
Nalaghat Village

Nalaghat is belongs to Gajapati, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Nalaghat
Village code : 413541
Block Name : Mohana (0213)
Area : 58
Gram Panchayat : Khariguda (29)
District : Gajapati
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Paralakhemundi
District Head Quarter distance : 132 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : DIGAPAHANDI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 60 Kms
Population : 368
Households : 100
Male : 178
Female : 190
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 761217
Power Supply :
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 18.7 Hectares

Google map of Nalaghat location

Near by villages of Nalaghat

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Sapalaguda 413460 Gardama 7 Hectares 182
2 Movel 413461 Gardama 18 Hectares 306
3 Baligudi 413462 Gardama 9 Hectares 152
4 Dhepaguda 413464 Gardama 4 Hectares 249
5 Khandaba 413465 Kattama 18 Hectares 97
6 Durduma 413466 Paniganda 12 Hectares 15
7 Baliganda 413467 Kattama 32 Hectares 260
8 Katama 413468 Kattama 28 Hectares 623
9 Danjaraba 413469 Kattama 42 Hectares 241
10 Karadua 413470 Kattama 20 Hectares 58
11 Danigan 413471 Kattama 62 Hectares 380
12 Bariapada 413472 Kattama 10 Hectares 145
13 Bitikura 413473 Kattama 32 Hectares 228
14 Bithal 413474 Paniganda 51 Hectares 673
15 Raiganda 413475 Paniganda 31 Hectares 107
16 Dengama 413476 Paniganda 21 Hectares 314
17 Paniganda 413477 Paniganda 773 Hectares 1099
18 Toranipani 413478 Paniganda 30 Hectares 867
19 Kutuniganda 413479 Paniganda 27 Hectares 827
20 Gotha 413480 Kattama 23 Hectares 190
21 Tinima 413481 Kattama 30 Hectares 7
22 Pajigidi 413482 Kattama 16 Hectares 288
23 Jadingi 413483 Kattama 29 Hectares 139
24 Poibadi 413484 Paniganda 2 Hectares 11
25 Petakhala 413485 Paniganda 5 Hectares 245
26 Rajakhama 413486 Gardama 28 Hectares 355
27 Kumbhiguda 413487 Paniganda 15 Hectares 6
28 Jargidua 413488 Gardama 7 Hectares 146
29 Mankadapeta 413489 Paniganda 2 Hectares 45
30 Muchurigudi 413490 Gardama 9 Hectares 198
31 Patuma 413491 Gardama 8 Hectares 143
32 Gatuguda 413492 Gardama 22 Hectares 238
33 Garadama 413493 Gardama 34 Hectares 494
34 Katapadar 413494 Paniganda 5 Hectares 55
35 kamagada 413495 Paniganda 5 Hectares 107
36 Gambhari 413496 Gardama 64 Hectares 303
37 kambaija 413497 Gardama 3 Hectares 60
38 Kotipadar 413498 Khariguda 7 Hectares 165
39 Chiringipanga 413499 Khariguda 10 Hectares 56
40 Betaganda 413500 Paniganda 23 Hectares 161
41 Tangili 413501 Kattama 12 Hectares 157
42 Nuakhajuripada 413506 Damadua 14 Hectares 110
43 Damadua 413507 Damadua 77 Hectares 1345
44 Poiguda 413508 Damadua 22 Hectares 31
45 Majhikirimba 413509 Damadua 54 Hectares 430
46 Uparakirimba 413510 Damadua 24 Hectares 123
47 Ghodapanka 413511 Damadua 32 Hectares 526
48 Budhihura 413512 Damadua 21 Hectares 90
49 Kutama 413513 Dambaguda 49 Hectares 286
50 Sarka 413514 Dambaguda 35 Hectares 287
51 Golapaju 413515 Dambaguda 31 Hectares 224
52 Tuaguda 413516 Dambaguda 26 Hectares 268
53 Dambaguda 413517 Dambaguda 8 Hectares 255
54 Kamakuti 413518 Dambaguda 25 Hectares 47
55 Gandapaju 413519 Dambaguda 16 Hectares 159
56 Pahadima 413520 Dambaguda 39 Hectares 251
57 Katrapaju 413521 Dambaguda 18 Hectares 104
58 Gandaguda 413522 Damadua 47 Hectares 308
59 Taladamadua 413523 Damadua 35 Hectares 340
60 Buleri 413524 Damadua 19 Hectares 175
61 Alliganda 413525 Aligonda 150 Hectares 2931
62 Katraka 413526 Damadua 26 Hectares 240
63 Rachama 413527 Damadua 14 Hectares 23
64 Budhadiha 413528 Paniganda 9 Hectares 89
65 Bamadeipada 413529 Paniganda 21 Hectares 227
66 Panasadiha 413531 Paniganda 2 Hectares 69
67 Bhalipanka 413532 Khariguda 21 Hectares 310
68 Gurujhuli 413533 Khariguda 30 Hectares 245
69 Kuruma 413534 Khariguda 17 Hectares 209
70 Lambadang 413535 Khariguda 26 Hectares 305
71 Bandarigan 413536 Khariguda 19 Hectares 386
72 Matakupa 413537 Gardama 5 Hectares 134
73 Khariguda 413538 Khariguda 34 Hectares 479
74 Ballibandha 413540 Khariguda 55 Hectares 432
75 Ulliapada 413542 Khariguda 4 Hectares 383
76 Lenjiri 413543 Khariguda 18 Hectares 213
77 Gadagotha 413544 Khariguda 13 Hectares 35
78 Thudikhala 413545 Birikote 32 Hectares 275
79 Purunagan 413546 Birikote 14 Hectares 124
80 Rajabasa 413547 Birikote 31 Hectares 148
81 Mundeipada 413548 Birikote 5 Hectares 30
82 Kolba 413549 Damadua 13 Hectares 124
83 Karadapankal 413550 Birikote 7 Hectares 102
84 Poipani 413551 Birikote 14 Hectares 208
85 Bebiri 413552 Aligonda 189 Hectares 114
86 Pilika(Rajabasa) 413553 Birikote 24 Hectares 109
87 Bhurudu 413554 Birikote 14 Hectares 157
88 Birikota 413555 Birikote 160 Hectares 2311
89 Punjasaragi 413556 Birikote 34 Hectares 445
90 Gundripanka 413558 Mondimera 18 Hectares 355
91 Jhiliki 413559 Aligonda 108 Hectares 580
92 Budhanilidi 413560 Dambaguda 95 Hectares 326
93 Pangulu 413561 Dambaguda 17 Hectares 92
