
Nam Ranga Gara Village

Nam Ranga Gara is belongs to Nagaon, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Nam Ranga Gara
Village code : 284890
Block Name : Raha (0057)
Area : 112.02
Gram Panchayat : DAKHIN GAGIAL ()
District : Nagaon
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : NAGAON
District Head Quarter distance : 23 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Raha (TC)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 10 Kms
Population : 56
Households : 18
Male : 33
Female : 23
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 782103
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities :
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Nam Ranga Gara location

Near by villages of Nam Ranga Gara

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Nagabandha 283790 NAGABANDHA 281.84 Hectares 6290
2 Barchala Gaon 283793 221.84 Hectares 2652
3 Bamun Bori 284069 BHAKATGAON 357.24 Hectares 1777
4 Kapahera 284072 KAPAHERA 284.08 Hectares 1610
5 Nabhanga Gaon 284821 BAGARIGURI 238.56 Hectares 493
6 Kachadhara Gaon 284822 MANIPURTUP 223.96 Hectares 765
7 Kachadhara Bill 284823 MANIPURTUP 246.72 Hectares 170
8 Jarabari Gaon 284824 JARABARI 278.38 Hectares 3315
9 Matharbari 284827 BARAPUJIA 388.84 Hectares 869
10 Tarabari Gaon 284834 MANIPURTUP 235.27 Hectares 635
11 Manipurtup 284835 MANIPUR TOP 368.74 Hectares 3978
12 Khanajan 284837 MANIPUR TOP 293.27 Hectares 385
13 Balipara 284838 MANIPUR TOP 570.66 Hectares 1003
14 Mulankata 284839 MANIPUR TOP 244.71 Hectares 1342
15 Gandhibari 284840 RAMTHALI 308.51 Hectares 1836
16 Kahiguri 284841 RAMTHALI 311.09 Hectares 1282
17 Pachim Salmara 284842 PHULAGURI 495.18 Hectares 1462
18 Garmur Satra 284846 PHULAGURI 264.51 Hectares 1574
19 Niz Bali Gaon (Bali Gaon) 284851 DAKHIN GAGIAL 345.53 Hectares 1744
20 Dakhin Petbaha 284852 DAKHIN GAGIAL 207.5 Hectares 1907
21 Dhemaji Gaon 284853 DAKHIN GAGIAL 286.22 Hectares 1172
22 Phulaguri 284854 PHULAGURI 245.42 Hectares 1673
23 Dewbali 284855 PHULAGURI 234.25 Hectares 1948
24 Dighaldari 284856 DIGHALDARI 395.03 Hectares 2897
25 Dara Gaon 284857 RAMTHALI 247.86 Hectares 2372
26 Katah Guri 284858 RAMTHALI 263.1 Hectares 682
27 Ramjungati 284859 RAMTHALI 185.78 Hectares 745
28 Rupahitoli 284860 RAMTHALI 252.74 Hectares 925
29 Jajapukhuri 284861 RANTHOLI 177.78 Hectares 101
30 Tupakuchi 284862 232.29 Hectares 339
31 Khaigarh 284863 DIGHALDARI 249.83 Hectares 1389
32 Hariamukh 284864 DIGHALDARI 350.54 Hectares 3168
33 Garmari 284865 DIGHALIATI 241.45 Hectares 138
34 Chaparmukh Gaon 284866 CHAPARMUKH 248.72 Hectares 1052
35 Dighali Ati 284867 DIGHALIATI 219.09 Hectares 4225
36 Kahar Gaon 284868 DIGHALIATI 365.92 Hectares 1374
37 Bagari Guri 284869 CHAHARI PANCHAYAT 169.2 Hectares 803
38 Khahigarh 284870 CHAHARI 199.29 Hectares 1644
39 Chaobori 284871 CHAHARI PANCHAYAT 232.67 Hectares 1222
40 Kamgaon 284872 CHAKARI 252.17 Hectares 989
41 Lawphulabari 284873 DIGHALIATI 434.22 Hectares 1539
42 Oarawat Bill (Oprwat Bill) 284874 CHAHARI 273.26 Hectares 485
43 Sariyahtoli Mikir Gaon(Sariyah 284875 SAHARI 300.27 Hectares 1343
44 Khalihamari 284876 SAHRI 322.58 Hectares 928
45 Bamunijan 284877 241.12 Hectares 721
46 Kachowa Gaon 284878 CHAPARMUKH 390.47 Hectares 2019
47 Chaparmukh Town 284879 CHAPARMUKH 72.37 Hectares 2855
48 Hatimura Bill 284881 DAKHIN GAGIAL 321.51 Hectares 352
49 Hagaltoli Bill 284882 DAKHIN GAGIAL 346.77 Hectares 236
50 Pahupuri Khaiti 284883 DAKHIN GAGIAL 241.1 Hectares 613
51 Kajalajan 284884 DAKHIN GAGIAL 199.67 Hectares 295
52 Jakarowa Bill 284885 DAKHIN GAGIAL 332.62 Hectares 685
53 Manuh Pura 284886 DAKHIN GAGIAL 279.14 Hectares 101
54 Bhumuraguri (Bumuraguri) 284887 DAKHIN GAGIAL 260.5 Hectares 248
55 Tubuki Borduba 284888 DAKHIN JAGIAL 350 Hectares 269
56 Dabalubil 284892 BAGALAJAN 220.18 Hectares 1370
57 Takalatup 284896 MAGUR GAON 162.17 Hectares 425
58 Nelipar 284897 MAGUR GAON 242.19 Hectares 1869
59 Bundura Duba 284898 HAATBAR 241.17 Hectares 1000
60 Silbhata 284899 HAATBOR 274.21 Hectares 1201
61 Sirmala Bill 284914 HAATBAR 211.83 Hectares 1210
62 Basundhari Than 284915 HAATBAR 99.8 Hectares 204
63 Cheoguri 284916 MAGUR GAON 363.89 Hectares 3775
64 Dawrika Fakali 284917 MAGUR GAON 252.21 Hectares 40
65 Magur Gaon 284918 MAGUR GAON 193.27 Hectares 1649
66 Pub Guimari 284921 BAGALAJAN 196.55 Hectares 573
67 Bagalajan 284922 BAGALAGAN 206.27 Hectares 1704
68 Niz-Jarabari 284923 AMTOLA 515.42 Hectares 2592
69 Dhara Mukh 284925 AMTOLA 186.12 Hectares 1955
70 Nalduba 284926 MAGUR GAON 145.52 Hectares 1024
71 Salmara 284927 MAGUR GAON 308.06 Hectares 3185
72 Khapari Jarani 284928 MAGUR GAON 259.36 Hectares 1234
73 Dighalidoba 284929 MAGUR GAON 190.98 Hectares 1273
74 Sahari N.C. 284930 AMSOI 75.15 Hectares 161
75 Dalimbari Gaon 284931 AMSOI 156.13 Hectares 1057
76 Dalimbari Grant 284932 AMSOI 244.38 Hectares 2297
77 Dablong Ati 284933 KAMARGAON 215.03 Hectares 1285
78 Charaijuria 284934 AMTOLA 312.21 Hectares 2329
79 Jarduba 284935 AMTOLA 128.36 Hectares 847
80 Bajbatamari 284936 AMTOLA 217.84 Hectares 1254
81 Chengajan 284937 AMTOLA 464.09 Hectares 3218
82 Barunguri 284938 KAMARGAON 213.77 Hectares 823
83 Balijuri 284939 KAMARGAON 297.89 Hectares 3299
84 Bundura Bill 284940 KAMARGAON 84.86 Hectares 453
85 Bundura Ati 284941 KAMARGAON 197.13 Hectares 1499
86 Lawpani 284942 KAMARGAON 208.47 Hectares 1527
87 Kamar Gaon 284943 KAMARGAON 233.14 Hectares 665
88 Marteng Gaon 284946 KAMARGAON 174.63 Hectares 121
89 Hatigarh 284947 KAMARGAON 273.2 Hectares 854

