 | Radhanagar | 295517 | 469.56 Hectares | 1157 | |
139 | Deklem | 295519 | 282.8 Hectares | 1531 | |
140 | Lamsakham | 295520 | 79 Hectares | 1017 | |
141 | Mailoo Bl No.4 | 295523 | 106 Hectares | 3700 | |
142 | Belbari | 295525 | 674.18 Hectares | 3153 | |
143 | Deklem | 295538 | 282.86 Hectares | 1953 | |
144 | Umphu Kuki | 295668 | 150 Hectares | 211 | |
145 | Langkircha | 295670 | 150 Hectares | 377 |
A1: The name of the village is Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A2: The village code for Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is 285443.
A3: Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is located in the Lumding block.
A4: The total area of Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is 107.2 hectares.
A5: Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. belongs to the KHAGARIJAN Gram Panchayat.
A6: Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is located in the Nagaon district in the state of Assam.
A7: Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is 92 kilometers away from the NAGAON district headquarter.
A8: The nearest statutory town is Lanka (MB) which is 27 kilometers away from Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A9: The population of Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is 897 people.
A10: There are 193 households in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A11: There are 447 males and 450 females in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C.. There are no private primary schools.
A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A14: The pin code of Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is 782446.
A15: , power supply is available in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C. is RICE.
A22: There are NA of forest area in Ten Thousand Bigha N.C..
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