94 Pangakatra 413562 Dambaguda 12 Hectares 20
95 Haraguda 413563 Dambaguda 9 Hectares 91
96 Padasimili 413564 Dambaguda 29 Hectares 37
97 Badaguda 413565 Dambaguda 51 Hectares 824
98 Raladipanka 413566 Karchabadi 39 Hectares 92
99 Khajuripada 413567 Karchabadi 24 Hectares 212
100 Gundimahidikima 413568 Adava 41 Hectares 368
101 Buleripada 413569 Dambaguda 34 Hectares 170
102 kantahuru 413570 Dambaguda 45 Hectares 279
103 Adava 413571 Adava 180 Hectares 3467
104 Koiliguda 413572 Adava 10 Hectares 42
105 Padagan 413573 Adava 81 Hectares 691
106 Adapanka 413574 Adava 28 Hectares 213
107 J.B.45 Kistapur 413575 Birikote - 128
108 Kandhapani ganda 413576 Adava 36 Hectares 251
109 Habukapanka 413578 Adava 15 Hectares 307
110 Solaguda 413579 Adava 13 Hectares 122
111 Dengili 413581 Birikote 45 Hectares 537
112 Luthuri(Lutheri) 413582 Birikote 37 Hectares 354
113 Kamering 413583 Birikote 30 Hectares 162
114 Phirlinga 413584 Khariguda 7 Hectares 80
115 Bhaliasahi 413585 Birikote 28 Hectares 178
116 Mahapadar 413586 Birikote 18 Hectares 388
117 Kharimera 413587 Khariguda 26 Hectares 253
118 Bachipanka 413588 Khariguda 6 Hectares 232
119 Bandaguda 413589 Mondimera 37 Hectares 294
120 Budhagan 413590 Mondimera 21 Hectares 335
121 Gunjipanka 413591 Mondimera 7 Hectares 170
122 Mandimera 413592 Mondimera 26 Hectares 250
123 Ludungi 413593 Mondimera 14 Hectares 146
124 Lekharigan 413594 Mondimera 15 Hectares 127
125 J.B.56 Balapanka 413595 Mondimera - 84
126 Dengapuchi 413596 Khariguda 11 Hectares 109
127 Arampeta 413597 Khariguda 9 Hectares 129
128 Lundruguda 413598 Guluba 6 Hectares 65
129 Dhepaguda 413600 Guluba 19 Hectares 10
130 Dumpeta 413601 Birikote 24 Hectares 111
131 Kurikima 413603 Guluba 52 Hectares 335
132 Guluba 413604 Guluba 89 Hectares 1003
133 Hadupadara 413605 Dengaskhal 39 Hectares 180
134 Bandhahuru 413606 Dengaskhal 8 Hectares 42
135 Randasingi 413607 Dengaskhal 12 Hectares 21
136 Balakua 413608 Dengaskhal 31 Hectares 429
137 Kalohuru(Kelehuru) 413609 Dengaskhal 9 Hectares 126
138 Buduli 413610 Dengaskhal 40 Hectares 116
139 Bhalipanka 413611 Dengaskhal 17 Hectares 460
140 Rajamera 413612 Dengaskhal 2 Hectares 101
141 Mohagura 413613 Raipanka 22 Hectares 28
142 Raijaka 413616 Dengaskhal 22 Hectares 840
143 Dengaskhal 413617 Dengaskhal 53 Hectares 559
144 Durgapeta 413618 Dengaskhal 33 Hectares 171
145 Budulipada 413619 Guluba 21 Hectares 47
146 Hataganda 413620 Guluba 28 Hectares 222
147 Dadigiju 413621 Guluba 4 Hectares 24
148 jaraganda 413622 Guluba 21 Hectares 240
149 Sindhaba 413623 Guluba 18 Hectares 272
150 Basama 413625 Guluba 1 Hectares 15
151 Paramaguda 413626 Guluba 15 Hectares 165
152 Rumesh 413627 Guluba 10 Hectares 224
153 Tikalama 413628 Guluba 7 Hectares 113
154 Gudriguda 413629 Mohana 93 Hectares 279
155 Govel 413630 Mondimera 5 Hectares 143
156 Likhiriguda 413632 Raipanka 7 Hectares 72
157 Raba 413633 Raipanka 19 Hectares 269
158 Kodakadama 413634 Raipanka 20 Hectares 84
159 Jangudi 413635 Mondimera 30 Hectares 223
160 Mandrabaju 413636 Raipanka 17 Hectares 394
161 Madhabandha 413637 Mondimera 3 Hectares 52
162 Geranga 413639 Raipanka 24 Hectares 322
163 Raipanka 413640 Raipanka 15 Hectares 472
164 Siklama(Sikilima) 413641 Raipanka 16 Hectares 247
165 karigeju 413642 Raipanka 15 Hectares 162
166 Taladakarpanka 413643 Raipanka 10 Hectares 171
167 Kirilibaju 413644 Raipanka 7 Hectares 45
168 Uppar Dakarapanka 413645 Raipanka 3 Hectares 112
169 Mahagudi 413646 Guluba 5 Hectares 64
170 Garada 413647 Raipanka 3 Hectares 58
171 Rapiti 413648 Guluba 11 Hectares 124
172 Kaliamma 413649 Guluba 5 Hectares 193
173 Ladigura 413650 Guluba 35 Hectares 318
174 Galimera 413651 Guluba 23 Hectares 288
175 Kesameranga 413652 Guluba 4 Hectares 101
176 Bampada 413653 Guluba 12 Hectares 220
177 Duringigura 413654 Guluba 20 Hectares 196
178 kapilipaju 413655 Guluba 10 Hectares 125
179 Motagura 413656 Guluba 64 Hectares 415
180 Ludhuri 413688 Karchabadi 44 Hectares 60
181 Talaraisingi 413748 Karchabadi 104 Hectares 355
182 Dengargan 413749 Karchabadi 203 Hectares 66
183 Badaraisingi 413750 Karchabadi 121 Hectares 197
184 Repitikhola 413751 Karchabadi 73 Hectares 20
185 Nuasahi 413752 Karchabadi 37 Hectares 117
186 Rangaguda 413753 Karchabadi 203 Hectares 39
187 Dhepanaju 413755 Karchabadi 110 Hectares 280
188 Karchabadi 413756 Karchabadi 305 Hectares 678
189 Kandhaadaba 413757 Karchabadi 256 Hectares 354
190 Khajuripada 413758 Karchabadi 199 Hectares 85
191 Lakharipeta 413759 Karchabadi 376 Hectares 363
192 Guptamaha 413760 Karchabadi 204 Hectares 139
193 Rajama 413761 Karchabadi 357 Hectares 203
194 Chapatapanka 413762 Karchabadi 78 Hectares 213
195 Kutiguda 413812 Karchabadi 163 Hectares 288
196 Budring 413813 Karchabadi 380 Hectares 323
197 Galama 413814 Karchabadi 538 Hectares 71
198 Ramanaju 413815 Karchabadi 164 Hectares 68
199 Ratama 413816 Karchabadi 297 Hectares 109
200 Rakeshpanka 413819 Karchabadi 362 Hectares 261

