

Gooty block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gooty
Block Code : 977
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Gooty

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Bethapalle 594738 Gooty 1361 Hectares 3712 515402
2 Utakallu 594739 Gooty 1373 Hectares 1162 515611
3 Ubicherla 594740 Gooty 1711 Hectares 2199 515551
4 Karadikonda 594741 Gooty 1351 Hectares 2732 515402
5 Dharmapuram 594742 Gooty 715 Hectares 721
6 Basinepalle 594743 Gooty 883 Hectares 2448 515402
7 Kojjepalle 594744 Gooty 1016 Hectares 3622 515401
8 Rajapuram 594745 Gooty 532 Hectares 1754 515401
9 Marnepalle 594746 Gooty 837 Hectares 387
10 Peddoddi 594747 Gooty 2672 Hectares 2048 515401
11 Brahmanapalle 594748 Gooty 962 Hectares 1171 515401
12 Eswarapalle 594749 Gooty 473 Hectares 480
13 Mamadur 594750 Gooty 2085 Hectares 1347 515405
14 Erragudi 594751 Gooty 519 Hectares 1130 515741
15 Aniganidoddi 594752 Gooty 574 Hectares 863
16 Abbedoddi 594753 Gooty 466 Hectares 1550
17 Turakapalle 594754 Gooty 536 Hectares 1371
18 Gooty (Rural) 594755 Gooty 2278 Hectares 180 515401
19 Kothapeta 594756 Gooty 2365 Hectares 3158 515401
20 Engilibanda 594757 Gooty 690 Hectares 594
21 Thondapadu 594758 Gooty 1098 Hectares 3034 515401
22 Jakkalacheruvu 594759 Gooty 2049 Hectares 4566 515401

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