
Chamagedda Village

Chamagedda is belongs to East Godavari, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Chamagedda
Village code : 586728
Block Name : Y. Ramavaram (0557)
Area : 35
Gram Panchayat : CHAMAGEDDA ()
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : KAKINADA
District Head Quarter distance : 122 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : PEDDAPURAM
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 94 Kms
Population : 52
Households : 18
Male : 24
Female : 28
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 533483
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : CASHEW NUT
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Chamagedda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Donkarai 586645 BODDAGONDI 35 Hectares 2194
2 Boddumamidi 586646 BODDAGONDI 465 Hectares 180
3 Villarti 586647 BODDAGONDI 225 Hectares 285
4 Mangampadu 586648 BODDAGONDI 19 Hectares 1079
5 Marriguda 586649 BODDAGONDI 19 Hectares 284
6 Bachaluru 586650 BODDAGONDI 18 Hectares 463
7 Thangedukota 586651 PATHAKOTA 42 Hectares 141
8 Singanakota 586652 PATHAKOTA 9 Hectares 61
9 Tulusuru 586654 BODDAGONDI 3 Hectares 29
10 Antilova 586655 BODDAGONDI 16 Hectares 188
11 Nagalova 586656 BODDAGONDI 16 Hectares 125
12 Kallepugonda 586657 BODDAGONDI 85 Hectares 182
13 Koppulakota 586659 PATHAKOTA 49 Hectares 359
14 Ganganuru 586660 BODDAGONDI 4 Hectares 102
15 Chanaganuru 586661 PATHAKOTA 486 Hectares 257
16 Pulimetala 586662 PATHAKOTA 314 Hectares 778
17 Pathakota 586663 PATHAKOTA 129 Hectares 557
18 Kothapakalu 586664 PATHAKOTA 33 Hectares 115
19 Karnikota 586665 GURTHEDU 48 Hectares 162
20 Revadikota 586666 GURTHEDU 16 Hectares 221
21 Dubela 586669 BODDAGONDI 5 Hectares 50
22 Boddagondi 586671 BODDAGONDI 234 Hectares 250
23 Rakota 586672 BODDAGONDI 13 Hectares 132
24 D. Mamidivada 586674 BODDAGONDI 20 Hectares 247
25 Vejuvada 586676 KANIWADA 158 Hectares 253
26 Panasalova 586677 KANIWADA 2 Hectares 63
27 Goppulathotamamidi 586678 KANIWADA 1 Hectares 128
28 Chaparai 586679 BODDAGONDI 16 Hectares 329
29 Gondikota 586680 BODDAGONDI 3 Hectares 61
30 Allurigedda 586681 GURTEDU 33 Hectares 96
31 Kothakota 586682 GURTEDU 53 Hectares 39
32 Gurtedu 586683 GURTEDU 208 Hectares 475
33 Veerampalem 586684 GURTEDU 35 Hectares 64
34 Chilakaveedhilanka 586685 PATHAKOTA 145 Hectares 236
35 G.Vattigedda 586686 GURTEDU 107 Hectares 182
36 Edlakonda 586687 GURTEDU 191 Hectares 194
37 Kadarikota 586688 GURTEDU 11 Hectares 218
38 Daragedda 586689 DARAGEDDA 42 Hectares 266
39 Lingavaram 586690 DARAGEDDA 552 Hectares 138
40 Babbilova 586691 DARAGEDDA 2 Hectares 97
41 Poolova 586692 DARAGEDDA 7 Hectares 162
42 Vootlabanda 586693 KANIWADA 16 Hectares 274
43 Jalagalova 586694 KANIWADA 12 Hectares 174
44 Jajivalasa 586695 KANIWADA 41 Hectares 267
45 Kanivada 586696 KANIWADA 27 Hectares 464
46 Polamanugondi 586697 DARAGEDDA 8 Hectares 114
47 Koramatigondi 586698 DARAGEDDA 4 Hectares 80
48 Buradavalasa 586699 DARAGEDDA 1 Hectares 107
49 Irlavada 586701 DARAGEDDA 65 Hectares 151
50 Busikota 586702 DARAGEDDA 32 Hectares 135
51 Dumpavalasa 586703 DARAGEDDA 44 Hectares 355
52 Perikivalasa 586704 CHINTALAPUDI 306 Hectares 268
53 Puttagandi 586706 CHINTALAPUDI 124 Hectares 126
54 Kunkumamidi 586708 CHINTALAPUDI 7 Hectares 32
55 Ratsavalasa 586709 CHINTALAPUDI 24 Hectares 96
56 Ravvagadda 586710 CHINTALAPUDI 13 Hectares 118
57 Dorawada 586711 CHINTALAPUDI 57 Hectares 21
58 Daralova 586712 P.YERRAGONDA 15 Hectares 36
59 Nulakamamidi 586713 YARLAGADDA 11 Hectares 98
60 Gannavaram 586714 YARLAGADDA 63 Hectares 17
61 Goramanda 586715 YARLAGADDA 113 Hectares 80
62 Sesharai 586716 YARLAGADDA 15 Hectares 39
63 Komaravaram 586717 YARLAGADDA 25 Hectares 81
64 Yarlagadda 586718 YARLAGADDA 261 Hectares 544
65 Jajigedda 586719 K.YERRAGONDA 104 Hectares 34
66 Singavaram 586720 CHAMAGEDDA 146 Hectares 142
67 Nellikota 586721 CHAMAGEDDA 17 Hectares 35
68 Buradakota 586722 CHAMAGEDDA 145 Hectares 150
69 Jangalathota 586723 CHAMAGEDDA 266 Hectares 218
70 Dadalikavada 586724 CHAMAGEDDA 127 Hectares 161
71 Ramulakonda 586725 CHAMAGEDDA 28 Hectares 82
72 Kappalabanda 586726 CHAMAGEDDA 12 Hectares 19