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Nalaghat.

Q2: What is the village code for Nalaghat?

A2: The village code for Nalaghat is 413541.

Q3: In which block is Nalaghat located?

A3: Nalaghat is located in the Mohana block.

Q4: What is the total area of Nalaghat?

A4: The total area of Nalaghat is 58 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Nalaghat belong to?

A5: Nalaghat belongs to the Khariguda Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Nalaghat located?

A6: Nalaghat is located in the Gajapati district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Nalaghat from the district headquarter?

A7: Nalaghat is 132 kilometers away from the Paralakhemundi district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Nalaghat?

A8: The nearest statutory town is DIGAPAHANDI which is 60 kilometers away from Nalaghat.

Q9: What is the population of Nalaghat?

A9: The population of Nalaghat is 368 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Nalaghat?

A10: There are 193 households in Nalaghat.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Nalaghat?

A11: There are 178 males and 190 females in Nalaghat.

Q12: Are there any schools in Nalaghat?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Nalaghat. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Nalaghat?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Nalaghat.

Q14: What is the pin code of Nalaghat?

A14: The pin code of Nalaghat is 761217.

Q15: Does Nalaghat have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Nalaghat.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Nalaghat?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Nalaghat.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Nalaghat?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Nalaghat.

Q18: Is Nalaghat connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Nalaghat.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Nalaghat?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Nalaghat.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Nalaghat?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Nalaghat.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Nalaghat?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Nalaghat is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Nalaghat?

A22: There are 18.7 Hectares of forest area in Nalaghat.

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