

Brahmasamudram block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Brahmasamudram
Block Code : 987
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Brahmasamudram

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Gundiganihalli 594928 Brahmasamudram 325 Hectares 1510 515863
2 Bhyravanithippa 594929 Brahmasamudram 1741 Hectares 4243 515863
3 West Kodipalle 594930 Brahmasamudram 2722 Hectares 2536 515863
4 Eradikera 594931 Brahmasamudram 2032 Hectares 2508 515863
5 Vepalaparthy 594932 Brahmasamudram 1165 Hectares 3962 515863
6 Chelimenahalli 594933 Brahmasamudram 537 Hectares 1179 515863
7 Brahmasamudram 594934 Brahmasamudram 1857 Hectares 3686 515767
8 Yerrakondapuram 594935 Brahmasamudram 525 Hectares 504 515767
9 Bhairasamudram 594936 Brahmasamudram 2915 Hectares 3528 515767
10 Kannepalle 594937 Brahmasamudram 2735 Hectares 5078 515763
11 Theetakal 594938 Brahmasamudram 2572 Hectares 2229 515761
12 Pillalapalle 594939 Brahmasamudram 4649 Hectares 6028 515763
13 Santhekondapuram 594940 Brahmasamudram 4656 Hectares 6171 515767

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