73 Nakkarathipalem 586727 CHAMAGEDDA 31 Hectares 54
74 Chinthakarrapalem 586729 Y.RAMAVARAM 189 Hectares 411
75 Y. Ramavaram 586730 Y.RAMAVARAM 231 Hectares 1025
76 Paidiputta 586731 YARLAGADDA 33 Hectares 101
77 Pasaruginne 586732 P.YERRAGONDA 72 Hectares 134
78 P. Yerragonda 586733 P.YERRAGONDA 385 Hectares 1244
79 Vattigedda 586734 P.YERRAGONDA 97 Hectares 50
80 Bandigedda 586735 CHAMAGEDDA 125 Hectares 207
81 Rachapalem 586736 PANASALAPALEM 423 Hectares 357
82 Dabbamamidi 586737 CHAMAGEDDA 33 Hectares 169
83 Kanatalabanda 586738 CHAMAGEDDA 42 Hectares 232
84 Buruguwada 586739 PANASALAPALEM 22 Hectares 60
85 Muvvalavada 586740 PANASALAPALEM 55 Hectares 56
86 Panasalapalem 586741 PANASALAPALEM 133 Hectares 902
87 Kokitagondi 586742 P.YERRAGONDA 49 Hectares 100
88 Vanamamidigondi 586743 K.YERRAGONDA 100 Hectares 169
89 Pulusumamidi 586744 DALIPADU 155 Hectares 164
90 Buruguwada 586745 P.YERRAGONDA 109 Hectares 173
91 Munagalapudi 586746 DALIPADU 161 Hectares 88
92 Thadikota 586747 P.YERRAGONDA 126 Hectares 10
93 Donarai 586748 CHINTHALAPUDI 47 Hectares 51
94 Bheemudugadda 586749 CHINTHALAPUDI 119 Hectares 178
95 Chinthalapudi 586750 CHINTHALAPUDI 190 Hectares 326
96 Boddagunta 586751 CHINTHALAPUDI 22 Hectares 97
97 Chinta Koyya 586752 CHINTHALAPUDI 20 Hectares 196
98 Vedullapalle 586753 KOTA 36 Hectares 43
99 Sirimetla 586754 KOTA 370 Hectares 57
100 Annampalem 586755 DALIPADU 66 Hectares 40
101 Gummarapalem 586756 DALIPADU 317 Hectares 251
102 Totakurapalem 586757 CHAVITIDIBBALU 207 Hectares 297
103 Chavitidibbalu 586759 CHAVITIDIBBALU 308 Hectares 660
104 Putikunta 586760 CHAVITIDIBBALU 68 Hectares 65
105 Devaramadugula 586761 DEVARAMADUGULA 128 Hectares 591
106 Godugurayi 586762 DEVARAMADUGULA 102 Hectares 223
107 Dalipadu 586763 DALIPADU 109 Hectares 492
108 Ammapeta 586764 K.YERRAGONDA 15 Hectares 54
109 Pedavulempadu 586765 K.YERRAGONDA 128 Hectares 368
110 Chendurthi 586766 K.YEERAGONDA 102 Hectares 66
111 Kota 586767 KOTA 30 Hectares 469
112 Bullojupalem 586768 KOTA 38 Hectares 230
113 Puttapalle 586769 KOTA 83 Hectares 159
114 Nuvvugantipalem 586770 YERRAMREDDIPALEM 29 Hectares 143
115 Yerramreddipalem 586771 YERRAMREDDIPALEM 79 Hectares 422
116 Mulasalapalem 586772 YERRAMREDDIPALEM 59 Hectares 208
117 Gandempalle 586773 YERRAMREDDIPALEM 18 Hectares 46
118 Boddapalle 586774 YERRAMREDDIPALEM 37 Hectares 177
119 Simhadripalem 586775 K.YERRAGONDA 22 Hectares 106
120 K. Yerragonda 586776 K.YERRAGONDA 97 Hectares 243
121 Nakkalapadu 586778 K.YERRAGONDA 7 Hectares 34
122 Chinavulempadu 586779 K.YERRAGONDA 43 Hectares 228
123 Regadipalem 586780 K.YERRAGONDA 103 Hectares 215
124 Tumikelapadu 586781 DALIPADU 47 Hectares 161
125 Chikkapugedda 586782 VEERAVARAM 22 Hectares 69
126 Seetharam 586783 VEERAVARAM 41 Hectares 107
127 Rollagedda 586784 DUCTHERTHI 26 Hectares 152
128 Bandamamillu 586785 DAKODU 77 Hectares 218
129 Dabbapalem 586786 VEERAVARAM 145 Hectares 427
130 Chakirevula 586787 VEERAVARAM 76 Hectares 244
131 Makaram 586788 VEERAVARAM 29 Hectares 76
132 Veeravaram 586789 VEERAVARAM 72 Hectares 297
133 Dakodu 586791 DAKODU 134 Hectares 428
134 Mulakayala Bhimavaram 586793 DAKODU 45 Hectares 168
135 Chodavaram 586795 DUCTHERTHI 71 Hectares 313
136 Peddavadisakarra 586796 RAYAPALLI 200 Hectares 357
137 Penikelapadu 586797 DHANYAMPALEM 53 Hectares 117
138 Vangalamadugu 586798 RAYAPALLE 117 Hectares 440
139 Chinnampadu 586799 RAYAPALLE 26 Hectares 7
140 Chinavadisakarra 586800 RAYAPALLE 290 Hectares 315
141 Ducherthi 586801 DUCHERTHI 293 Hectares 1178
142 Tirumalawada 586802 DAKODU 161 Hectares 120
143 Jajipalem 586803 DAKODU 313 Hectares 219
144 D. Kothuru 586806 D.RAMAVARAM 225 Hectares 264
145 D. Ramavaram 586807 D.RAMAVARAM 222 Hectares 417
146 Rayapalle 586808 RAYAPALLE 496 Hectares 1138
147 Vedullakonda 586809 RAYAPALLE 206 Hectares 253
148 Vutlapalem 586811 D.RAMAVARAM 379 Hectares 259
149 D. Ammapeta 586812 D.RAMAVARAM 36 Hectares 87
150 Ravulapalem 586817 DHANYAMPALEM 248 Hectares 159
151 Thungamadugula 586822 THUNGAMADUGULA 180 Hectares 872
152 Nukarai 586825 D.BHIMAVARAM 125 Hectares 322
153 Panasaloddi 586830 THUNGAMADUGULA 40 Hectares 27
154 Paidiputtapadu 586836 VETAMAMIDI 8 Hectares 82

