

Guntakal block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Guntakal
Block Code : 976
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Anantapur District

Nearest Village to Guntakal

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kasapuram 594720 Guntakal 2672 Hectares 3692 515803
2 Sangala 594721 Guntakal 670 Hectares 386 515803
3 Dosaludiki 594722 Guntakal 1070 Hectares 1649 515803
4 Gundala 594723 Guntakal 1375 Hectares 1740 515803
5 Ameenpalle 594724 Guntakal 431 Hectares 697 515401
6 Konganapalle 594725 Guntakal 2666 Hectares 3886 515401
7 Sankarabanda 594726 Guntakal 755 Hectares 715 515401
8 Obulapuram 594727 Guntakal 831 Hectares 1449 515401
9 Yerrathimmarayachervu 594728 Guntakal 1848 Hectares 3399 515401
10 Patha Kothachervu 594729 Guntakal 2483 Hectares 3064 515401
11 Nakkanadoddi 594730 Guntakal 1778 Hectares 3098 515803
12 Thimmapuram 594731 Guntakal 1915 Hectares 1840 515803
13 Guntakal (R) 594732 Guntakal 3686 Hectares 1872 515803
14 Donimukkala 594733 Guntakal 1222 Hectares 1035 515803
15 Nelagonda 594734 Guntakal 3034 Hectares 5403 515842
16 Dancherla 594735 Guntakal 1924 Hectares 2489 515401
17 Nagasamudram 594736 Guntakal 6546 Hectares 7891 515401
18 Ayyavaripalle 594737 Guntakal 891 Hectares 1080 515775

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