
Rajapukhuri Village

Rajapukhuri is belongs to Kamrup, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Rajapukhuri
Village code : 303218
Block Name : Rampur (0191)
Area : 124.86
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Kamrup
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : AMINGAON
District Head Quarter distance : 35 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Palasbari (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 8 Kms
Population : 2165
Households : 459
Male : 1075
Female : 1090
Govt Primary School : 2
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 781123
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : RICE
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Rajapukhuri location

Near by villages of Rajapukhuri

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Degunpar 302477 BORDUKPAR 457.46 Hectares 3391
2 Baruajani 302478 BARDUKPAR 385.59 Hectares 2503
3 Kusumpur 302480 ATHGAON 205.81 Hectares 1137
4 Khudra Sesha 302481 ATHGAON 77.19 Hectares 424
5 Singra 302482 ATHAGAON 107.87 Hectares 852
6 Barkha 302485 ATHGAON 126.54 Hectares 519
7 Athagaon 302486 ATHGAON 528.44 Hectares 3738
8 Kalahi Kakh 302752 UTTAR PASCHIM BONGAON 461.78 Hectares 3165
9 Deosar 302757 UTTAR PASCHIM BONGAON 567.15 Hectares 2841
10 Paneri 302758 UTTAR PASCHIM BONGAON 202.67 Hectares 624
11 Birpara 302767 UTTAR DAKHIN BONGAON 220.99 Hectares 2468
12 Nagopara 303028 69 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 179.26 Hectares 520
13 Jarpara (Jarapara) 303029 69 NO. PACHIM BOKO G.P 169.51 Hectares 1347
14 Tepchya 303030 69 DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 226.04 Hectares 1386
15 Langkona 303031 10 NO. PUB BOKO 274.84 Hectares 1023
16 Dakhilipara 303032 PUB BOKO 194.37 Hectares 253
17 Nalaghat N.C. 303033 PUB BOKO 80.39 Hectares 793
18 Raipara 303034 DAKHIN PASCHIM BOKO 233.83 Hectares 1501
19 Tinigharia 303035 UTTAR BOKO 100.74 Hectares 511
20 Mugakhol 303036 PASCHIM BOKO 156.79 Hectares 326
21 Bhogdabari 303037 188.19 Hectares 671
22 Baghar Gaon 303038 UTTAR BOKO 101.3 Hectares 570
23 Bala Para 303039 UTTAR BOKO 220.97 Hectares 1029
24 Bhehuwa 303040 UTTAR BOKO 207.23 Hectares 853
25 Medhipara 303041 76.84 Hectares 117
26 Kaithpara 303042 68 UTTAR BOKO 239.17 Hectares 758
27 Alagjari 303044 374.03 Hectares 1896
28 Dari 303045 68 BOKO 244.3 Hectares 880
29 Pairanga 303046 68 NO. BOKO G.P 214.3 Hectares 1849
30 Kajigaon 303049 10 NO. BOKO 151.9 Hectares 400
31 Katal Gaon 303050 68 BOKO 174.4 Hectares 232
32 Belpara 303051 10 NO. BOKO 204.01 Hectares 1373
33 Bakara Para 303052 68 BOKO 136.6 Hectares 716
34 Jangakholi 303053 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 311.71 Hectares 381
35 Sakhati 303054 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 540.15 Hectares 556
36 Lep Gaon 303056 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 186.99 Hectares 299
37 Sahankona N.C. 303057 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 14.64 Hectares 68
38 Barpara 303062 10 G.P. BOKO 101.08 Hectares 2282
39 Dhopguri 303067 74 NO. PUB LUKI G.P 1541.12 Hectares 3889
40 Hashi 303068 75 NO. DAKHIN LUKI G.P 274.35 Hectares 619
41 Raja Para 303069 74 PUB LUKI 209.09 Hectares 636
42 Gijang 303072 10 HAHIM LUKI G.P 114.6 Hectares 695
43 Garuduba (Garudubi) 303079 7 NO. P. HAHIM 12.5 Hectares 259
44 No.1 Sakhati 303082 76 NO. LUKI G.P 71.93 Hectares 688
45 No.2 Sakhati 303083 76 LUKI G.P 285.69 Hectares 1781
46 Saraibaha 303084 76 LUKI G.P 281.39 Hectares 1196
47 Bhakat Para 303085 76 LUKI G.P 239.23 Hectares 215
48 Mirzakhat 303086 76 LUKI G.P 175.3 Hectares 653
49 Jaldhapara 303087 76 LUKI GAON 67.24 Hectares 164
50 No.2 Damrangkona 303093 76 DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 15.51 Hectares 172
51 Namtarabari 303094 76 DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 61.46 Hectares 1011
52 Mozebari (New) 303095 76 DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 149.264 Hectares 676
53 Bhaluk Mari N.C 303097 76 NO. DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 263.81 Hectares 687
54 Nampathar 303100 75 NO. LUKI G.P 151.12 Hectares 778
55 Gangra Para 303101 75 NO. LUKI 235.07 Hectares 592
56 Goshanimara 303104 75 NO LUKI G.P 121.16 Hectares 1001
57 Bamuni Gaon 303105 75 LUKI G.P 147.65 Hectares 1192
58 Malongkona N.C. 303106 75 LUKI G.P 63.99 Hectares 1066
59 Deka Para 303115 72 NO. UTTAR BEKELI 258.66 Hectares 1212
60 No.1 Uttar Sakhadari 303116 72 NO. UTTAR BAKALI 223.81 Hectares 727
61 No.1 Dakshin Sakhadari 303118 73 NO. PACHIM BEKELI 255.5 Hectares 870
62 No.2 Dakshin Sakhadari 303119 73 NO. PACHIM BEKELI 362.6 Hectares 1187
63 No.3 Dakshin Sakhadari 303120 73 NO. PACHIM BEKELI 497.5 Hectares 608
64 Jalukbari 303126 71 NO. PUB BEKELI G.P 330.69 Hectares 1151
65 Pukhuripara 303127 71 PUB BEKELI 196.5 Hectares 976
66 Narenga 303130 72 NO. G.P 147.43 Hectares 674
67 Niz-Bekeli 303131 71 NO. PUB BAKALI 159.26 Hectares 731
68 Kamar Gaon 303132 71 NO. PUB BAKALI 83.88 Hectares 400
69 Khatla 303134 71 NO. PUB BAKALI 122.21 Hectares 642
70 Simila 303135 71 NO. PUB BAKALI 375.6 Hectares 849
71 Upper Lumpi 303136 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 201.16 Hectares 147
72 Omiup 303137 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 200.49 Hectares 46
73 Moutapi (Moulan) 303138 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 267.41 Hectares 90
74 Mokebari 303139 DAKSHIN PUB 133.77 Hectares 390
75 Lower Lumpi 303140 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 271.8 Hectares 662
76 Umtap 303141 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 267.7 Hectares 98
77 Harsa Nagar 303142 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 401.73 Hectares 788
78 Nangapam 303143 DAKSHIN PUB 133.36 Hectares 77
79 Somerang (Khanasumari) 303144 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 267.57 Hectares 118
80 Khatapara 303145 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 247.8 Hectares 73
81 Bangjeng 303146 DAKSHIN PUB 333.14 Hectares 201
82 Panbari 303147 9 NO DAKHIN PUB GP 267.48 Hectares 141
83 Drounpara 303148 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 267.57 Hectares 196
84 Longtari Pahar 303149 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 267.61 Hectares 101
85 Kampa Doni (Kampadali) 303150 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 267.58 Hectares 654
86 Talimara Pathar 303151 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 134.4 Hectares 104
87 Upar Tarabari 303152 76 NO. DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 100.26 Hectares 331
88 Srigindi 303156 76 NO. DAKHIN PACHIM G.P 93.66 Hectares 258
89 Rani 303158 DAKSHIN PUB 307.6 Hectares 153
90 Umchiang 303159 9 NO. DAKHIN PUB G.P 134.02 Hectares 54
91 Umarchit 303160 DAKSHIN PUB 34.76 Hectares 52
92 Nowapara 303162 DAKSHIN PUB 267.57 Hectares 320