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Chamagedda.

Q2: What is the village code for Chamagedda?

A2: The village code for Chamagedda is 586728.

Q3: In which block is Chamagedda located?

A3: Chamagedda is located in the Y. Ramavaram block.

Q4: What is the total area of Chamagedda?

A4: The total area of Chamagedda is 35 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Chamagedda belong to?

A5: Chamagedda belongs to the CHAMAGEDDA Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Chamagedda located?

A6: Chamagedda is located in the East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Chamagedda from the district headquarter?

A7: Chamagedda is 122 kilometers away from the KAKINADA district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Chamagedda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is PEDDAPURAM which is 94 kilometers away from Chamagedda.

Q9: What is the population of Chamagedda?

A9: The population of Chamagedda is 52 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Chamagedda?

A10: There are 193 households in Chamagedda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Chamagedda?

A11: There are 24 males and 28 females in Chamagedda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Chamagedda?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Chamagedda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Chamagedda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Chamagedda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Chamagedda?

A14: The pin code of Chamagedda is 533483.

Q15: Does Chamagedda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Chamagedda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Chamagedda?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Chamagedda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Chamagedda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Chamagedda.

Q18: Is Chamagedda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Chamagedda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Chamagedda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Chamagedda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Chamagedda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Chamagedda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Chamagedda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Chamagedda is CASHEW NUT.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Chamagedda?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Chamagedda.

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