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Nam Ranga Gara.

Q2: What is the village code for Nam Ranga Gara?

A2: The village code for Nam Ranga Gara is 284890.

Q3: In which block is Nam Ranga Gara located?

A3: Nam Ranga Gara is located in the Raha block.

Q4: What is the total area of Nam Ranga Gara?

A4: The total area of Nam Ranga Gara is 112.02 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Nam Ranga Gara belong to?

A5: Nam Ranga Gara belongs to the DAKHIN GAGIAL Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Nam Ranga Gara located?

A6: Nam Ranga Gara is located in the Nagaon district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Nam Ranga Gara from the district headquarter?

A7: Nam Ranga Gara is 23 kilometers away from the NAGAON district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Nam Ranga Gara?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Raha (TC) which is 10 kilometers away from Nam Ranga Gara.

Q9: What is the population of Nam Ranga Gara?

A9: The population of Nam Ranga Gara is 56 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Nam Ranga Gara?

A10: There are 193 households in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Nam Ranga Gara?

A11: There are 33 males and 23 females in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q12: Are there any schools in Nam Ranga Gara?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Nam Ranga Gara. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Nam Ranga Gara?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q14: What is the pin code of Nam Ranga Gara?

A14: The pin code of Nam Ranga Gara is 782103.

Q15: Does Nam Ranga Gara have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Nam Ranga Gara?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Nam Ranga Gara?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q18: Is Nam Ranga Gara connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Nam Ranga Gara.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Nam Ranga Gara?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Nam Ranga Gara?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Nam Ranga Gara.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Nam Ranga Gara?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Nam Ranga Gara is .

Q22: How much forest area is there in Nam Ranga Gara?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Nam Ranga Gara.

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