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Rajapukhuri.

Q2: What is the village code for Rajapukhuri?

A2: The village code for Rajapukhuri is 303218.

Q3: In which block is Rajapukhuri located?

A3: Rajapukhuri is located in the Rampur block.

Q4: What is the total area of Rajapukhuri?

A4: The total area of Rajapukhuri is 124.86 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Rajapukhuri belong to?

A5: Rajapukhuri belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Rajapukhuri located?

A6: Rajapukhuri is located in the Kamrup district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Rajapukhuri from the district headquarter?

A7: Rajapukhuri is 35 kilometers away from the AMINGAON district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Rajapukhuri?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Palasbari (MB) which is 8 kilometers away from Rajapukhuri.

Q9: What is the population of Rajapukhuri?

A9: The population of Rajapukhuri is 2165 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Rajapukhuri?

A10: There are 193 households in Rajapukhuri.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Rajapukhuri?

A11: There are 1075 males and 1090 females in Rajapukhuri.

Q12: Are there any schools in Rajapukhuri?

A12: Yes, there is 2 government primary school in Rajapukhuri. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Rajapukhuri?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Rajapukhuri.

Q14: What is the pin code of Rajapukhuri?

A14: The pin code of Rajapukhuri is 781123.

Q15: Does Rajapukhuri have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Rajapukhuri.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Rajapukhuri?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Rajapukhuri.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Rajapukhuri?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Rajapukhuri.

Q18: Is Rajapukhuri connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Rajapukhuri.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Rajapukhuri?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Rajapukhuri.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Rajapukhuri?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Rajapukhuri.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Rajapukhuri?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Rajapukhuri is RICE.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Rajapukhuri?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Rajapukhuri.

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